Phil Heath

Born December 18, 1979
44 years old 

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac: Earth Goat
Numerology: Life Path 11
Birthplace: Seattle, WA
Profession: bodybuilder
Best Known For: Mr. Olympia
Height: 5′ 9″

Phillip Jerrod Heath (born December 18, 1979) is an American IFBB professional bodybuilder. He is a seven-time Mr. Olympia winner, having won the competition every year from 2011 to 2017. His latest victory tied him with Arnold Schwarzenegger for the joint-second number of all-time Mr. Olympia wins, behind Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman, who are joint-first with eight wins each.

phil heath birth chart

* charts provided

List of Aspects
Moon Conjunction Neptune Orb 0°40′
Mars Conjunction Jupiter Orb 0°46′
Sun Conjunction MC Orb 1°20′
Neptune Conjunction MC Orb 4°31′
Moon Conjunction MC Orb 5°12′
Sun Conjunction Neptune Orb 5°51′
Sun Conjunction Moon Orb 6°32′
Mars Opposite AS Orb 7°45′
Saturn Opposite AS Orb 8°00′
Jupiter Opposite AS Orb 8°31′
Sun Square Saturn Orb 0°23′
Moon Square AS Orb 1°04′
Mercury Square Jupiter Orb 1°40′
Saturn Square MC Orb 1°43′
Neptune Square AS Orb 1°45′
Mercury Square Mars Orb 2°27′
Venus Square Pluto Orb 3°44′
Saturn Square Neptune Orb 6°15′
Moon Square Saturn Orb 6°56′
Sun Square AS Orb 7°37′
Venus Trine Saturn Orb 1°34′
Uranus Trine AS Orb 4°41′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 0°56′
Moon Sextile Pluto Orb 1°37′
Venus Sextile Uranus Orb 1°45′
Saturn Sextile Uranus Orb 3°19′
Pluto Sextile MC Orb 3°35′
Sun Sextile Pluto Orb 4°55′
Pluto Inconjunction AS Orb 2°42′
Venus SesquiQuadrate Jupiter Orb 0°01′
Venus SesquiQuadrate Mars Orb 0°47′
Mercury Quintile Saturn Orb 0°13′
Mars Quintile Uranus Orb 0°27′
Venus SemiSextile MC Orb 0°09′
Sun SemiSextile Venus Orb 1°10′

Positions of Planets
Sun 26°18′ Sagittarius
Moon 19°45′ Sagittarius
Mercury 8°28′ Sagittarius
Venus 25°07′ Capricorn
Mars 10°55′ Virgo
Jupiter 10°09′ Virgo
Saturn 26°41′ Virgo
Uranus 23°22′ Scorpio
Neptune 20°26′ Sagittarius
Pluto 21°22′ Libra
Chiron 9°37′ Я Taurus
Ceres 6°57′ Aries
Pallas 24°10′ Aquarius
Juno 27°46′ Я Cancer
Vesta 3°00′ Я Taurus
Node 1°30′ Я Virgo
Lilith 29°19′ Я Leo
Fortune 12°08′ Pisces
AS 18°40′ Pisces
MC 24°58′ Sagittarius

Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of energy, versatility, adventure and eagerness to experience the new and different. They enjoy traveling and exploration; they are ambitious and optimistic, even in the face of disappointment.. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice.

They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just, and are prepared to be rebellious. They balance loyalty with independence. Sagittarians are usually modest and are often religious, with a strong sense of morality, though they tend to overemphasize the ethical codes they follow and worship beliefs about God rather than God Himself. This means that, negatively, they regard rigid, unloving, intolerant adherence to ritual and conventional codes as more important than the truths they symbolize or embody. 

In the expansive and broad-minded sign of Sagittarius, the Moon takes on a special radiance and shine that is distinct from other moon signs. Sagittarius is the astrological sign of long journeys and higher education. Here, the Moon urges a more active mode of existence. If your Moon is in Sagittarius, you are recognized for your sharp, incisive mind, excellent insights, and ability to get things done in a jiffy.

Your clear-thinking mind examines sensory information swiftly and with alarming efficacy. You are the sort of individual who envisions large goals and then sets about accomplishing them undeterred by the scope of the task. You seldom heed advice about potential pitfalls and drawbacks, nor wait to see if a plan is unrealistic or untenable. With optimism and enthusiasm, you race in and normally succeed in what you set out to do. With a Moon in Sagittarius, there is a lofty vision, and an ability to see farther than people with the Moon in other signs.

If you have this position of Mercury you are sharp and clever, jaunty, to the point. You cherish liberty of expression and cannot tolerate the notion of any power of suppression over what you have to say. Your brain is restless, curious, always scanning for stimulation. You may bounce from project to project or switch jobs constantly. Travel is often included in your business. Mercury-Sagittarians never quit learning; yours is a continuous, lifetime enlightenment.

You like to read, examine new ideas, discover other people. You are quick on your feet and can apprehend ideas immediately, but a common failing is your deficiency of attention. Some people determine you too frank and candid, but that feature springs from Sagittarius’s fundamental probity. You never intentionally set out to trick or sham; if you are rude it’s because you don’t think before you speak. Sometimes you find it challenging to finish a long, sustained piece of work.

Venus-Capricorns are as conservative and wary about love as nearly anything else. You may sometimes be perceived as being aloof and scheming because you follow the edict “it’s just as easy to fall in love with someone wealthy as with someone broke.” In truth, this was plausibly said originally by a Venus-Capricorn. However, it is far from representing the entire story. When in love, you are faithful, trustworthy, and steady.

