Shah Rukh Khan

Born November 2, 1965
58 years old 

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Moon Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: Wood Snake
Numerology: Life Path 7
Birthplace: Delhi, India
Profession: actor
Best Known For: Bollywood
Height: 5′ 8″

Shah Rukh Khan (born 2 November 1965), also known by the initialism SRK, is an Indian actor, film producer, and television personality. Referred to in the media as the “Baadshah of Bollywood” (in reference to his 1999 film Baadshah), “King of Bollywood” and “King Khan”, he has appeared in more than 80 Hindi films, and earned numerous accolades, including 14 Filmfare Awards. The Government of India has awarded him the Padma Shri, and the Government of France has awarded him the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres and the Legion of Honour.

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shah rukh khan birth chart

* charts provided

Positions of Planets
Sun 9°24′ Scorpio
Moon 16°52′ Aquarius
Mercury 29°43′ Scorpio
Venus 25°58′ Sagittarius
Mars 20°49′ Sagittarius
Jupiter 1°01′ Я Cancer
Saturn 10°37′ Я Pisces
Uranus 18°22′ Virgo
Neptune 19°21′ Scorpio
Pluto 17°50′ Virgo
Chiron 18°18′ Я Pisces
Ceres 18°40′ Я Pisces
Pallas 7°20′ Aquarius
Juno 6°31′ Aquarius
Vesta 14°00′ Cancer
Node 4°59′ Я Gemini
Lilith 11°31′ Я Aquarius
Fortune 29°15′ Cancer
AS 6°42′ Scorpio
MC 9°37′ Leo

List of Aspects
Uranus Conjunction Pluto Orb 0°31′
Sun Conjunction AS Orb 2°41′
Venus Conjunction Mars Orb 5°08′
Sun Conjunction Neptune Orb 9°57′
Mercury Conjunction Neptune Orb 10°21
Venus Opposite Jupiter Orb 5°03′
Saturn Opposite Pluto Orb 7°13′
Moon Opposite MC Orb 7°14′
Saturn Opposite Uranus Orb 7°44′
Sun Square MC Orb 0°13′
Mars Square Uranus Orb 2°27′
Moon Square Neptune Orb 2°29′
Mars Square Pluto Orb 2°59′
Sun Square Moon Orb 7°27′
Venus Square Uranus Orb 7°35′
Sun Trine Saturn Orb 1°13′
Saturn Trine AS Orb 3°54′
Jupiter Trine AS Orb 5°41′
Sun Trine Jupiter Orb 8°22′
Uranus Sextile Neptune Orb 0°59′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 1°31′
Moon Sextile Mars Orb 3°57′
Moon Inconjunction Pluto Orb 0°58′
Saturn Inconjunction MC Orb 0°59′
Mercury Inconjunction Jupiter Orb 1°18′
Moon Inconjunction Uranus Orb 1°30′
Mars SemiSquare AS Orb 0°53′
Sun SemiSquare Venus Orb 1°33′
Moon SesquiQuadrate Jupiter Orb 0°50′
Venus SesquiQuadrate MC Orb 1°20′
Mercury Quintile Pluto Orb 0°07′
Mercury Quintile Uranus Orb 0°39′
Mars SemiSextile Neptune Orb 1°28′

Scorpio, the Scorpion, one of the most energetic and powerful signs in the Zodiac. This is an exciting and magnetic personality, very passionate and emotional. They are forceful personalities and can easily be destined for leadership roles. Consider some of the complex famous characters are Scorpios: Hillary Clinton, Pablo Picasso, Dylan Thomas, both Simon AND Garfunkel are Scorpios.

Scorpios have a better chance of having genius-level IQs than most of the population; they are intense, critical and analytical. They tend to rebel against all conventions and can be political extremists. The best love match for a Scorpio is Capricorn; they understand each other on a profound spiritual, almost psychic level. Scorpios give their hearts completely and passionately. Being so gifted, they can find fulfillment in many employments. Their inner intensity can result in the ice-cold self-control and detachment of the surgeon, the concentration of the research scientist, and the heroism of the soldier. 

Aquarius is a most amenable sign for the Moon to be in because here the Moon’s auspices confer commendable qualities of sensitivity and understanding. Aquarius is the astrological sign of intellectual thought and altruism. In this sign, the Moon’s effect is to present clear reasoning with humane interests. With your Moon in Aquarius, you are clearheaded, instinctive, and inventive. Your intuitions are evenhanded and spot on. Your initial reactions are objective, scientific, and oriented towards understanding from the human point of view. The temperament is neither too emotional nor too cerebral. You are dreamy but not idiosyncratic but display a wonderful talent for expression. Aquarius moon people make for delightful companions and their affable nature enchants all types of people. They are people-oriented, sociable, and outgoing. However, they never become so emotionally entangled with others that it alters their own life. They are interested in concepts, philosophy, and erudition. They are well-rounded intellectually and possess a wide array of interests in a variety of areas and people. 

Mercury in Scorpio engenders an insatiable curiosity and inclination to probe and question. There is a strong compulsion to get at the heart of a matter and understand what lies beneath the surface. Esoteric knowledge and juicy secrets are their playgrounds and they can be nosy gossip hounds. The occult may also fascinate them and many may be drawn to the field of medicine, science or religious professions. Mercury in Scorpio people are likely to do well in investigative work as well with their keen observations and shrewd powers of deduction.

They are a powerful union of intuition and intellect which makes them difficult to dupe or deceive. They read people like a book and can spot a fake from far away. They take pride in their intellect and insights and tend to be resistant to or dismissive of others opinions. Mercury in Scorpio does better in solo work than as part of a collaboration. It is best not to cross them as they can be formidable and calculating adversaries. Their tempers can be volatile and when upset they are capable of cutting deep with their words.

