Michael Fassbender

Born April 2, 1977
47 years old 

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Moon Sign: Virgo
Rising Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac: Fire Snake
Numerology: Life Path 3
Birthplace: Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
Profession: actor
Height: 6′ 0″

Michael Fassbender (born 2 April 1977) is an Irish-German actor. His feature film debut was in the fantasy war epic 300 (2007) as a Spartan warrior; his earlier roles included various stage productions, as well as starring roles on television such as in the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers (2001) and the Sky One fantasy drama Hex (2004–05). He first came to prominence for his role as IRA activist Bobby Sands in Hunger (2008), for which he won a British Independent Film Award. Subsequent roles include in the independent film Fish Tank (2009), as a Royal Marines lieutenant in Inglourious Basterds (2009), as Edward Rochester in the 2011 film adaptation of Jane Eyre, as Carl Jung in A Dangerous Method (2011), as the sentient android David 8 in Prometheus (2012) and its sequel, Alien: Covenant (2017), and in the musical comedy-drama Frank (2014) as an eccentric musician loosely inspired by Frank Sidebottom.


michael fassbender birth chart

Planets positions
Sun 12 ° 07 ‘ Aries
Moon 12 ° 43 ‘ Virgo
Mercury 28 ° 06 ‘ Aries
Venus 19 ° 00 ‘ Я Aries
Mars10 ° 03 ‘ Pisces
Jupiter 29 ° 40 ‘ Taurus
Saturn 10 ° 02 ‘ Я Leo
Uranus 10 ° 54 ‘ Я Scorpio
Neptune 16 ° 05 ‘ Я Sagittarius
Pluto 12 ° 51 ‘ Я Libra
Chiron 0 ° 15 ‘ Taurus
Ceres 2 ° 13 ‘ Я Libra
Pallas 13 ° 32 ‘ Lion
Juno 29 ° 26 ‘ Я Scorpio
Vesta 14 ° 41 ‘ Cancer
North node 24 ° 21 ‘ Я Libra
Lilith 17 ° 32 ‘ Я Taurus
Fortune 13 ° 19 ‘ Cancer
AS 13 ° 55 ‘ Sagittarius
MC 12 ° 25 ‘ Libra

List of aspects
Pluto Conjunction MC Orb 0 ° 25 ‘
Neptune Conjunction AS Orb 2 ° 10 ‘
Sun Conjunction Venus Orb 6 ° 53 ‘
Mercury Conjunction Venus Orb 9 ° 06 ‘
Sun Opposition MC Orb 0 ° 18 ‘
Sun Opposition Pluto Orb 0 ° 43 ‘
Moon Opposition Mars Orb 2 ° 39 ‘
Venus Opposition Pluto Orb 6 ° 09 ‘
Venus Opposition MC Orb 6 ° 35 ‘
Saturn Square Uranus Orb 0 ° 52 ‘
Moon Square AS Orb 1 ° 11 ‘
Moon Square Neptune Orb 3 ° 22 ‘
Mars Square AS Orb 3 ° 51 ‘
Mars Square Neptune Orb 6 ° 02 ‘
Mars trigonal Uranus Orb 0 ° 50 ‘
Sun trigonal AS Orb 1 ° 47 ‘
Sun trigonal Saturn Orb 2 ° 05 ‘
Venus trigonal Neptune Orb 2 ° 55 ‘
Saturn trigonal AS Orb 3 ° 52 ‘
Sun trigonal Neptune Orb 3 ° 58 ‘
Venus trigonal AS Orb 5 ° 05 ‘
Saturn trigonal Neptune Orb 6 ° 03 ‘
Pluto sextile AS Orb 1 ° 04 ‘
Moon sextile Uranus Orb 1 ° 49 ‘
Saturn sextile MC Orb 2 ° 23 ‘
Saturn sextile Pluto Orb 2 ° 48 ‘
Neptune sextile Pluto Orb 3 ° 14 ‘
Neptune sextile MC Orb 3 ° 40 ‘
Mars quincunx Saturn Orb 0 ° 01 ‘
Sun quincunx Moon Orb 0 ° 36 ‘
Sun quincunx Uranus Orb 1 ° 13 ‘
Mars quincunx MC Orb 2 ° 21 ‘
Mars quincunx Pluto Orb 2 ° 47 ‘
Moon sesquiquadrate Mercury Orb 0 ° 23 ‘
Mercury sesquiquadrate AS Orb 0 ° 48 ‘
Jupiter sesquiquadrate Pluto Orb 1 ° 49 ‘
Jupiter sesquiquadrate MC Orb 2 ° 15 ‘
Moon BiQuintile Venus Orb 0 ° 17 ‘
Moon SemiSextile Pluto Orb 0 ° 07 ‘
Moon SemiSextile MC Orb 0 ° 17 ‘


