Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Born March 15, 1933
Died September 18, 2020 (age 87)

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Moon Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Water Rooster
Numerology: Life Path 7
Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
Profession: Law
Best Known For: Supreme Court Justice
Height: 5′ 1″

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (born Joan Ruth Bader; March 15, 1933 – September 18, 2020) was an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1993 until her death. She was nominated by President Bill Clinton and at the time was generally viewed as a moderate consensus-builder. She eventually became part of the liberal wing of the Court as the Court shifted to the right over time.

* charts provided

List of Aspects
Mars Conjunction Neptune Orb 2°45′
Jupiter Conjunction Neptune Orb 9°07′
Sun Conjunction Venus Orb 9°25′
Venus Opposite Jupiter Orb 2°16′
Venus Opposite Neptune Orb 6°51′
Sun Opposite Jupiter Orb 7°09′
Venus Opposite Mars Orb 9°36′
Moon Square Saturn Orb 0°05′
Uranus Square Pluto Orb 0°25′
Moon Trine Venus Orb 2°51′
Sun Trine Pluto Orb 3°21′
Venus Trine Pluto Orb 6°04′
Jupiter Sextile Pluto Orb 3°47′
Moon Sextile Neptune Orb 3°59′
Moon Sextile Jupiter Orb 5°08′
Mercury Sextile Saturn Orb 5°15′
Mercury Inconjunction Neptune Orb 1°10′
Mercury Inconjunction Mars Orb 1°35′
Mars SemiSquare Pluto Orb 0°41′
Mars SesquiQuadrate Uranus Orb 1°06′
Uranus SesquiQuadrate Neptune Orb 1°38′
Sun SesquiQuadrate Moon Orb 2°42′
Moon BiQuintile Mercury Orb 0°50′
Jupiter BiQuintile Saturn Orb 0°56′

Positions of Planets
Sun 24°40′ Pisces
Moon 12°22′ Scorpio
Mercury 7°12′ Я Aries
Venus 15°14′ Pisces
Mars 5°37′ Я Virgo
Jupiter 17°31′ Я Virgo
Saturn 12°27′ Aquarius
Uranus 21°44′ Aries
Neptune 8°23′ Я Virgo
Pluto 21°19′ Я Cancer
Chiron 24°33′ Taurus
Ceres 10°23′ Pisces
Pallas 18°51′ Aquarius
Juno 4°29′ Я Scorpio
Vesta 4°17′ Gemini
Node 7°42′ Я Pisces
Lilith 12°39′ Я Taurus

If you’re a Pisces, you probably have a lot of friends, as you have an accepting and malleable nature that makes it easy for other people to be around you. A Pisces is more likely to go with the flow rather than swim upstream to try to change people or their environment. They can be more emotional, rather than rational and analytical. They don’t thrive in highly disciplined environments. Nine-to-five jobs are anathema to the Pisces nature.

Pisces is the ultimate artist of the Zodiac. There are more Piscean poets than any other sign, and their empathy for others is legendary. No other sign is better able to understand another’s pain like Pisces. At the same time, Pisces is the most free-spirited of all the Signs, too. They are drawn to situations where they can use their artistic gifts and their appreciation of art and nature. If you’re a Pisces, you may find yourself occasionally being walked over or taken advantage of because of your fluid nature. You may need to find ways to assert yourself that’s in harmony with your psyche. You may need to be stricter with yourself to ensure that doesn’t happen. 

Scorpio moon exhibits extremes of emotion. The impact of Scorpio is to emphasize the Moon’s sensual potency and forcefulness. If you have your Moon in Scorpio you have a spiritual nature and strong feelings that drive your behavior. You are in many ways a closed book and are very adroit at concealing your real feelings. Moon in Scorpio is one of the more challenging lunar placements.

Although you are driven by powerful desires, you often deny them to others. You oftentimes reject your feelings of anger or jealousy, and hence keep your reactions hidden under a cool, agreeable surface. You can display great self-control but can become cold and distant if an experience becomes painful. You especially dread any sort of rejection. Your talent for deadening your sensitivity allows you to feel in control, but it is also the pathway to the gradual destruction of the spirit. You need to learn to let go emotionally and feel your pain, and through that process can expand your extraordinary ability to love. 

In the dynamic and passionate sign of Aries, Mercury takes on a more forceful quality in its intellectual style. Those born with their Mercury in Aries, are often witty, and original and have little problems speaking up and expressing their thoughts and opinions. They are skillful conversationalists a capacity for using biting sarcasm and humor. They can be very funny and highly expressive in how they use language.

They are likely to utilize a lot of slang in their speech and may possess extensive knowledge of hip and edgy terms at their disposal. They may often exaggerate or over embellish for effect. They are impatient and eager and can sometimes be argumentative and tactless. There may be a tendency to speak without thinking and to say too much. Their insights are quite perceptive, however, and they are often lucky in making good decisions. People with Mercury in Aries suffer from headaches, particularly when in a boisterous and noisy environment.

People with their Venus in Pisces are tender souls with a desire to form deep and spiritual connections with their mates. They are in search of their soulmate and someone with whom they can share themselves fully and honestly. Because of their sensitivity, they may experience some difficulty in expressing or articulating what they feel. Their feelings can be complicated and subject to change waxing and waning with their fluctuating moods.