Venus-Sagittarians commence love and courtship with a sense of adventure. You like to encounter the thrill of love in the similar way you seek for diversion in the remainder of your life. First attractions are evermore passionately romantic; as a Venus-Sagittarian you never appear to have conventional or dull love affairs. Nevertheless, you cannot maintain the excitement, and consequently never totally relinquish your sovereignty to another person.

What you desire is the unobtainable—perfect lover—and even if you could obtain it you would withdraw from being controlled by it. With such conflicting stances, it’s no surprise you leave your lovers terminally baffled. Essentially, Venus-Sagittarians are high-spirited, friendly, and profoundly inventive. You manage to entice great and influential companions and find it much simpler to deal with associates than with lovers. For one thing, friendship is less taxing. Luck in creative affairs encompasses projects undertaken in distant countries or far from home.

In Sagittarius, the facility of Mars exhibits itself in good flashes. It promotes bravery, independence, and daring. Dashing and exciting as your actions can be, you’re simply distracted. Your attention becomes riveted to alternate strategies, and your meteoric enthusiasm turns toward that direction.

This doesn’t mean you will not accomplish something, for you’ll manufacture outstanding outcomes in a brief time. impassioned and sensual, you will have various affairs owing to your open, explorative nature. You look at emotional commitments as a type of personal restriction. A sex relationship quickly begins, and equally quickly ends. You tend to be impulsive and act headlong. adroit in speech and writing, you’ve got the facility to amuse and delight. you create a wonderful initial impression.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе sensitive, caring, аnd intuitive. Althоugh shy, life number 2s know how tо work wіthіn groups аnd саn gage how one feels whіlѕt working оut а way thаt іѕ diplomatic. Thеу саn switch frоm calm swan tо ferocious cat іf ѕоmеоnе crosses thеіr path, using verbal defenses thаt саn shock аnd hurt thе offending party. Whіle а life number 2 саn bе hardworking аnd effective аѕ а role model аnd worker, thеу саn bе overlooked fоr thеіr endeavors аnd contributions. Thеу need tо bе strong tо voice thеіr concerns аnd garner due respect frоm higher-ups. Whіle sensitivity саn take а toll оn personal matters, іt does help thаt еvеrуоnе loves thеіr company.

Thе number 7 іѕ thе number оf analysis аnd critique. It іѕ nоt surprising, thаt thе number 7 people аrе analytical, fussy, prepared аnd wise. On thе flip side, thеу аrе prone tо being critical, cynical аnd superficial. Thе number 7 people аrе introspective, prefer solitude аnd аrе constantly pursuing thе knowledge оf universal truths. Thе tarot representation оf thе number 7 іѕ thе ‘Chariot’. Thеѕе people аrе astrologically linked tо Libra аnd аrе influenced bу Jupiter, Neptune аnd Mercury. Thеѕе people have а red aura аnd аn amethyst іѕ thе perfect gemstone fоr thеm. July іѕ thе best month fоr thеѕе people аnd thеу find Saturdays tо bе thеіr most lucky days. Thеу get thе best jobs done оn thе 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 16th аnd 25th dates оf аnу month.

Being a Snake ourselves, we should be able to recite our Chinese restaurant placement profile by heart, but here it is anyway: Born in the years 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989 and 2001. Wise and intense with a tendency towards physical beauty. Vain and high tempered. The Snake is an interesting mix of extroversion paired with introversion, intuitive reasoning paired with business savoir-faire.

Snakes are considered to be lucky with money and will generally have more than enough to live life to the fullest, regardless of how important it considers money to be; this may be due to the fact that Snakes tend to be rather tight with cash. They’re not stingy; they’re simply more mentally than physically active. Snakes tend to hang back a bit in order to analyze a situation before jumping into it. Their charming, seductive quality actually belies a rather retiring nature; this Sign is perfectly happy to spend the whole day curled up with a good book and, thus, can be mislabeled as being lazy. 

The element of Wood represents the direction East. Those who are born with this element tend to yearn for stability and tradition. In China, wood is also associated with bamboo. Bamboo, of course, is a strong, flexible, and long shoot which grows in marsh areas. It follows then, that wood people are flexible, emotionally strong and dependable. A wood person will stick with you through good and bad times, unwavering of their support.

Wood people are interested in social issues and strive to leave the poor and helpless of our world with a sense of independence and change. Although, they can be idealistic and that trait can be the cause of emotional angst when plans don’t follow the perfect path. Wood people do well in social work or working with children. Working with others is easy for wood people, as they truly enjoy the process of cooperation and compromise. Generous and warm, wood people spread happiness, confidence and joy wherever they go.

The ENTP is one of the 16 MBTI personality types. ENTP stands for extravert (E), intuitive (N), thinking (T) and perceiving (P). The ENTP cognitive stack is as follows: Extraverted intuition (Ne), introverted thinking (Ti), extraverted feeling (Fe) and introverted sensing (Si). The ENTP personality is that of a highly inventive and creative thinker who enjoys playing with ideas and theories. Furthermore, they can be very unorthodox thanks to their love of novelty and distaste for routine and tradition. ENTPs are noted for their verbal wit and skill for debate.

They are open to possibilities and enjoy assessing ideas and situations from all angles. ENTPs are more abstract in their thinking and less attentive to the concrete details. It is not enough for them to adhere to the tried and true methods of established systems. Their nature is to explore new pathways and discover new opportunities, ideas and applications. They have fertile imaginations and are often immersed in a constant intake of new info and concepts to chew on. ENTPs can seem scattered, restless and may have difficulty following through and finishing tasks due to a loss of interest.


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