
Born September 4, 1981
42 years old

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Moon Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Metal Rooster
Numerology: Life Path 5
Height: Beyoncé Knowles is 5′ 6½” (1m69) tall

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (born September 4, 1981) is an American singer-songwriter and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Beyoncé performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child. She rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of the R&B girl-group Destiny’s Child. Managed by her father, Mathew Knowles, the group became one of the best-selling girl groups in history. Their hiatus saw Beyoncé’s theatrical film debut in Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002), and the release of her first solo album, Dangerously in Love (2003). The album established her as a solo artist worldwide, debuting at number one on the US Billboard 200 chart and earned her five Grammy Awards. The album also featured the Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles, “Crazy in Love” and “Baby Boy”.


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Beyonce natal chart
Beyonce natal chart

List of Aspects
Venus Conjunction AS Orb 0°02′
Pluto Conjunction AS Orb 2°23′
Venus Conjunction Pluto Orb 2°26′
Jupiter Conjunction Saturn Orb 3°20′
Moon Conjunction Uranus Orb 5°33′
Mercury Conjunction Saturn Orb 6°30′
Venus Conjunction Jupiter Orb 7°50′
Jupiter Conjunction AS Orb 7°52′
Mercury Conjunction Jupiter Orb 9°50′
Mars Conjunction MC Orb 10°04
Jupiter Conjunction Pluto Orb 10°16
Pluto Square MC Orb 1°07′
Venus Square MC Orb 1°19′
Moon Trine MC Orb 0°38′
Uranus Trine MC Orb 4°55′
Mars Trine Uranus Orb 5°08′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 0°34′
Mercury Sextile Mars Orb 0°55′
Neptune Sextile AS Orb 1°49′
Venus Sextile Neptune Orb 1°51′
Mercury Sextile Uranus Orb 6°04′
Neptune Inconjunction MC Orb 0°32′
Jupiter SemiSquare Uranus Orb 0°55′
Mercury Quintile MC Orb 0°59′
Saturn Quintile Neptune Orb 1°02′
Sun SemiSextile Jupiter Orb 0°24′
Moon SemiSextile AS Orb 0°38′
Moon SemiSextile Venus Orb 0°40′
Moon SemiSextile Neptune Orb 1°10′
Moon SemiSextile Pluto Orb 1°45′

Positions of Planets
Sun 11°59′ Virgo
Moon 20°54′ Scorpio
Mercury 2°33′ Libra
Venus 20°13′ Libra
Mars 1°37′ Leo
Jupiter 12°23′ Libra
Saturn 9°03′ Libra
Uranus 26°28′ Scorpio
Neptune 22°05′ Sagittarius
Pluto 22°39′ Libra
Chiron 22°50′ Я Taurus
Ceres 17°33′ Virgo
Pallas 24°05′ Leo
Juno 5°19′ Scorpio
Vesta 15°10′ Libra
Node 0°50′ Я Leo
Lilith 29°16′ Я Scorpio
Fortune 29°11′ Sagittarius
AS 20°16′ Libra
MC 21°32′ Cancer

Now sometimes, we’re not too sure just how right-on these astrological profiles are. I mean, consider Virgo, your intrepid author’s sign. Virgos are universally considered to be very buttoned-down, methodical and detail-oriented. Geesh. Meticulous and reliable. I have to wonder if my mother didn’t lie about my birth date. I’m about as flaky and they come and as far as methodical is concerned, I never do anything the same way twice. Anyway, for you archetypical Virgos, here’s your profile, according to the experts. Now intelligent and analytical, we can agree with.

It does say that we’re shy and can be difficult to land as a partner. Maybe that’s why we’re writing this on a Saturday night when all those Aquarius and Pisces are out there living it up. The best match for Virgo is Capricorn and the worst is Aquarius. One thing some experts say about the Virgo is that while they appear cool and aloof on the outside, they may be hiding emotion that is almost too intense. We’re so grateful someone recognizes this that we may have to briefly disappear and weep in a corner somewhere for a few minutes. 

The sign of Virgo steadies the ever-shifting influence of the Moon. Virgo moon has keen analytical leanings with a precise, discriminating mind. They do not seek knowledge simply for the purpose of knowledge but for the purpose of practical application. Their initial reaction to the sense-impressions they take in from the world is to analyze and question. Moon in Virgo people are sometimes so suspicious they doubt what they see with their own eyes.

They prefer to discuss concepts and investigate ideas held by others while holding fast to many of their own preconceived notions. They are not so unreasonable, though, that they will cling to a theory once the facts have proven them wrong. They are seekers of veritas, and consider truth to be what is left after inaccuracies have been revealed. No one would consider them a naive idealist wearing rose-tinted glasses. Their realistic pragmatism makes them well suited in business. They focus on building long-term gains rather than get-rich quick money schemes.

Mercury is the planet of communication and Libra the sign of balance. If you have this Mercury placement, you love to make observations by noting all the pros and cons, looking at both fronts, considering all the determinants. What you desire is to make the perfect selection. Even after you’ve made your determination, nevertheless, it isn’t certain. A preferred ploy is to utilize a wait-and-see approach. In honesty, you have nice hunches and often perceive things in a glance.

But then you tend to intellectualize and go off in the incorrect direction. Toward other souls, your stance is gentle, compassionate, generous. You are fond of socializing. Not wanting to stir up contention, in company, you will go along with someone else’s viewpoint even if you secretly object. Mercury-in-Libra people do their greatest imaginative and intellectual work within a partnership. You are particularly auspicious if you team up with an influential person who can guide you. Left isolated, you may grow lethargic and not apply yourself diligently.

