Joe Biden

Born November 20, 1942
81 years old 

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Moon Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac: Water Horse
Numerology: Life Path 2
Birthplace: Scranton, PA
Profession: Politician
Best Known For: Vice President
Height: 6′ 0″

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (/ˌrɒbɪˈnɛt ˈbaɪdən/ ROB-ih-NET BY-dən; born November 20, 1942) is an American politician who served as the 47th vice president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as a United States Senator for Delaware from 1973 to 2009. Biden is the Democratic presidential nominee for the 2020 election, running against the incumbent, Donald Trump.

* charts provided

Positions of Planets
Sun 27°34′ Scorpio
Moon 0°59′ Taurus
Mercury 21°32′ Scorpio
Venus 28°33′ Scorpio
Mars 12°35′ Scorpio
Jupiter 25°08′ Я Cancer
Saturn 9°57′ Я Gemini
Uranus 2°46′ Я Gemini
Neptune 1°31′ Libra
Pluto 7°14′ Я Leo
Chiron 28°53′ Leo
Ceres 20°06′ Pisces
Pallas 12°37′ Aquarius
Juno 9°40′ Sagittarius
Vesta 13°57′ Aquarius
Node 0°09′ Я Virgo
Lilith 29°52′ Gemini
Fortune 6°37′ Taurus
AS 3°11′ Sagittarius
MC 19°54′ Virgo

List of Aspects
Sun Conjunction Venus Orb 0°59′
Venus Conjunction AS Orb 4°37′
Sun Conjunction AS Orb 5°37′
Sun Conjunction Mercury Orb 6°01′
Mercury Conjunction Venus Orb 7°01′
Saturn Conjunction Uranus Orb 7°10′
Mercury Conjunction Mars Orb 8°56′
Uranus Opposite AS Orb 0°24′
Venus Opposite Uranus Orb 4°13′
Sun Opposite Uranus Orb 5°12′
Saturn Opposite AS Orb 6°46′
Mars Square Pluto Orb 5°21′
Moon Square Jupiter Orb 5°51′
Moon Square Pluto Orb 6°14′
Uranus Trine Neptune Orb 1°15′
Sun Trine Jupiter Orb 2°25′
Venus Trine Jupiter Orb 3°25′
Mercury Trine Jupiter Orb 3°35′
Pluto Trine AS Orb 4°02′
Jupiter Trine AS Orb 8°03′
Mercury Sextile MC Orb 1°37′
Neptune Sextile AS Orb 1°40′
Saturn Sextile Pluto Orb 2°43′
Venus Sextile Neptune Orb 2°57′
Sun Sextile Neptune Orb 3°57′
Uranus Sextile Pluto Orb 4°27′
Jupiter Sextile MC Orb 5°13′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 5°42′
Moon Inconjunction Neptune Orb 0°31′
Moon Inconjunction AS Orb 2°11′
Moon Inconjunction Venus Orb 2°25′
Mars Inconjunction Saturn Orb 2°38′
Jupiter SemiSquare Saturn Orb 0°10′
Moon SemiSextile Uranus Orb 1°47′

Scorpio, the Scorpion, one of the most energetic and powerful signs in the Zodiac. This is an exciting and magnetic personality, very passionate and emotional. They are forceful personalities and can easily be destined for leadership roles. Consider some of the complex famous characters are Scorpios: Hillary Clinton, Pablo Picasso, Dylan Thomas, both Simon AND Garfunkel are Scorpios.

Scorpios have a better chance of having genius-level IQs than most of the population; they are intense, critical and analytical. They tend to rebel against all conventions and can be political extremists. The best love match for a Scorpio is Capricorn; they understand each other on a profound spiritual, almost psychic level. Scorpios give their hearts completely and passionately. Being so gifted, they can find fulfillment in many employments. Their inner intensity can result in the ice-cold self-control and detachment of the surgeon, the concentration of the research scientist, and the heroism of the soldier. 

The moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus. The steadiness of Taurus stabilizes the Moon’s otherwise fluctuating, and capricious nature. In this placement, the moon is granted with exceptional powers of focus. You approach your life the way you do your work — systematically. While others overcomplicate issues, you seek for the most effective method to handle it, and get it done even if it’s personally uncomfortable for you.

The sign of Taurus also draws out the more reserved, reflective characteristics of the Moon. You thoughtfully consider your options before reaching a determination. With a Moon in Taurus, you do not form conclusions immediately and are resistant to outside influences. It takes a while for you to reach a verdict but once you do, there is no way to make you alter your mind. With a Taurus Moon, you take your time digesting information. You are also a person who is resourceful, thrifty and a collector of tangible things. Taurus moon also exhibits the least emotional problems of any Moon sign. 

Mercury in Scorpio engenders an insatiable curiosity and inclination to probe and question. There is a strong compulsion to get at the heart of a matter and understand what lies beneath the surface. Esoteric knowledge and juicy secrets are their playgrounds and they can be nosy gossip hounds. The occult may also fascinate them and many may be drawn to the field of medicine, science or religious professions. Mercury in Scorpio people are likely to do well in investigative work as well with their keen observations and shrewd powers of deduction.

They are a powerful union of intuition and intellect which makes them difficult to dupe or deceive. They read people like a book and can spot a fake from far away. They take pride in their intellect and insights and tend to be resistant to or dismissive of others opinions. Mercury in Scorpio does better in solo work than as part of a collaboration. It is best not to cross them as they can be formidable and calculating adversaries. Their tempers can be volatile and when upset they are capable of cutting deep with their words.