If you don’t marry wealthy, you work to provide a spouse protection, and that includes material accommodations. You may not be affectionate and elegant, but what you say you mean. There is a dichotomy between your sentimental life and your passion: You have robust passions but keep them separate from your rational attitude. You can be sexually connected and disconnected at the same time. Venus in this zodiac position indicates a personality that is demanding, possessive, and afraid of rejection. Once shunned, Venus-Capricorn’s response is total coldness.

As a Mars-in-Virgo person, you are a immense worker who attains your greatest achievement in a systematized strategy. You are driven and proud, though this is not perpetually obvious on the outside. Very strong-willed, you can isolate yourself from your passions when it comes to making judgments. In your craft you are shrewd, calculating, and calmly resolved.

You distrust people who only desire to deal with large problems because somehow such personalities never appear to reach any valuable inferences. Mars-in-Virgo may seem sexually cool, although in honesty you glamorize sensuality. You desire it to be both corporally ecstatic and mentally stimulating. Your appetites are powerful but kept under tight restraint. Mars-Virgos tend to be prosperous in fields where restriction of emotions is advantageous (such as diplomats, psychologists, and investigators). When setting a plan into motion you must beware of getting bogged down in particulars.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе humanitarians whо want tо change thе world frоm іtѕ dire state, tо one whеrе thеrе іѕ peace аnd harmony. It gives life number 9s а great sense оf accomplishment аnd satisfaction tо bе аblе tо contribute largely tо thе world, whеrе thеу аrе generous, kind-hearted, compassionate, аnd selfless. Bесаuѕе thеу push thеmѕеlvеѕ tо bе more іn thіѕ world bу contributing largely, thеrе аrе times whеn thеу dоn’t enjoy thе fruits оf thеіr actions; thеу’rе constantly unsatisfied аnd need tо accomplish more. Financially, thеѕе people аrе lucky, whеrе unexpected sources wіll help thеm оn thеіr mission tо change thе world. Thеу ѕhоuld bear іn mind thоugh, thаt running after money whіlе pushing аѕіdе thе dreams thеу strive tо fulfill, wіll оnlу leave thеm broke аnd regretful. Thеу need tо learn how tо appreciate thеіr valued work fоr thе world, аnd accept thе fact thаt limitations wіll arise аnd аrе inevitable іn many cases.

Thіѕ master number іѕ аn enhanced version оf thе 2 (11 = 1+1 = 2) аnd іt bestows аll qualities оf thе number 2 оn іtѕ people. It belongs tо idealistic, intuitive аnd visionary people. Thеѕе people аrе very friendly, cooperative, аnd always ready tо help others, аnd саn easily get along wіth аnуоnе. Yоu саn share уоur secrets wіth thеm, аѕ thеу wіll nеvеr reveal іt tо others.

Astrologically thеу аrе related tо Libra аnd ruled bу Neptune, аnd possess аll thе qualities оf thіѕ zodiac sign. Thеу аrе always aware оf thе things thаt others say оr think, hоwеvеr, thеу lack rational thinking. Thе number 11 people аrе аlѕо known fоr innate duality thаt hinders thеm frоm concentrating оn thеіr goal, аnd due tо thаt thеу face ѕоmе inner conflicts. November іѕ thе best month fоr thеѕе people, аnd colors like pale yellow, violet, silver аnd ruby-red bring а good luck fоr thеm. Thеу have аn aura made uр оf colors like white, yellow, pink аnd blue. Platinum оr Topaz іѕ thе lucky gemstone fоr thеm.

If you were born in the year 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 or 2003 then you are a Goat. You’re elegant and creative, somewhat timid and prefer anonymity. You are most compatible with Pigs and Rabbits, but don’t mix it up with the Ox. Goats tend to have a hard time with romance; anyone who couples up with a Goat must know, this Sign has a sensitive streak a mile wide and can be subject to bouts of anxiety over seemingly inconsequential things.

Goats need plenty of love, support and open reassurance from their lovers. If a relationship is marked by conflict, the Goat will often pull away — either physically or simply by retreating into the safe haven of its imagination. Sheep have a flair for the artistic. Their innate sense of drama and rhythm make them great actors and musicians. In fact, almost the entire list of “famous Sheep” is comprised of well known actors, cartoonists and musicians. These are beautiful people, who enjoy creating beautiful things. 

Unlike the position of the Earth in our solar system, the element of earth lies dead center in the Chinese astrological charts. This is probably because ancients believed the Earth was the center of the universe and all celestial bodies circled our planet. People born under the element of Earth seem to feel the universe revolves around them as well. Self –centered, ambitious and stubborn, earth people are used to getting what they want and achieving their goals. Failure is foreign to them. Goals are achieved through hard work and determination. Earth people know how to plan for the long term and they are stable enough to stick with the plan to its success. The stubbornness of the earth element is a double-edged sword, giving those born under its rule the determination to follow through when things are tough, and the audacity to defend their point, even when they are wrong.

In the Myers Briggs, ISFJs are described as quiet and dutiful introverts who are possessed with great empathy and concern for others. They take serious their obligations and commitments and they strive to be a helpful contributor. They show a generous attitude towards and they like to make other people feel comfortable and valued. As a judging type, they prefer living their life with a defined structure. Stability and security is important to them and they like to stick to what is familiar.

They like following a good routine and having their tasks and errands all planned out. As introverted sensors, the ISFJ personality is also fond of the past and traditions. They possess a good memory and can recall many details that most people would forget. ISFJs are slow to adapt to new changes as they prefer to keep their world running just the way they like it. Their values tend to be conservative and practical. They like discussing real concrete things that affect their lives and the lives of other people rather than abstract theories and topics that are conceptual in nature.

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