Born December 18, 1948
76 years old
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Moon Sign: Leo
Rising Sign: Virgo
Chinese Zodiac: Earth Rat
Numerology: Life Path 7
Birthplace: Burbank, CA
Profession: serial killer
Known as: The Co-ed Killer
Height: 6′ 9″
Edmund Emil Kemper III (born December 18, 1948) is an American serial killer, serial rapist, cannibal and necrophile who murdered ten people, including his paternal grandparents and mother. He is noted for his large size, at 6 feet 9 inches (2.06 m), and for his high intellect, possessing an IQ of 145[citation needed]. Kemper was nicknamed the Co-ed Killer, as most of his victims were female college students.

* charts provided
List of Aspects
Saturn Conjunction AS Orb 0°58′
Sun Conjunction Mercury Orb 3°36′
Mercury Conjunction Jupiter Orb 6°32′
Mars Conjunction Jupiter Orb 9°42′
Sun Conjunction Jupiter Orb 10°09
Sun Opposite Uranus Orb 1°19′
Mercury Opposite Uranus Orb 2°16′
Venus Opposite MC Orb 3°50′
Jupiter Opposite Uranus Orb 8°49′
Mars Square Neptune Orb 2°11′
Saturn Square MC Orb 3°40′
Venus Square AS Orb 6°32′
Venus Square Saturn Orb 7°30′
Jupiter Square Neptune Orb 7°31′
Jupiter Trine Saturn Orb 1°13′
Jupiter Trine AS Orb 2°12′
Mercury Trine AS Orb 4°20′
Mercury Trine Saturn Orb 5°19′
Moon Trine Venus Orb 6°05′
Sun Trine AS Orb 7°57′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 1°23′
Moon Sextile MC Orb 2°15′
Venus Inconjunction Uranus Orb 0°05′
Mars Inconjunction Pluto Orb 0°47′
Mercury Inconjunction MC Orb 1°38′
Moon Inconjunction Jupiter Orb 2°39′
Venus SemiSquare Neptune Orb 1°15′
Mars SesquiQuadrate MC Orb 0°23′
Mercury SesquiQuadrate Pluto Orb 0°27′
Sun Quintile Neptune Orb 0°18′
Jupiter BiQuintile MC Orb 1°05′
Sun BiQuintile Moon Orb 1°30′
Moon SemiSextile AS Orb 0°26′
Moon SemiSextile Saturn Orb 1°25′
Sun SemiSextile Venus Orb 1°25′
Positions of Planets
Sun 27°16′ Sagittarius
Moon 4°47′ Leo
Mercury 0°53′ Capricorn
Venus 28°41′ Scorpio
Mars 17°08′ Capricorn
Jupiter 7°26′ Capricorn
Saturn 6°12′ Я Virgo
Uranus 28°36′ Я Gemini
Neptune 14°57′ Libra
Pluto 16°20′ Я Leo
Chiron 2°37′ Sagittarius
Ceres 24°40′ Leo
Pallas 28°25′ Я Taurus
Juno 7°23′ Aries
Vesta 12°40′ Scorpio
Node 3°26′ Я Taurus
Lilith 25°19′ Aquarius
Fortune 27°42′ Capricorn
AS 5°13′ Virgo
MC 2°31′ Gemini
Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of energy, versatility, adventure and eagerness to experience the new and different. They enjoy traveling and exploration; they are ambitious and optimistic, even in the face of disappointment.. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice.
They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just, and are prepared to be rebellious. They balance loyalty with independence. Sagittarians are usually modest and are often religious, with a strong sense of morality, though they tend to overemphasize the ethical codes they follow and worship beliefs about God rather than God Himself. This means that, negatively, they regard rigid, unloving, intolerant adherence to ritual and conventional codes as more important than the truths they symbolize or embody.
Moon in Leo is emotionally positive and full of vitality. Even its darker aspects are less dark than that of other moon signs. Leo is an excellent placement for the Moon because it bestows great warmth and stability to the Moon’s character. It also imparts a visionary quality. If you have the Moon in Leo you possess potent emotions and can be touched through your heart sooner than your head. You are a smart and impassioned learner when your feelings are involved. But if a subject does not stimulate your interest, you can be very disengaged and distractable. Persuading you requires appeals to the heart more than the mind. Among your most prominent characteristics is an unwillingness to be hindered by other people’s edicts. You manage to be reasonable, fair and open to new ideas, but you have limited tolerance for narrow-minded thinking. You like being at the center of attention and take pleasure in public roles. Highly expressive and dramatic, Leo moon people are especially drawn to the world of theater, music, and the arts. You possess a fine sense of humor and great individual charm. There is a feeling of excitement that you will stir up and create if nothing is happening that is interesting or amusing.
If you have Mercury in Capricorn you manage to be driven and systematic, deliberate, calculating, and composed. You are not only excellent at handling details but you additionally never lose sight of the complete picture. When it comes to making judgments you are remarkably reasonable. Reasoning, the cool progression from point to point, is what you put your trust in. You perpetually have an aspiration; you always have a hidden purpose you are attempting.
Mercury-Capricorns often attain positions of leadership because they are so reliable and have an air of prestige. (This is evident even in very little kids who have Mercury in this position.) A difficulty you have in associating to people can be your authoritarian style. You also manage to have a disapproving air about the weaknesses and frivolities of others. Life is grave to Mercury-Capricorns and you see its dark side—though a redeeming quality is your dry sense of humor.
