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Duane Chapman (Dog the Bounty Hunter)

Born February 2, 1953
71 years oldĀ 

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius


gabby petito zodiac sign

Gabby Petito

Born March 19, 1999
Died: age 22 (August 27 – September 18, 2021)Ā 

Zodiac Sign: Pisces


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Kieran Culkin

Born September 30, 1982
41 years oldĀ 

Zodiac Sign: Libra


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Brandon Routh

Born October 9, 1979
44 years oldĀ 

Zodiac Sign: Libra


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Mae Whitman

Born June 9, 1988
35 years oldĀ 

Zodiac Sign: Gemini


mark webber zodiac sign cancer

Mark Webber

Born July 19, 1980
43 years oldĀ 

Zodiac Sign: Cancer


hans zimmer zodiac sign virgo

Hans Zimmer

Born September 12, 1957
66 years oldĀ 

Zodiac Sign: Virgo


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JonBenet Ramsay

Born August 6, 1990
Died December 25, 1996

Zodiac Sign: Leo


leslie jones zodiac sign virgo

Leslie Jones

Born September 7, 1967
56 years oldĀ 

Zodiac Sign: Virgo