You are enamored with love. Still, you are far more romantic than sensual. You glide smoothly over the poetry of love. Anything rude, crude, indecent, or coarse repels you. In your view, genuine love is of the spirit. This is not to say you are prudish or sexually chaste. Surely, you fall in love too quickly and often have more than one affair operating at a time. Nevertheless, a love affair for a Venus-Libran must possess all the right trappings and rituals.

The atmosphere produced by champagne, intimate candlelit dinners, poetry composed expressly for you, and gorgeous gifts really loosen your reservations. You put high value on charming social manners. People who don’t measure up are promptly rejected regardless of what their deeper qualities may be. Venus-in Libra can be distant and detached toward anyone who presumes. This position of Venus is excellent for creative talent or talent for design and illustration. You are prosperous working in creative plans within a partnership or marriage (sometimes you combine both). Venus-Librans adore conveniences and extravagance and tend to be overpriced with money.

With Mars in Leo, there is likely to be a persona that is larger than life. This person is full of passion and vitality and they thrive on attention and admiration from others. They are natural performers who like to show off and strut their stuff. They are good at captivating an audience and being entertaining. Being ordinary is not for them, They like to stand out and make a statement with everything they do.

Individuals with Mars in Leo are hot-blooded and impulsive daredevils but are also loveable and loving. Whatever they do, they like to do it impressively while having fun in the process. Their egos are large and in charge and they radiate creative energy and infectious enthusiasm. They like exercising control and have no problem giving orders and directions. They can come across as a bit bossy and demanding at times. Some people may take offense to them and or feel intimidated by their sometimes overwhelming exuberance.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе rational, levelheaded people whо need а systematic method tо thеіr work оr personal life. Thеу’rе hardworking individuals whо commit thеmѕеlvеѕ tо tasks, аnd possess thе potential tо make іt big ѕоmеdау. Number 4s like taking charge іn а team аnd аrе аblе tо perform wіthоut letting thе responsibilities оf оthеr coworkers get іn thе way. Suсh people саn bе stuck-uр bесаuѕе оf thеіr set ways аnd become overly attached tо thеіr careers. Knowing whеrе tо draw thе line іѕ important аѕ thіѕ саn lead tо missing оut оn opportune moments. Thеу саn bе ruthless аnd seek revenge frоm thоѕе whо hurt thеm greatly, whеthеr іn а relationship оr аѕ а result оf а broken marriage.

Freedom аnd enthusiasm аrе thе trademarks оf thе number 5 people. Thеѕе аrе clever, sensual, adventurous аnd prolific people. On thе downside, thеу саn bе rash, impulsive, trite, undirected аnd dull. Its tarot representation іѕ made bу thе ‘Hierophant’. 5 іѕ thе number оf change, оf opportunity, chance аnd adventure. Thе number 5 people аrе always exposed tо ѕоmе оr thе оthеr risks.

Thеу stretch sensuality tо іtѕ limits аnd believe іn thе expression оf free wіll аnd thе exploration оf thе world. Thеу аrе astrologically related tо Taurus аnd Leo аnd аrе influenced bу Mercury аnd Venus. Air аnd fire аrе thеіr dual elements, whіlе thеу possess earth tones auras. Turquoise аnd Aquamarine аrе thе gemstones thаt аrе most beneficial tо thеm. Thеіr lucky month аnd day аrе Mау аnd Tuesday rеѕресtіvеlу. Anу month’s 1, 3, 7, 9, 14 аnd 23 dates аrе favorable tо thе number 5 people.

If you were born in the years 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981 or 1993 then you’re a Rooster. The Rooster is described as a pioneer in spirit, devoted to work and the quest for knowledge. It is selfish and eccentric and is best matched with Snakes and Oxen. Oddly enough, the writer is a Snake and her sister is a Rooster.

We do think there’s something to this astrology thing! Roosters are quick thinkers and are practical and resourceful, preferring to stick to what is tried and true rather than taking unnecessary risks. Roosters are keenly observers of their surroundings and those around them. It’s hard to slip anything past a Rooster, since they seem to have eyes in the backs of their heads. This quality can lead others to think the Rooster is psychic, but that’s not generally the case; instead, this Sign enjoys a keen attention to detail that makes it a whiz at anything requiring close analysis.

Those born in years of the Chinese calendar ending in either zero or one, are said to have the element of Metal. Combined with the person’s animal zodiac symbol, this is used to define and give clues to the personality and future of the person. The element metal is said to be associated with the Western culture, the season of autumn, the Planet Venus and the color white. Those born under metal element may have an affinity for Western religion or yearn to break away from tradition.

Being close to Venus means those with a metal element are typically romantic, sentimental and kind. Those with the metal element may be more likely to suffer diseases of the lungs such as asthma. Organization and stability are the earmarks of the metal element. Metal people approach life with persistence, emotional strength, and unyielding determination. A metal person knows their goals and will not stop until those goals are met. Self –reliant, sometimes to a fault, metal people can be viewed as aloof and unconcerned with others.

The ESFP is one of the 16 MBTI personality types. ESFP stands for extravert (E), sensing (S), feeling (F), and perceiving (P). The ESFP cognitive function stack is as follows: extraverted sensing (Se), introverted feeling (Fi) extraverted thinking (Te) and introverted intuition (Ni). The ESFP personality is noted for their outgoing and energetic nature. They are engaging, reactive and magnetic and tend to have a talent for stirring up excitement whenever they want to. ESFPs are friendly and enthusiastic.

They live in the moment and are highly aware of their environment. Their interactions with others tend to be light-hearted and humorous. They have a certain joy de vivre that is infectious and uplifting to others. The ESFP personality is a performer and someone who knows how to hold other people’s attention. They live according to their own values and they love to have fun. They are also very generous and tend to be liberal in their lifestyle. They are sensual beings who like to enjoy the finer things in life. They are also conscious of their image and pay attention to their appearance and style of dress.


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