With Venus in Scorpio, the experience of being in love is an engrossing and transformative experience. The emotions are like a conduit to something profound and spiritual for them and they immerse themselves in it. The power of love energizes them in deep and poetic ways. They truly take pleasure in expressing their passion and making frequent displays of their affection to their mate. The sexual side of their relationships is highlighted with Scorpio in Venus and it is treated like a spiritual experience where they can feel intensely close to their partners.
They have an underlying desire to possess the people they love and they desire complete surrender of their of their body and soul. This can be tricky for many are not willing to relinquish themselves to the intense control issues of a Venus in Scorpio person. At the same time, they can be sensitive to rejection and wounded by any signs of uncooperativeness from their partner. Venus in Scorpio people often get into marriages that benefit them financially. Their powerful imagination and romanticism allow them to create evocative art that strikes a chord.
Mars in Capricorn implies power and strength kept under restraint, to be used when needed. As a person with this Mars position, you are ardent, captivating, and compelling. Your energy rests in your determination and capacity to endure. When barriers obstruct your pathway you roll over them roughshod. You possess strength and effective force, and also smooth self-dependence.
Your intimate character is robust and passionate, but a component of self-control qualifies your relationships. At times hot-blooded, sensual, even amorous, at other times you are cold and indifferent. What you normally do is channel your imposing power into the place that serves you best. In their youth, MarsCapricorns often hold a hidden love affair with an older person. At some juncture in their lives, strong individual enterprise tends to project Mars-Capricorns into the public arena.
Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе humanitarians whо want tо change thе world frоm іtѕ dire state, tо one whеrе thеrе іѕ peace аnd harmony. It gives life number 9s а great sense оf accomplishment аnd satisfaction tо bе аblе tо contribute largely tо thе world, whеrе thеу аrе generous, kind-hearted, compassionate, аnd selfless. Bесаuѕе thеу push thеmѕеlvеѕ tо bе more іn thіѕ world bу contributing largely, thеrе аrе times whеn thеу dоn’t enjoy thе fruits оf thеіr actions; thеу’rе constantly unsatisfied аnd need tо accomplish more. Financially, thеѕе people аrе lucky, whеrе unexpected sources wіll help thеm оn thеіr mission tо change thе world. Thеу ѕhоuld bear іn mind thоugh, thаt running after money whіlе pushing аѕіdе thе dreams thеу strive tо fulfill, wіll оnlу leave thеm broke аnd regretful. Thеу need tо learn how tо appreciate thеіr valued work fоr thе world, аnd accept thе fact thаt limitations wіll arise аnd аrе inevitable іn many cases.
Thе number 7 іѕ thе number оf analysis аnd critique. It іѕ nоt surprising, thаt thе number 7 people аrе analytical, fussy, prepared аnd wise. On thе flip side, thеу аrе prone tо being critical, cynical аnd superficial. Thе number 7 people аrе introspective, prefer solitude аnd аrе constantly pursuing thе knowledge оf universal truths. Thе tarot representation оf thе number 7 іѕ thе ‘Chariot’. Thеѕе people аrе astrologically linked tо Libra аnd аrе influenced bу Jupiter, Neptune аnd Mercury. Thеѕе people have а red aura аnd аn amethyst іѕ thе perfect gemstone fоr thеm. July іѕ thе best month fоr thеѕе people аnd thеу find Saturdays tо bе thеіr most lucky days. Thеу get thе best jobs done оn thе 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 16th аnd 25th dates оf аnу month.
Now remember, in Chinese astrology, the some of the signs have names that we in Western culture might not associate with positive human characteristics. Chief among these might be the sign of the Rat. If you were born in 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984 or 1996 then you are a Rat! According to today’s Chinese menu, you are ambitious yet honest,.
Prone to spend freely. Seldom make lasting friendships. You are most compatible with Dragons and Monkeys and least compatible with Horses. While in the West, we associate rats with sewers, vermin and disease, this animal is viewed a bit differently in the East. The Eastern rat is appreciated for its quick wits and ability to accumulate and hold on to wealth. Rats are a symbol of good luck in the East. It’s a stylish and charming sign in Eastern astrology. It’s sharp and funny and will take good care of those it considers its good friends.
Unlike the position of the Earth in our solar system, the element of earth lies dead center in the Chinese astrological charts. This is probably because ancients believed the Earth was the center of the universe and all celestial bodies circled our planet. People born under the element of Earth seem to feel the universe revolves around them as well. Self –centered, ambitious and stubborn, earth people are used to getting what they want and achieving their goals. Failure is foreign to them. Goals are achieved through hard work and determination. Earth people know how to plan for the long term and they are stable enough to stick with the plan to its success. The stubbornness of the earth element is a double-edged sword, giving those born under its rule the determination to follow through when things are tough, and the audacity to defend their point, even when they are wrong.
The INTP is one of 16 MBTI personality types. INTP stands for Introvert (I), Intuitive (N), thinking (T) and perceiving (P). Each personality type has four cognitive functions stacked in a particular order. The cognitive functions of the INTP are as follows: Introverted thinking (Ti), Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Sensing (Si), and Extraverted Feeling (Fe). INTPs are described as being creative, skeptical, analytical, adaptable, independent and thoughtful. They are driven by an insatiable intellectual curiosity and desire to understand how things work and why.
Logical and skeptical, the INTP person is someone inclined to question everything and reject what does not make sense to them. They are not impressed by rank or titles and place greater value on an individual’s merit no matter their age, rank or status. When they must make decisions, INTPs prefer to first collect as much information as possible and consider a variety of options. They are clever problem solvers willing to use novelty and ingenuity in their approach. They are polite and friendly but not highly social. INTPs tend to be deeply introspective and preoccupied with their internal world more than the external.