Abraham Lincoln

Born February 12, 1809
Died: April 15, 1865 (age 56)

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Moon Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac: Earth Dragon
Numerology: Life Path 5
Birthplace: Hodgenville, KY
Profession: president
Height: Abraham Lincoln was 6′ 4″ (1m93) tall

Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was an American lawyer and politician. He served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. Lincoln led the nation through the Civil War, its bloodiest war and its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis. He preserved the Union, abolished slavery, strengthened the federal government, and modernized the economy.


abraham lincoln birth chart

Positions of Planets
Sun 23°27′ Aquarius
Moon 27°00′ Capricorn
Mercury 10°18′ Pisces
Venus 7°28′ Aries
Mars 25°30′ Libra
Jupiter 22°05′ Pisces
Saturn 3°09′ Sagittarius
Uranus 9°40′ Scorpio
Neptune 6°41′ Sagittarius
Pluto 13°37′ Pisces
Chiron 11°44′ Aquarius
Ceres 12°26′ Pisces
Pallas 28°34′ Aquarius
Juno 20°29′ Pisces
Vesta 9°23′ Aries
Node 6°10′ Я Scorpio
Lilith 14°42′ Gemini
Fortune 18°34′ Pisces
AS 22°06′ Aquarius
MC 7°28′ Sagittarius




Those born from January 20 to February 18 are Aquarius. You are a humanitarian and more intelligent than most and given to thoughts of how to make the world a better place. You can be inventive and original, and you’re freedom-loving. You’re generous with your thoughts, whether people are interested or not!

You can be eccentric and idiosyncratic, and need a lot of space, but your heart is nearly always in the right place. We are now in the age of Aquarius, but only just in the dawn of it, like the song said. All the wonderful, generous characteristics of the Water Bearer are not yet symbolic of humanity as a whole yet, as evidenced by the current turmoil in the Middle East. But there are signs. Remember the Random Acts of Kindness. Perhaps those were a harbinger of the Age of Aquarius. 


Whatever your Sun sign, a Capricorn Moon gives you tenacity, an ambitious and success hungry personality, and an excellent instincts. Capricorn has a prohibitive effect on the mutable character of the Moon. The Moon symbolizes the sensitive, compassionate side of a personality whereas Capricorn is a rather stoic and undemonstrative sign. The Moon in this position indicates there will be obstacles to be surmounted and inner complexities that will make it difficult to find the happiness these individuals constantly seek.

Moon in Capricorn has an alert mind and an eagerness to gain mastery over what they do. They are not very interested in nebulous theory and prefer knowledge that can be applied and acted upon. Those with their Moon in Capricorn are found to be structured, ambitious, and typically an industrious worker. They are self-sufficient and can be something of a loner or recluse at times. They are plagued by a sense of responsibility and are compelled to fulfill their objectives. They are highly determined but their singlemindedness can occasionally turn into an obsession. 

Mercury in the sign of Pisces denotes a subtle and intuitive intelligence. There is an interesting and enigmatic quality about the way their mind works. They do not simply arrive at conclusion through logic alone but through flashes of insight, premonitions and mysterious intuits that are not based on previous facts or precedents. Their pronouncements can often wax prophetic.

They have accurate hunches plus, with their imaginative and creative talents, are able to conceptualize new ideas that are difficult to grasp by those who lack imagination. Mercury in Pisces people can occassionally lack self-confidence and appear timid or perplexed. They display empathy and understanding for the faults and failings of other people. In their mind, each person has his or her own truth and this extends even to those who lie. Mercury in Pisces people can be like absentminded professors but because of their sensitivity to their surroundings, they are easily distracted by and unable to concentrate when there is anything or anyone upsetting them.

Venus in the feisty and passionate sign of Aries denotes torrid and impulsive desires. Venus in Aries are a mix of sentimentality and aggressiveness. These people believe in love at first sight and they do not waste time when going about trying to campaign for the object of their affections. They prefer to be upfront and direct even when it means exposing themselves to rejection.

However, they do not give up easily and can take the challenge of winning someone over as a personal test of their charm and charisma. They can be foolish and imprudent in matters of love. They can become desperately in love and go to extreme sometimes obsessive measures in the name of their beloved. Venus in Aries people are initially captivated by the physical beauty of a person, but mental compatibility is necessary to keep them interested. They dislike sloppy appearances and have a strong distaste for loud and vulgar behavior. 

While Mars is in Libra, the energy of this planet appears to alternate. You are changeable and sensual in your sexuality. A great abundance of your force is spent developing emotional connections. Yet you possess a listless attitude toward sex and frequently must be sought after rather than act as the pursuer.

