Nathalie Emmanuel

Born March 2, 1989
36 years old 

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Moon Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac: Earth Snake
Numerology: Life Path 5
Birthplace: Southend-on-Sea, UK
Profession: actress
Known For: Game of Thrones (HBO)
Height: 5′ 7″

Nathalie Joanne Emmanuel (born 2 March 1989) is a British actress and model. Emmanuel began her acting career appearing in theatre in the late 1990s, accruing roles in various West End productions such as the musical The Lion King. In 2006, she began her on-screen career by starring as Sasha Valentine in soap opera Hollyoaks, after which she appeared in various British television series until her debut film appearance in Twenty8k.

nathalie emmanuel birth chart

* charts provided

List of Aspects
Saturn Conjunction Neptune Orb 0°03′
Moon Conjunction Uranus Orb 3°02′
Mars Conjunction Jupiter Orb 4°11′
Saturn Conjunction Uranus Orb 7°07′
Uranus Conjunction Neptune Orb 7°10′
Sun Conjunction Venus Orb 8°23′
Moon Conjunction Saturn Orb 10°10
Moon Conjunction Neptune Orb 10°13
Mars Opposite Pluto Orb 9°29′
Mercury Square Pluto Orb 2°46′
Venus Square Jupiter Orb 4°39′
Mercury Square Mars Orb 6°43′
Sun Trine Pluto Orb 3°14′
Sun Sextile Neptune Orb 0°00′
Sun Sextile Saturn Orb 0°02′
Venus Sextile Uranus Orb 1°14′
Moon Sextile Venus Orb 1°48′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 3°14′
Saturn Sextile Pluto Orb 3°17′
Moon Inconjunction Jupiter Orb 2°50′
Moon SemiSquare Mercury Orb 1°14′
Moon SemiSquare Pluto Orb 1°32′
Jupiter SesquiQuadrate Neptune Orb 1°56′
Jupiter SesquiQuadrate Saturn Orb 1°59′
Mars SesquiQuadrate Saturn Orb 2°12′
Mars SesquiQuadrate Neptune Orb 2°15′
Sun Quintile Mars Orb 0°44′
Sun Quintile Moon Orb 1°47′
Jupiter BiQuintile Uranus Orb 0°06′
Moon BiQuintile Mars Orb 1°02′

Positions of Planets
Sun 11°53′ Pisces
Moon 1°40′ Capricorn
Mercury 17°54′ Aquarius
Venus 3°29′ Pisces
Mars 24°38′ Taurus
Jupiter 28°50′ Taurus
Saturn 11°50′ Capricorn
Uranus 4°43′ Capricorn
Neptune 11°54′ Capricorn
Pluto 15°08′ Я Scorpio
Chiron 1°19′ Я Cancer
Ceres 15°29′ Aries
Pallas 8°49′ Pisces
Juno 0°05′ Я Virgo
Vesta 23°49′ Sagittarius
Node 4°52′ Pisces
Lilith 9°53′ Я Libra

If you’re a Pisces, you probably have a lot of friends, as you have an accepting and malleable nature that makes it easy for other people to be around you. A Pisces is more likely to go with the flow rather than swim upstream to try to change people or their environment. They can be more emotional, rather than rational and analytical. They don’t thrive in highly disciplined environments. Nine-to-five jobs are anathema to the Pisces nature.

Pisces is the ultimate artist of the Zodiac. There are more Piscean poets than any other sign, and their empathy for others is legendary. No other sign is better able to understand another’s pain like Pisces. At the same time, Pisces is the most free-spirited of all the Signs, too. They are drawn to situations where they can use their artistic gifts and their appreciation of art and nature. If you’re a Pisces, you may find yourself occasionally being walked over or taken advantage of because of your fluid nature. You may need to find ways to assert yourself that’s in harmony with your psyche. You may need to be stricter with yourself to ensure that doesn’t happen. 

Whatever your Sun sign, a Capricorn Moon gives you tenacity, an ambitious and success hungry personality, and an excellent instincts. Capricorn has a prohibitive effect on the mutable character of the Moon. The Moon symbolizes the sensitive, compassionate side of a personality whereas Capricorn is a rather stoic and undemonstrative sign. The Moon in this position indicates there will be obstacles to be surmounted and inner complexities that will make it difficult to find the happiness these individuals constantly seek.

Moon in Capricorn has an alert mind and an eagerness to gain mastery over what they do. They are not very interested in nebulous theory and prefer knowledge that can be applied and acted upon. Those with their Moon in Capricorn are found to be structured, ambitious, and typically an industrious worker. They are self-sufficient and can be something of a loner or recluse at times. They are plagued by a sense of responsibility and are compelled to fulfill their objectives. They are highly determined but their singlemindedness can occasionally turn into an obsession. 

Mercury in Aquarius shows a subtle and ingenious mind, curious, critical, and creative. As a native of this position you hold a large concern for other people and have great understanding of human nature. You like to analyze personality and motive, and with your finely tuned skills of observation are able to foretell exactly how someone will respond in a particular situation. You are a infamous people watcher—in subways, buses, airports, and eateries.

Yours is a comprehensive and emotionally dispassionate viewpoint. Aquarius is the sign of the truth-seeker, which describes the way your mind operates. You appreciate intellectual conversations about theory, philosophy, and the fate of humanity. Odds are you have read the classic works of our great thinkers. You are wonderfully fitted for work in progressive professions—psychology, inventions, the business of communications and sciences. Sometimes you may seem strange, for your ideas are venerable and you also relish saying things that jar other people.

