Amber Heard

Born April 22, 1986
38 years old 

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Moon Sign: Libra
Chinese Zodiac: Fire Tiger
Numerology: Life Path 5
Birthplace: Austin, TX
Profession: actress
Height: 5′ 7″

Amber Laura Heard (born April 22, 1986)[3] is an American actress and model. Born and raised in Texas, she made her film debut in a minor supporting role in the sports drama Friday Night Lights (2004), followed by a series of other small roles in television and film. Her first leading role was in the horror film All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006), but it was not released in the United States until 2013 due to distribution problems. Her second major role came in the short-running The CW television series Hidden Palms (2007).


amber heard birth chart

* charts provided

List of Aspects
Mars Conjunction Neptune Orb 6°07′
Moon Opposite Mercury Orb 1°16′
Sun Opposite Pluto Orb 3°46′
Mercury Square Neptune Orb 0°49′
Moon Square Neptune Orb 2°06′
Moon Square Mars Orb 4°01′
Jupiter Square Saturn Orb 5°00′
Mercury Square Mars Orb 5°18′
Mercury Trine Saturn Orb 2°11′
Sun Trine Neptune Orb 3°26′
Jupiter Trine Pluto Orb 7°41′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 0°19′
Moon Sextile Saturn Orb 0°54′
Mars Sextile Jupiter Orb 1°54′
Mars Sextile Pluto Orb 5°47′
Mercury Inconjunction Pluto Orb 0°29′
Uranus SemiSquare Pluto Orb 1°00′
Venus SesquiQuadrate Mars Orb 1°48′
Moon SesquiQuadrate Venus Orb 2°12′
Venus Quintile Jupiter Orb 0°43′
Sun BiQuintile Saturn Orb 0°27′
Moon SemiSextile Pluto Orb 1°46′

Positions of Planets
Sun 2°18′ Taurus
Moon 7°51′ Libra
Mercury 6°34′ Aries
Venus 25°04′ Taurus
Mars 11°52′ Capricorn
Jupiter 13°47′ Pisces
Saturn 8°46′ Я Sagittarius
Uranus 22°05′ Я Sagittarius
Neptune 5°45′ Я Capricorn
Pluto 6°05′ Я Scorpio
Chiron 11°43′ Gemini
Ceres 2°22′ Virgo
Pallas 17°24′ Cancer
Juno 15°44′ Я Sagittarius
Vesta 14°18′ Pisces
Node 29°59′ Aries
Lilith 28°02′ Я Taurus

Think about characteristics of a Bull other than the well-known phrase of bull-headed. Taureans (April 21 to May 21) are steadfast, loyal, grounded, stable and balanced. They’re smart without being overly intellectual. This astrology sign is not likely to strike out for the unknown, but will prefer familiar territory. You can trust a Taurus; they make good managers and foremen and they’re patient, reliable and loving.

They’re good in the fields of banking, architecture, farming, medicine or chemistry. These are fields in which you can be creative, but within a framework of stable practices and science. Taureans are good workers and not giving to goofing off. Because they’re not big risk-takers, they can be trusted with the company finances and are completely reliable and trustworthy. Every positive characteristic has another side to it, and in the Taurean, this reliability and steadfastness can manifest itself as jealousy and obstinacy.

Romantic, and glamorous, moon in Libra imbues a keen appreciation for beauty and art. Libra moon people have an artistic eye that is unrivaled by any other Moon sign. They have an increased awareness of their surroundings and of other people. What they really appreciate are the experiences that make life more wonderful and delightful. They detest rudeness, crudity, or conflict. Their immediate response to anything unpleasant is to dismiss it, or, if that is infeasible, at least to put it in the best light imaginable.

They try to encompass themselves with comfort and beauty within a serene and luxurious environment. Because they fancy beautiful things, Libra moons are happy to blow their money on objects that catch their attention. The Moon in the balanced sign of Libra engenders a welcoming, autonomous mind that tries to assess the world dispassionately and sensibly. There is also great personal grace and a heightened capacity to get along with others. They are fabulous at understanding other people’s perspective without losing sight of their own viewpoints. 

In the dynamic and passionate sign of Aries, Mercury takes on a more forceful quality in its intellectual style. Those born with their Mercury in Aries, are often witty, and original and have little problems speaking up and expressing their thoughts and opinions. They are skillful conversationalists a capacity for using biting sarcasm and humor. They can be very funny and highly expressive in how they use language.

They are likely to utilize a lot of slang in their speech and may possess extensive knowledge of hip and edgy terms at their disposal. They may often exaggerate or over embellish for effect. They are impatient and eager and can sometimes be argumentative and tactless. There may be a tendency to speak without thinking and to say too much. Their insights are quite perceptive, however, and they are often lucky in making good decisions. People with Mercury in Aries suffer from headaches, particularly when in a boisterous and noisy environment.

Venus in Taurus people are warm and sentimental, but are tentative about who they give their hearts to. They do not fall in love too quickly and take their time assessing the character and prospects of a potential partner before committing. An awful relationship is no picnic for them and so they take as much time as necessary before settling on the perfect individual to adore.