Aries the Ram is called the first sign of the Zodiac. If you are born under this sign, you will tend to have the same traits as a young ram. Enthusiastic, adventurous, forthright and energetic. You’re courageous and confident. But be careful because sometimes you can be a little too impulsive . The boldness you show makes you something of a daredevil. And where would the world be, without daredevils, willing to strike out and do something completely different.

People born under the Aries sign are passionate lovers and intense friends. They sometimes risk driving people away with all that intensity and so Aries people need partners that can match them without fueling the fire and creating explosive situations.Aries make excellent entrepreneurs; it’s a natural talent for someone with such a strong focus on initiative and leadership.  They thrive on challenges and love to excel and win.  They don’t react well when forced to wait, and can have trouble accepting advice. 

March 21 Zodiac Personality
March 22 Zodiac Personality
March 23 Zodiac Personality
March 24 Zodiac Personality
March 25 Zodiac Personality
March 26 Zodiac Personality
March 27 Zodiac Personality
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March 29 Zodiac Personality
March 30 Zodiac Personality
March 31 Zodiac Personality
April 1 Zodiac Personality
April 2 Zodiac Personality
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April 4 Zodiac Personality
April 5 Zodiac Personality
April 6 Zodiac Personality
April 7 Zodiac Personality
April 8 Zodiac Personality
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April 11 Zodiac Personality
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April 14 Zodiac Personality
April 15 Zodiac Personality
April 16 Zodiac Personality
April 17 Zodiac Personality
April 18 Zodiac Personality
April 19 Zodiac Personality
April 20 Zodiac Personality


The sign of Virgo steadies the ever-shifting influence of the Moon. Virgo moon has keen analytical leanings with a precise, discriminating mind. They do not seek knowledge simply for the purpose of knowledge but for the purpose of practical application. Their initial reaction to the sense-impressions they take in from the world is to analyze and question. Moon in Virgo people are sometimes so suspicious they doubt what they see with their own eyes.

They prefer to discuss concepts and investigate ideas held by others while holding fast to many of their own preconceived notions. They are not so unreasonable, though, that they will cling to a theory once the facts have proven them wrong. They are seekers of veritas, and consider truth to be what is left after inaccuracies have been revealed. No one would consider them a naive idealist wearing rose-tinted glasses. Their realistic pragmatism makes them well suited in business. They focus on building long-term gains rather than get-rich quick money schemes.

In the dynamic and passionate sign of Aries, Mercury takes on a more forceful quality in its intellectual style. Those born with their Mercury in Aries, are often witty, and original and have little problems speaking up and expressing their thoughts and opinions. They are skillful conversationalists a capacity for using biting sarcasm and humor. They can be very funny and highly expressive in how they use language.

They are likely to utilize a lot of slang in their speech and may possess extensive knowledge of hip and edgy terms at their disposal. They may often exaggerate or over embellish for effect. They are impatient and eager and can sometimes be argumentative and tactless. There may be a tendency to speak without thinking and to say too much. Their insights are quite perceptive, however, and they are often lucky in making good decisions. People with Mercury in Aries suffer from headaches, particularly when in a boisterous and noisy environment.

Venus in the feisty and passionate sign of Aries denotes torrid and impulsive desires. Venus in Aries are a mix of sentimentality and aggressiveness. These people believe in love at first sight and they do not waste time when going about trying to campaign for the object of their affections. They prefer to be upfront and direct even when it means exposing themselves to rejection.

However, they do not give up easily and can take the challenge of winning someone over as a personal test of their charm and charisma. They can be foolish and imprudent in matters of love. They can become desperately in love and go to extreme sometimes obsessive measures in the name of their beloved. Venus in Aries people are initially captivated by the physical beauty of a person, but mental compatibility is necessary to keep them interested. They dislike sloppy appearances and have a strong distaste for loud and vulgar behavior. 

Pisces is a sensitive sign, and your power with Mars in Pisces is your ability to move  hearts and seize the emotions. If you have this Mars placement, you may be noted for your compelling creativity. Many artists, authors, and performers have Mars in Pisces. Enormously amenable to your surroundings, you collect patterns in your subconscious and then present them at a suitable time.