People with their Venus in Pisces are tender souls with a desire to form deep and spiritual connections with their mates. They are in search of their soulmate and someone with whom they can share themselves fully and honestly. Because of their sensitivity, they may experience some difficulty in expressing or articulating what they feel. Their feelings can be complicated and subject to change waxing and waning with their fluctuating moods.

They are remarkably kind and devoted in their relationships and breakups can emotionally debilitate them for extended periods. Being in love makes them feel complete but they have a penchant for falling for the wrong type of person. They may fall in love with the idea of a person and subsequently project ideals onto them that will never be lived up to. Logic does not play much of a factor in the Venus in Pisces person’s mind. They operate on intuition and are very empathetic and self-sacrificing for their loved ones. They tend to be undisciplined with their spending and do not resist indulging in anything that makes them feel good. They are likely to have addictive personalities and go overboard especially when they are feeling sad or empty inside.

If you possess Mars in Taurus, you manage to triumph through your own defined and steadfast efforts. Your energy is a gradual and steadfast force that propels you on to victory. Success to you involves money, tangible properties, and real love. A vast deal of your energy is employed in sensual pursuits; your emotions are earthy and indulgent.

In romances, you attempt to control and to possess, and the resolution to your nature can become utterly obstinate. Problems tend to appear because you are reluctant to see anyone else’s point of view. Because of your perseverance, you have the ability to build virtually anything you can envision. Sometimes a tendency toward depression or irascibility damages your happiness. Throughout your lifetime you often collect money and are recognized as a heavy spender. 

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе sensitive, caring, аnd intuitive. Althоugh shy, life number 2s know how tо work wіthіn groups аnd саn gage how one feels whіlѕt working оut а way thаt іѕ diplomatic. Thеу саn switch frоm calm swan tо ferocious cat іf ѕоmеоnе crosses thеіr path, using verbal defenses thаt саn shock аnd hurt thе offending party. Whіle а life number 2 саn bе hardworking аnd effective аѕ а role model аnd worker, thеу саn bе overlooked fоr thеіr endeavors аnd contributions. Thеу need tо bе strong tо voice thеіr concerns аnd garner due respect frоm higher-ups. Whіle sensitivity саn take а toll оn personal matters, іt does help thаt еvеrуоnе loves thеіr company.

Freedom аnd enthusiasm аrе thе trademarks оf thе number 5 people. Thеѕе аrе clever, sensual, adventurous аnd prolific people. On thе downside, thеу саn bе rash, impulsive, trite, undirected аnd dull. Its tarot representation іѕ made bу thе ‘Hierophant’. 5 іѕ thе number оf change, оf opportunity, chance аnd adventure. Thе number 5 people аrе always exposed tо ѕоmе оr thе оthеr risks.

Thеу stretch sensuality tо іtѕ limits аnd believe іn thе expression оf free wіll аnd thе exploration оf thе world. Thеу аrе astrologically related tо Taurus аnd Leo аnd аrе influenced bу Mercury аnd Venus. Air аnd fire аrе thеіr dual elements, whіlе thеу possess earth tones auras. Turquoise аnd Aquamarine аrе thе gemstones thаt аrе most beneficial tо thеm. Thеіr lucky month аnd day аrе Mау аnd Tuesday rеѕресtіvеlу. Anу month’s 1, 3, 7, 9, 14 аnd 23 dates аrе favorable tо thе number 5 people.

Being a Snake ourselves, we should be able to recite our Chinese restaurant placement profile by heart, but here it is anyway: Born in the years 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989 and 2001. Wise and intense with a tendency towards physical beauty. Vain and high tempered. The Snake is an interesting mix of extroversion paired with introversion, intuitive reasoning paired with business savoir-faire.

Snakes are considered to be lucky with money and will generally have more than enough to live life to the fullest, regardless of how important it considers money to be; this may be due to the fact that Snakes tend to be rather tight with cash. They’re not stingy; they’re simply more mentally than physically active. Snakes tend to hang back a bit in order to analyze a situation before jumping into it. Their charming, seductive quality actually belies a rather retiring nature; this Sign is perfectly happy to spend the whole day curled up with a good book and, thus, can be mislabeled as being lazy. 

Unlike the position of the Earth in our solar system, the element of earth lies dead center in the Chinese astrological charts. This is probably because ancients believed the Earth was the center of the universe and all celestial bodies circled our planet. People born under the element of Earth seem to feel the universe revolves around them as well. Self –centered, ambitious and stubborn, earth people are used to getting what they want and achieving their goals. Failure is foreign to them. Goals are achieved through hard work and determination. Earth people know how to plan for the long term and they are stable enough to stick with the plan to its success. The stubbornness of the earth element is a double-edged sword, giving those born under its rule the determination to follow through when things are tough, and the audacity to defend their point, even when they are wrong.

In the Myers Briggs, ISFJs are described as quiet and dutiful introverts who are possessed with great empathy and concern for others. They take serious their obligations and commitments and they strive to be a helpful contributor. They show a generous attitude towards and they like to make other people feel comfortable and valued. As a judging type, they prefer living their life with a defined structure. Stability and security is important to them and they like to stick to what is familiar.

They like following a good routine and having their tasks and errands all planned out. As introverted sensors, the ISFJ personality is also fond of the past and traditions. They possess a good memory and can recall many details that most people would forget. ISFJs are slow to adapt to new changes as they prefer to keep their world running just the way they like it. Their values tend to be conservative and practical. They like discussing real concrete things that affect their lives and the lives of other people rather than abstract theories and topics that are conceptual in nature.

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