Stephen Curry

Born March 14, 1988
37 years old 

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Moon Sign: Aquarius
Rising Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac: Earth Dragon
Numerology: Life Path 7
Birthplace: Akron, OH
Profession: basketball
Best Known For: NBA
Height: 6′ 3″

Wardell Stephen “Steph” Curry II (/ˈstɛfən/ STEF-ən; born March 14, 1988[1]) is an American professional basketball player for the Golden State Warriors of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Many analysts and players have called him the greatest shooter in NBA history.[2] He is credited with revolutionizing the game of basketball by inspiring teams to regularly utilize the three-point shot.[3][4][5] A six-time NBA All-Star, Curry has been named the NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP) twice and won three NBA championships with the Warriors.

stephen curry birth chart

* charts provided

Positions of Planets
Sun 24°25′ Pisces
Moon 8°23′ Aquarius
Mercury 27°55′ Aquarius
Venus 9°15′ Taurus
Mars 14°25′ Capricorn
Jupiter 1°18′ Taurus
Saturn 1°57′ Capricorn
Uranus 0°51′ Capricorn
Neptune 9°59′ Capricorn
Pluto 12°20′ Я Scorpio
Chiron 23°16′ Gemini
Ceres 28°13′ Aquarius
Pallas 5°03′ Aquarius
Juno 21°33′ Aries
Vesta 23°30′ Cancer
Node 23°06′ Pisces
Lilith 13°25′ Я Virgo
Fortune 14°13′ Gemini
AS 0°14′ Leo
MC 15°02′ Aries

List of Aspects
Saturn Conjunction Uranus Orb 1°05′
Mars Conjunction Neptune Orb 4°25′
Venus Conjunction Jupiter Orb 7°57′
Saturn Conjunction Neptune Orb 8°02′
Uranus Conjunction Neptune Orb 9°07′
Venus Opposite Pluto Orb 3°05′
Moon Opposite AS Orb 8°08′
Mars Square MC Orb 0°36′
Moon Square Venus Orb 0°52′
Jupiter Square AS Orb 1°03′
Moon Square Pluto Orb 3°57′
Neptune Square MC Orb 5°02′
Sun Square Uranus Orb 6°26′
Moon Square Jupiter Orb 7°05′
Sun Square Saturn Orb 7°32′
Jupiter Trine Uranus Orb 0°26′
Jupiter Trine Saturn Orb 0°38′
Venus Trine Neptune Orb 0°43′
Venus Trine Mars Orb 5°09′
Sun Trine AS Orb 5°49′
Venus Trine Saturn Orb 7°18′
Mars Sextile Pluto Orb 2°04′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 2°21′
Mercury Sextile Uranus Orb 2°56′
Mercury Sextile Jupiter Orb 3°22′
Mercury Sextile Saturn Orb 4°01′
Uranus Inconjunction AS Orb 0°37′
Saturn Inconjunction AS Orb 1°42′
Mercury Inconjunction AS Orb 2°19′
Pluto Inconjunction MC Orb 2°41′
Sun SemiSquare Venus Orb 0°09′
Sun SemiSquare Moon Orb 1°01′
Mercury SemiSquare Mars Orb 1°29′
Mercury Quintile Venus Orb 0°39′
Moon SemiSextile Neptune Orb 1°35′

If you’re a Pisces, you probably have a lot of friends, as you have an accepting and malleable nature that makes it easy for other people to be around you. A Pisces is more likely to go with the flow rather than swim upstream to try to change people or their environment. They can be more emotional, rather than rational and analytical. They don’t thrive in highly disciplined environments. Nine-to-five jobs are anathema to the Pisces nature.

Pisces is the ultimate artist of the Zodiac. There are more Piscean poets than any other sign, and their empathy for others is legendary. No other sign is better able to understand another’s pain like Pisces. At the same time, Pisces is the most free-spirited of all the Signs, too. They are drawn to situations where they can use their artistic gifts and their appreciation of art and nature. If you’re a Pisces, you may find yourself occasionally being walked over or taken advantage of because of your fluid nature. You may need to find ways to assert yourself that’s in harmony with your psyche. You may need to be stricter with yourself to ensure that doesn’t happen. 

Aquarius is a most amenable sign for the Moon to be in because here the Moon’s auspices confer commendable qualities of sensitivity and understanding. Aquarius is the astrological sign of intellectual thought and altruism. In this sign, the Moon’s effect is to present clear reasoning with humane interests. With your Moon in Aquarius, you are clearheaded, instinctive, and inventive. Your intuitions are evenhanded and spot on. Your initial reactions are objective, scientific, and oriented towards understanding from the human point of view. The temperament is neither too emotional nor too cerebral. You are dreamy but not idiosyncratic but display a wonderful talent for expression. Aquarius moon people make for delightful companions and their affable nature enchants all types of people. They are people-oriented, sociable, and outgoing. However, they never become so emotionally entangled with others that it alters their own life. They are interested in concepts, philosophy, and erudition. They are well-rounded intellectually and possess a wide array of interests in a variety of areas and people. 

Mercury in Aquarius shows a subtle and ingenious mind, curious, critical, and creative. As a native of this position you hold a large concern for other people and have great understanding of human nature. You like to analyze personality and motive, and with your finely tuned skills of observation are able to foretell exactly how someone will respond in a particular situation. You are a infamous people watcher—in subways, buses, airports, and eateries.