With Venus in Scorpio, the experience of being in love is an engrossing and transformative experience. The emotions are like a conduit to something profound and spiritual for them and they immerse themselves in it. The power of love energizes them in deep and poetic ways. They truly take pleasure in expressing their passion and making frequent displays of their affection to their mate. The sexual side of their relationships is highlighted with Scorpio in Venus and it is treated like a spiritual experience where they can feel intensely close to their partners.

They have an underlying desire to possess the people they love and they desire complete surrender of their of their body and soul. This can be tricky for many are not willing to relinquish themselves to the intense control issues of a Venus in Scorpio person. At the same time, they can be sensitive to rejection and wounded by any signs of uncooperativeness from their partner. Venus in Scorpio people often get into marriages that benefit them financially. Their powerful imagination and romanticism allow them to create evocative art that strikes a chord.

Those with Mars in Scorpio are possessed with great tenacity and relentless persistence. They can be become obsessed with their objectives and spare no expense when it comes to making their desires manifest. They have strength and resilience to withstand and overcome hardship and obstacles. Mars in Scorpio does not give up until they have exhausted all options. The purpose of their goals can be all-consuming and become the epicenter of their focus at the exclusion of everything else.

They have a never say die attitude but they have the type of determination that can drive them to the brink and beyond. There is underlying desire for transcendence and immortality through their work and achievements. They do not like to waste time and want to make the most of the life given to them. Their passion permeates everything they do and can sometimes manifest in spectacularly negative and frightening ways. Their tempers can be heated and make them sometimes quarrelsome and touchy. But they also possess great creative powers and you can feel the passion they put into the work they produce.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе sensitive, caring, аnd intuitive. Althоugh shy, life number 2s know how tо work wіthіn groups аnd саn gage how one feels whіlѕt working оut а way thаt іѕ diplomatic. Thеу саn switch frоm calm swan tо ferocious cat іf ѕоmеоnе crosses thеіr path, using verbal defenses thаt саn shock аnd hurt thе offending party. Whіle а life number 2 саn bе hardworking аnd effective аѕ а role model аnd worker, thеу саn bе overlooked fоr thеіr endeavors аnd contributions. Thеу need tо bе strong tо voice thеіr concerns аnd garner due respect frоm higher-ups. Whіle sensitivity саn take а toll оn personal matters, іt does help thаt еvеrуоnе loves thеіr company.

Thе number 2 belongs tо thе cooperative, sensitive аnd balanced people. Thеѕе people аrе responsible, loving, patient, modest аnd supportive. Thеу аrе good partners tо have. On thе flip side, thеу саn bе rude, weak-willed, finicky аnd sly. Sоmе аrе аlѕо shy аnd fearful. 2 іѕ thе number оf compromise, cooperation, diplomacy аnd meditation.

Thе 2 people аrе wіllіng team players. Thе ‘High Priestess’ іѕ thеіr tarot representation. Thе number 2 іѕ linked tо Taurus аnd іѕ influenced bу bоth, thе moon аnd thе planet Vulcan. Two belongs tо thе water element. Thеу possess а white аnd indigo aura аnd thе moonstone іѕ thе ideal gemstone fоr thеm. Whіle February аnd November аrе favorable months fоr thе 2s, Monday іѕ thеіr lucky day. 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 20 аnd 29 аrе thе good monthly dates fоr thе number 2 people.

If you were born in the year 1942,m 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990 or 2002, then you are a Horse. You’re popular and attractive to the opposite sex. You can be ostentatious and impatient. You need people, but should marry a Tiger or a Dog. Avoid the Rat! Horses crave love and intimacy, which is a double-edged sword since it often leads them to feel trapped. Love connections tend to come easily to Horses, since they exude the kind of raw sex appeal that is a magnet to others.

This Sign tends to come on very strong in the beginning of the relationship, having an almost innate sense of romance and seduction. Horses are seducers in general; check out any A-list party and you’re bound to find the Horse in attendance. Like a wild mustang, horse people are said to be independent, and confident. They tend to be free spirits who need ample space to run free. They intensely dislike feeling confined or penned up.

Nurturing yet dangerous, vital and deadly, water is a ripe with contradiction. In moderate amounts it is a blessing, in over abundance, a curse. Water is the only element with the ability to put out fire and make things grow and thrive. Water is vital to our very survival. Without water crops wither and die and there is no food. The human body, and in fact, all life on Earth is dependent upon water. Yet, even for life, water has the potential to be deadly. Too much water in the body leads to water intoxication and even death. It is, however, a delicate balance.

Too little water and all life withers and dies with the effects of the hot sun. Too much water chokes out needed oxygen and drowns. It is for this very reason the element water is represented by the color black. Water rules intelligence and wisdom. People born under the element water are uncommonly intelligent and capable. For all their wisdom and reasoning ability, water people tend to have difficulty making and sticking to decisions. Diplomatic, and intuitive, water people are flexible. They have a special ability to ‘go with the flow’ and are usually easygoing.

The ESFJ is one of the 16 MBTI personality types. ESFJ stands for extravert (E), sensing (S), feeling (F) and judging (J). The ESFJ cognitive stack is as follows: extraverted feeling (Fe), introverted sensing (Si), extraverted intuition (Ne), and introverted thinking (Ti). ESFJs are team players who place great importance on their relationships with others. They dislike being alone and prefer companionship whenever possible. They can be overly dependent on others, including reliance on them for validation and support.

ESFJs are very helpful and accommodating. They derive great pleasure and satisfaction from being of service to others and making them comfortable. ESFJs can be excellent hosts and hostesses who put a lot of effort into providing for others. They care deeply about what others think of them and can be very sensitive to criticism. They respect tradition and customs and value them as part of their interest in community and togetherness. ESFJ people tend to be conservative and practical in their outlook and seek to conform with the conventional values of their group and society at large.

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