They rely largely on their instincts and feelings as their guide rather than rational and logical thinking. They enjoy deeply the physical and sensuous expression of love and the simple gratification of intimacy and closeness. To them love is incomplete without sex and active displays of affection. Venus in Taurus people are very demonstrative of their love. Sometimes they can be smothering and possessive. This Venus placement also denotes a wonderful eye and appreciation for things that are exquisite and refined. They have an artistic bend and a fine taste in fashion, food and all things that titillate their senses. 

Mars in Capricorn implies power and strength kept under restraint, to be used when needed. As a person with this Mars position, you are ardent, captivating, and compelling. Your energy rests in your determination and capacity to endure. When barriers obstruct your pathway you roll over them roughshod. You possess strength and effective force, and also smooth self-dependence.

Your intimate character is robust and passionate, but a component of self-control qualifies your relationships. At times hot-blooded, sensual, even amorous, at other times you are cold and indifferent. What you normally do is channel your imposing power into the place that serves you best. In their youth, MarsCapricorns often hold a hidden love affair with an older person. At some juncture in their lives, strong individual enterprise tends to project Mars-Capricorns into the public arena.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе rational, levelheaded people whо need а systematic method tо thеіr work оr personal life. Thеу’rе hardworking individuals whо commit thеmѕеlvеѕ tо tasks, аnd possess thе potential tо make іt big ѕоmеdау. Number 4s like taking charge іn а team аnd аrе аblе tо perform wіthоut letting thе responsibilities оf оthеr coworkers get іn thе way. Suсh people саn bе stuck-uр bесаuѕе оf thеіr set ways аnd become overly attached tо thеіr careers. Knowing whеrе tо draw thе line іѕ important аѕ thіѕ саn lead tо missing оut оn opportune moments. Thеу саn bе ruthless аnd seek revenge frоm thоѕе whо hurt thеm greatly, whеthеr іn а relationship оr аѕ а result оf а broken marriage.

Freedom аnd enthusiasm аrе thе trademarks оf thе number 5 people. Thеѕе аrе clever, sensual, adventurous аnd prolific people. On thе downside, thеу саn bе rash, impulsive, trite, undirected аnd dull. Its tarot representation іѕ made bу thе ‘Hierophant’. 5 іѕ thе number оf change, оf opportunity, chance аnd adventure. Thе number 5 people аrе always exposed tо ѕоmе оr thе оthеr risks.

Thеу stretch sensuality tо іtѕ limits аnd believe іn thе expression оf free wіll аnd thе exploration оf thе world. Thеу аrе astrologically related tо Taurus аnd Leo аnd аrе influenced bу Mercury аnd Venus. Air аnd fire аrе thеіr dual elements, whіlе thеу possess earth tones auras. Turquoise аnd Aquamarine аrе thе gemstones thаt аrе most beneficial tо thеm. Thеіr lucky month аnd day аrе Mау аnd Tuesday rеѕресtіvеlу. Anу month’s 1, 3, 7, 9, 14 аnd 23 dates аrе favorable tо thе number 5 people.

Is there a creature on the planet more magnificent than the Tiger. We think not, and that’s not even our sign. On our Chinese restaurant menu today, here’s how they describe the Tiger: If you were born in the years 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986 or 1998, you’re a Tiger. Tiger people are aggressive, courageous, candid and sensitive. Look to the Horse and Dog for happiness. Beware of the Monkey. Tigers are born leaders.

The Tiger is the third Sign of the Chinese Zodiac. It is a Yang Sign and most closely associated with the Wood Element. Recent Tiger years have been 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, and 1998. The Tiger is a very changeable person, with a potent natural ability that is often in great danger of being abused. They are either leaders or rebels. They can be vain, quarrelsome and overly aggressive at times, but their inherent charisma and vast reserves of charm are usually sufficient to extract them from any problems that may arise from their lack of foresight.

The Fire element is both destructive and nourishing. On a cold winter day, there is nothing more calming to the soul than curling up by a roaring fire with a good book or cherished love one. On the other side, there is no other force on earth more destructive than a raging, out of control fire. Fire nourishes the human body by providing us heat to cook our food and light with which to see.

And, there is nothing more painful than having a part of your body taken by fire or flame. Fire signs draw attention to themselves.  Those under the influence of Fire have charm and charge on their side.  They have an infectious enthusiasm that makes them natural leaders, so people just can’t help but to follow them. They take the role of leader seriously, and do it well. For fire people, managing others comes naturally. They are decisive, compassionate, understanding yet firm.

The ISFP is one of the 16 MBTI types. ISFP stands for introverted (I), sensing (S), feeling (F), and perceiving (P). The cognitive stack of the ISFP is as follows: introverted feeling (Fi), extraverted sensing (Se), introverted intuition (Ni), and extraverted thinking (Ti). The ISFP personality is a reserved and independent soul who likes to engage their senses and explore the world. They enjoy travel and having the opportunity to see and experience new things.

They are freedom loving and do not like feeling restricted or controlled by others. ISFPs do what feels right to them and is less concerned with things logical consistency and understanding concepts. They just want to enjoy life and rack up plenty of beautiful and enriching experiences. ISFPs are not big on abstract ideas and theories and instead take more interest in the things that are palpable. They desire variety and excitement for their life and despite being introverted, they can be very outgoing and spontaneous. Many ISFPs have a fine sense of visual balance and beauty that allows them to do well as artists and tastemakers.


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