You shoulder the duties of others without grievance. Depth of feeling is apparent in your passion. You are sensual, have intense feelings, and demonstrate a high level of zeal. You seek to include yourself completely in a sex relationship, for this is a way in which you can draw nearer to another human being. You may sustain disappointment in love. Throughout your lifetime you draw prominent friends and grow monetarily from these relations.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе sensitive, caring, аnd intuitive. Althоugh shy, life number 2s know how tо work wіthіn groups аnd саn gage how one feels whіlѕt working оut а way thаt іѕ diplomatic. Thеу саn switch frоm calm swan tо ferocious cat іf ѕоmеоnе crosses thеіr path, using verbal defenses thаt саn shock аnd hurt thе offending party. Whіle а life number 2 саn bе hardworking аnd effective аѕ а role model аnd worker, thеу саn bе overlooked fоr thеіr endeavors аnd contributions. Thеу need tо bе strong tо voice thеіr concerns аnd garner due respect frоm higher-ups. Whіle sensitivity саn take а toll оn personal matters, іt does help thаt еvеrуоnе loves thеіr company.

Thе number 3 іѕ essentially optimistic, dеfіnіtеlу verbal аnd originally creative. Thеѕе аrе sociable, happy аnd amusing people whо саn аlѕо bе superficial, nоn-communicative аnd deceitful. Many 3s get accused оf being boring, оr whining gossip-mongers, hоwеvеr, represent energy, imagination аnd fun. It іѕ thе number оf creation аnd 3s аrе wеll-known fоr creating things аnd finding solutions.

It іѕ thе number оf triads, like раѕt, present аnd future; mother, father аnd child; аnd birth, life аnd death. Thе number 3 people аrе represented bу thе ‘Empress’ іn thе tarot cards. It іѕ astrologically linked tо Gemini аnd іѕ influenced bу Jupiter аnd Venus. 3 іѕ ruled bу fire аnd earth. Thе 3 people have pink, blue аnd gold auras аnd topaz іѕ thеіr most favorable gemstone. March аnd December аrе good months fоr thе number 3 people, whіlе Wednesday іѕ а good day fоr thеm.

Being a Snake ourselves, we should be able to recite our Chinese restaurant placement profile by heart, but here it is anyway: Born in the years 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989 and 2001. Wise and intense with a tendency towards physical beauty. Vain and high tempered. The Snake is an interesting mix of extroversion paired with introversion, intuitive reasoning paired with business savoir-faire.

Snakes are considered to be lucky with money and will generally have more than enough to live life to the fullest, regardless of how important it considers money to be; this may be due to the fact that Snakes tend to be rather tight with cash. They’re not stingy; they’re simply more mentally than physically active. Snakes tend to hang back a bit in order to analyze a situation before jumping into it. Their charming, seductive quality actually belies a rather retiring nature; this Sign is perfectly happy to spend the whole day curled up with a good book and, thus, can be mislabeled as being lazy. 

The Fire element is both destructive and nourishing. On a cold winter day, there is nothing more calming to the soul than curling up by a roaring fire with a good book or cherished love one. On the other side, there is no other force on earth more destructive than a raging, out of control fire. Fire nourishes the human body by providing us heat to cook our food and light with which to see.

And, there is nothing more painful than having a part of your body taken by fire or flame. Fire signs draw attention to themselves.  Those under the influence of Fire have charm and charge on their side.  They have an infectious enthusiasm that makes them natural leaders, so people just can’t help but to follow them. They take the role of leader seriously, and do it well. For fire people, managing others comes naturally. They are decisive, compassionate, understanding yet firm.

In the Myers Briggs, the ISTP personality type is described as an introvert who is quiet and reflective but also enjoys having stimulating experiences. They are flexible and adaptable and tend to possess good mechanical and technical ability. ISTPs are known for being good with their hands and are good at figuring out and mastering machine work and physical skills including those involved in sports. Furthermore, ISTPs, while smart, may not find academic school work interesting or well suited to their learning style.

They prefer hands-on learning styles and learning about things they can use or apply in concrete ways rather than theories that exist only as concepts. They are logical and observant of their surroundings. ISTPs are interested in understanding how things work and tend to be good at deconstructing things and troubleshooting problems in the most efficient way possible. As perceivers, they prefer spontaneity and freedom over security and structure and they like to immerse themselves in their hobbies or craft in which they are likely to develop a deep knowledge and or mastery over.

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