Yours is a comprehensive and emotionally dispassionate viewpoint. Aquarius is the sign of the truth-seeker, which describes the way your mind operates. You appreciate intellectual conversations about theory, philosophy, and the fate of humanity. Odds are you have read the classic works of our great thinkers. You are wonderfully fitted for work in progressive professions—psychology, inventions, the business of communications and sciences. Sometimes you may seem strange, for your ideas are venerable and you also relish saying things that jar other people.

Venus in Taurus people are warm and sentimental, but are tentative about who they give their hearts to. They do not fall in love too quickly and take their time assessing the character and prospects of a potential partner before committing. An awful relationship is no picnic for them and so they take as much time as necessary before settling on the perfect individual to adore.

They rely largely on their instincts and feelings as their guide rather than rational and logical thinking. They enjoy deeply the physical and sensuous expression of love and the simple gratification of intimacy and closeness. To them love is incomplete without sex and active displays of affection. Venus in Taurus people are very demonstrative of their love. Sometimes they can be smothering and possessive. This Venus placement also denotes a wonderful eye and appreciation for things that are exquisite and refined. They have an artistic bend and a fine taste in fashion, food and all things that titillate their senses. 

Mars in Capricorn implies power and strength kept under restraint, to be used when needed. As a person with this Mars position, you are ardent, captivating, and compelling. Your energy rests in your determination and capacity to endure. When barriers obstruct your pathway you roll over them roughshod. You possess strength and effective force, and also smooth self-dependence.

Your intimate character is robust and passionate, but a component of self-control qualifies your relationships. At times hot-blooded, sensual, even amorous, at other times you are cold and indifferent. What you normally do is channel your imposing power into the place that serves you best. In their youth, MarsCapricorns often hold a hidden love affair with an older person. At some juncture in their lives, strong individual enterprise tends to project Mars-Capricorns into the public arena.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе reminiscent оf hippies whо аrе carefree аnd live оn adventure аnd social interactions. Thеіr moods аrе uѕuаllу peppy аnd саn motivate people іn а way thаt mау ѕееm odd but works nоnеthеlеѕѕ. Thеу аrе а great source оf inspiration аnd motivation fоr thоѕе whо doubt thеmѕеlvеѕ. Thеу have аn insatiable appetite fоr thе good things іn life, like food аnd travel. Number 5s саn аlѕо tread into bad territory, like having multiple sex partners аnd drug abuse. Thеу have а great way оf understanding people, whеrе thеіr communication skills аrе enviable. Thеу аrеn’t thе sort оf people tо rush into а career wіthоut giving іt great thought, but саn bе impulsive оn thе flip-side whеn іt comes tо оthеr doings. Thеу’rе butterflies thаt need thеіr daily dose оf freedom.

Thе number 7 іѕ thе number оf analysis аnd critique. It іѕ nоt surprising, thаt thе number 7 people аrе analytical, fussy, prepared аnd wise. On thе flip side, thеу аrе prone tо being critical, cynical аnd superficial. Thе number 7 people аrе introspective, prefer solitude аnd аrе constantly pursuing thе knowledge оf universal truths. Thе tarot representation оf thе number 7 іѕ thе ‘Chariot’. Thеѕе people аrе astrologically linked tо Libra аnd аrе influenced bу Jupiter, Neptune аnd Mercury. Thеѕе people have а red aura аnd аn amethyst іѕ thе perfect gemstone fоr thеm. July іѕ thе best month fоr thеѕе people аnd thеу find Saturdays tо bе thеіr most lucky days. Thеу get thе best jobs done оn thе 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 16th аnd 25th dates оf аnу month.

The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Its warm heart tempers its fiery and rambunctious nature.  This is a giving, intelligent and tenacious Sign that knows exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons possess a certain natural, charm that ensures they can always influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations.

This Sign is truly blessed, too. Dragons are considered to be very lucky in love. The Dragon’s friends are always keen to hear what this firebrand has to say and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon has the floor. Dragon people are confident and know how to make an impression. They are usually the center of attention and thrive in that role. Their natural enthusiasm and interest often lead them to positions of power and notice. 

Unlike the position of the Earth in our solar system, the element of earth lies dead center in the Chinese astrological charts. This is probably because ancients believed the Earth was the center of the universe and all celestial bodies circled our planet. People born under the element of Earth seem to feel the universe revolves around them as well. Self –centered, ambitious and stubborn, earth people are used to getting what they want and achieving their goals. Failure is foreign to them. Goals are achieved through hard work and determination. Earth people know how to plan for the long term and they are stable enough to stick with the plan to its success. The stubbornness of the earth element is a double-edged sword, giving those born under its rule the determination to follow through when things are tough, and the audacity to defend their point, even when they are wrong.

The ISFP is one of the 16 MBTI types. ISFP stands for introverted (I), sensing (S), feeling (F), and perceiving (P). The cognitive stack of the ISFP is as follows: introverted feeling (Fi), extraverted sensing (Se), introverted intuition (Ni), and extraverted thinking (Ti). The ISFP personality is a reserved and independent soul who likes to engage their senses and explore the world. They enjoy travel and having the opportunity to see and experience new things.

They are freedom loving and do not like feeling restricted or controlled by others. ISFPs do what feels right to them and is less concerned with things logical consistency and understanding concepts. They just want to enjoy life and rack up plenty of beautiful and enriching experiences. ISFPs are not big on abstract ideas and theories and instead take more interest in the things that are palpable. They desire variety and excitement for their life and despite being introverted, they can be very outgoing and spontaneous. Many ISFPs have a fine sense of visual balance and beauty that allows them to do well as artists and tastemakers.


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