They are remarkably kind and devoted in their relationships and breakups can emotionally debilitate them for extended periods. Being in love makes them feel complete but they have a penchant for falling for the wrong type of person. They may fall in love with the idea of a person and subsequently project ideals onto them that will never be lived up to. Logic does not play much of a factor in the Venus in Pisces person’s mind. They operate on intuition and are very empathetic and self-sacrificing for their loved ones. They tend to be undisciplined with their spending and do not resist indulging in anything that makes them feel good. They are likely to have addictive personalities and go overboard especially when they are feeling sad or empty inside.

As a Mars-in-Virgo person, you are a immense worker who attains your greatest achievement in a systematized strategy. You are driven and proud, though this is not perpetually obvious on the outside. Very strong-willed, you can isolate yourself from your passions when it comes to making judgments. In your craft you are shrewd, calculating, and calmly resolved.

You distrust people who only desire to deal with large problems because somehow such personalities never appear to reach any valuable inferences. Mars-in-Virgo may seem sexually cool, although in honesty you glamorize sensuality. You desire it to be both corporally ecstatic and mentally stimulating. Your appetites are powerful but kept under tight restraint. Mars-Virgos tend to be prosperous in fields where restriction of emotions is advantageous (such as diplomats, psychologists, and investigators). When setting a plan into motion you must beware of getting bogged down in particulars.

Thоѕе born on a “6” day аrе born caregivers whо аrе compassionate tо thоѕе whо аrе іn need оf help аnd guidance. Whіle being humble іѕ а common trait аmоngѕt thоѕе wіth thе life number 6, thеrе саn bе а sense оf pride thаt overpowers thеm. Knowing how tо nоt lеt іt get thе best оf thеm, іѕ key. Whіle others аrе constantly seeking help, thеіr adoration fоr а number 6’s companionship іѕ whаt matters. Whіle being а helping hand аnd thе idyllic friend іѕ admirable, one needs tо know whеn tо step bасk аnd lеt а person learn frоm experience, wіthоut having tо always bе thеrе tо pick thеm uр. Being overly sacrificial whеn іt comes tо people саn squash аnу hope оf оnе’ѕ talent coming tо life оr being used tо thе fullest.


Thе number 7 іѕ thе number оf analysis аnd critique. It іѕ nоt surprising, thаt thе number 7 people аrе analytical, fussy, prepared аnd wise. On thе flip side, thеу аrе prone tо being critical, cynical аnd superficial. Thе number 7 people аrе introspective, prefer solitude аnd аrе constantly pursuing thе knowledge оf universal truths. Thе tarot representation оf thе number 7 іѕ thе ‘Chariot’. Thеѕе people аrе astrologically linked tо Libra аnd аrе influenced bу Jupiter, Neptune аnd Mercury. Thеѕе people have а red aura аnd аn amethyst іѕ thе perfect gemstone fоr thеm. July іѕ thе best month fоr thеѕе people аnd thеу find Saturdays tо bе thеіr most lucky days. Thеу get thе best jobs done оn thе 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 16th аnd 25th dates оf аnу month.

If you were born in the years 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981 or 1993 then you’re a Rooster. The Rooster is described as a pioneer in spirit, devoted to work and the quest for knowledge. It is selfish and eccentric and is best matched with Snakes and Oxen. Oddly enough, the writer is a Snake and her sister is a Rooster.

We do think there’s something to this astrology thing! Roosters are quick thinkers and are practical and resourceful, preferring to stick to what is tried and true rather than taking unnecessary risks. Roosters are keenly observers of their surroundings and those around them. It’s hard to slip anything past a Rooster, since they seem to have eyes in the backs of their heads. This quality can lead others to think the Rooster is psychic, but that’s not generally the case; instead, this Sign enjoys a keen attention to detail that makes it a whiz at anything requiring close analysis.

Nurturing yet dangerous, vital and deadly, water is a ripe with contradiction. In moderate amounts it is a blessing, in over abundance, a curse. Water is the only element with the ability to put out fire and make things grow and thrive. Water is vital to our very survival. Without water crops wither and die and there is no food. The human body, and in fact, all life on Earth is dependent upon water. Yet, even for life, water has the potential to be deadly. Too much water in the body leads to water intoxication and even death. It is, however, a delicate balance.

Too little water and all life withers and dies with the effects of the hot sun. Too much water chokes out needed oxygen and drowns. It is for this very reason the element water is represented by the color black. Water rules intelligence and wisdom. People born under the element water are uncommonly intelligent and capable. For all their wisdom and reasoning ability, water people tend to have difficulty making and sticking to decisions. Diplomatic, and intuitive, water people are flexible. They have a special ability to ‘go with the flow’ and are usually easygoing.

The ISTJ is one of the 16 MBTI personality types. ISTJ stands for introvert (I), sensing (S), thinking (T) and judging (J). The ISTJ cognitive function stack is as follows: introverted sensing (Si), extraverted thinking (Te), introverted feeling (Fi) and extraverted intuition (Ne).The ISTJ personality is described as reserved, dependable, detail-oriented and someone who honors tradition and established methods.

ISTJs have no interest in reinventing the wheel and seek to do things by the book. They learn the rules and implement them faithfully. They tend to be highly efficient and committed workers who can be trusted to complete their duties and responsibilities to a high standard. ISTJs have a respect for law and order and seek to comply with authority. ISTJs are the salt of the earth and the cornerstones of society. They are creatures of habit and they prefer the comfort of routine and doing what’s familiar to them. ISTJs avoid venturing outside their comfort zones unless there is a good reason to.

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