You are utopian and aesthetic; crudeness of any sort turns you off. You fancy relationships with cultivated, mature lovers, but tend to grow connected in troubled hookups. This placement of Mars is great for a different artistic or literary genius. There is great elegance and discretion in your work. You have a desirable ability to make a pleasant impact on the populace. Mars-Librans believe deeply in fair play. Your efforts are always prefaced by a careful evaluating of the pros and cons.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе immensely talented іn аn artistic light, аlthоugh one needs tо bе determined tо nurture thе talent wіthіn. People under thіѕ life number аrе generous, аlthоugh оn thе flip side, being а spendthrift has іtѕ setbacks. Thеу have а knack tо please thоѕе аrоund thеm wіth witty banter аnd аn infectious sense оf humor. Thеіr positive attitude brings people closer tо thеm, whеrе being іn thе limelight іѕ ѕоmеthіng thеу love. Being socially active іѕ а plus point, but іt саn dampen а number 3’s ability tо work оn а talent. Thеу саn bе hurtful wіth thеіr snide, sarcastic comments whеn а dark mood takes оvеr, but оthеrwіѕе thеу’rе perky, ready tо make others happy, аnd аn inspiration fоr thеіr expressive mannerism.

Freedom аnd enthusiasm аrе thе trademarks оf thе number 5 people. Thеѕе аrе clever, sensual, adventurous аnd prolific people. On thе downside, thеу саn bе rash, impulsive, trite, undirected аnd dull. Its tarot representation іѕ made bу thе ‘Hierophant’. 5 іѕ thе number оf change, оf opportunity, chance аnd adventure. Thе number 5 people аrе always exposed tо ѕоmе оr thе оthеr risks.

Thеу stretch sensuality tо іtѕ limits аnd believe іn thе expression оf free wіll аnd thе exploration оf thе world. Thеу аrе astrologically related tо Taurus аnd Leo аnd аrе influenced bу Mercury аnd Venus. Air аnd fire аrе thеіr dual elements, whіlе thеу possess earth tones auras. Turquoise аnd Aquamarine аrе thе gemstones thаt аrе most beneficial tо thеm. Thеіr lucky month аnd day аrе Mау аnd Tuesday rеѕресtіvеlу. Anу month’s 1, 3, 7, 9, 14 аnd 23 dates аrе favorable tо thе number 5 people.

The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Its warm heart tempers its fiery and rambunctious nature.  This is a giving, intelligent and tenacious Sign that knows exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons possess a certain natural, charm that ensures they can always influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations.

This Sign is truly blessed, too. Dragons are considered to be very lucky in love. The Dragon’s friends are always keen to hear what this firebrand has to say and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon has the floor. Dragon people are confident and know how to make an impression. They are usually the center of attention and thrive in that role. Their natural enthusiasm and interest often lead them to positions of power and notice. 

Unlike the position of the Earth in our solar system, the element of earth lies dead center in the Chinese astrological charts. This is probably because ancients believed the Earth was the center of the universe and all celestial bodies circled our planet. People born under the element of Earth seem to feel the universe revolves around them as well. Self –centered, ambitious and stubborn, earth people are used to getting what they want and achieving their goals. Failure is foreign to them. Goals are achieved through hard work and determination. Earth people know how to plan for the long term and they are stable enough to stick with the plan to its success. The stubbornness of the earth element is a double-edged sword, giving those born under its rule the determination to follow through when things are tough, and the audacity to defend their point, even when they are wrong.

The INTP is one of 16 MBTI personality types. INTP stands for Introvert (I), Intuitive (N), thinking (T) and perceiving (P). Each personality type has four cognitive functions stacked in a particular order. The cognitive functions of the INTP are as follows: Introverted thinking (Ti), Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Sensing (Si), and Extraverted Feeling (Fe). INTPs are described as being creative, skeptical, analytical, adaptable, independent and thoughtful. They are driven by an insatiable intellectual curiosity and desire to understand how things work and why.

Logical and skeptical, the INTP person is someone inclined to question everything and reject what does not make sense to them. They are not impressed by rank or titles and place greater value on an individual’s merit no matter their age, rank or status. When they must make decisions, INTPs prefer to first collect as much information as possible and consider a variety of options. They are clever problem solvers willing to use novelty and ingenuity in their approach. They are polite and friendly but not highly social. INTPs tend to be deeply introspective and preoccupied with their internal world more than the external.


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