Anthony Mackie

Born September 23, 1978
46 years old 

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Moon Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Earth Horse
Numerology: Life Path 3
Birthplace: New Orleans, LA
Profession: actor
Best Known For: playing Falcon in “The Avengers”
Height: Anthony Mackie is 5′ 10½” (1m79) tall

Anthony Mackie (born September 23, 1978) is an American actor. He has been featured in films, television series and Broadway and Off-Broadway plays, including Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Drowning Crow, McReele, A Soldier’s Play and Carl Hancock Rux’s Talk, for which he won an Obie Award in 2002.

In 2002, he was featured in Eminem’s film debut, 8 Mile. He was nominated for Independent Spirit Award for Best Actor for his role in Brother to Brother. His second nomination was for Best Supporting Actor at the 2009 Independent Spirit Awards for his role in The Hurt Locker.


Anthony Mackie Birth Chart

Positions of Planets
Sun 0°19′ Libra
Moon 24°43′ Gemini
Mercury 24°30′ Virgo
Venus 13°14′ Scorpio
Mars 2°35′ Scorpio
Jupiter 3°17′ Leo
Saturn 7°21′ Virgo
Uranus 14°01′ Scorpio
Neptune 15°44′ Sagittarius
Pluto 15°57′ Libra
Chiron 9°02′ Я Taurus
Ceres 11°42′ Capricorn
Pallas 14°04′ Sagittarius
Juno 23°38′ Capricorn
Vesta 22°27′ Sagittarius
Node 26°44′ Я Virgo
Lilith 27°04′ Я Cancer

List of Aspects
Venus Conjunction Uranus Orb 0°46′
Sun Conjunction Mercury Orb 5°48′
Moon Opposite Neptune Orb 8°58′
Moon Square Mercury Orb 0°12′
Mars Square Jupiter Orb 0°42′
Sun Square Moon Orb 5°35′
Moon Trine Mars Orb 7°52′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 0°12′
Sun Sextile Jupiter Orb 2°58′
Mars Sextile Saturn Orb 4°46′
Venus Sextile Saturn Orb 5°52′
Sun SemiSquare Uranus Orb 1°17′
Moon Quintile Saturn Orb 0°38′
Jupiter Quintile Pluto Orb 0°39′

Those born under the sign of Libra, the Scales, have a wonderful balance of traits. They’re considered to be diplomatic and urbane, romantic and charming, idealistic and peaceable. Even their darker characteristics aren’t so terrible. They can be flirtatious, easily influenced and indecisive. Curiously, Libra is the only sign of the Zodiac represented by an inanimate object, the Scales.

Every other sign is represented by an animal or sea creature or person. As a partner, Libras are willing to bend over backwards to resolve an issue amicably. The best match for a Libra is a Gemini; they’re least compatible with Capricorns because Capricorns like a little more excitement in life, while Libras prefer a more laid-back existence. You won’t find Libra sitting out all the dances that’s for sure! Very easy going and likeable, you will find Libra’s company a pleasure to enjoy. Even though they are outgoing, they are also surprisingly peaceful and calm of spirit. 


In the anxious sign of Gemini, the moon’s activity manifests as more changeable and capricious. Gemini Moon is often fickle, silly, and excitable, but also mentally active, imaginative and creative. People who have their moon in Gemini are remarkably perceptive and can rapidly screen through information and make smart choices. Their snap decisions tend to be more rational than emotional.

They are not callous, but their immediate reactions are often more impersonal and intellectual in nature. They wield both analytical and verbal skills. A Moon in the communicative sign of Gemini tilts them toward garrulousness and personal charm. They have an enchanting liveliness that attracts others to them. Discussions with them often deviate on unexpected tangents. Gemini moon is quite restless and needs continuous mental activity. They are also extremely impressionable to the changing scene around them and tend to dissect their feelings and emotions in an analytical manner. 

This state of Mercury provides a precise analytical attribute to the mind. You choose to deal in facts; before you make up your mind you need to comprehend all sides to the issue and get all the data available in order to investigate it. Once you develop a theory, you’re pretty convinced it is the truth. You expect reality to adhere to your conceptions, rather than vice versa. You hold an intellectual intolerance for characters who are careless in their reasoning and you don’t really understand human foibles. Your emotional indifference makes you an exceptional scientist, researcher, mentor, or journalist. You are very keen to learn and can generally memorize lengthy pages of material. A flaw is your eagerness to take on too much activity or too many plans. You wear yourself down, and at times grow neurotic and hypercritical. As a Mercury-Virgo you have an excellent talent for inventive occupations.

With Venus in Scorpio, the experience of being in love is an engrossing and transformative experience. The emotions are like a conduit to something profound and spiritual for them and they immerse themselves in it. The power of love energizes them in deep and poetic ways. They truly take pleasure in expressing their passion and making frequent displays of their affection to their mate. The sexual side of their relationships is highlighted with Scorpio in Venus and it is treated like a spiritual experience where they can feel intensely close to their partners.

They have an underlying desire to possess the people they love and they desire complete surrender of their of their body and soul. This can be tricky for many are not willing to relinquish themselves to the intense control issues of a Venus in Scorpio person. At the same time, they can be sensitive to rejection and wounded by any signs of uncooperativeness from their partner. Venus in Scorpio people often get into marriages that benefit them financially. Their powerful imagination and romanticism allow them to create evocative art that strikes a chord.

Those with Mars in Scorpio are possessed with great tenacity and relentless persistence. They can be become obsessed with their objectives and spare no expense when it comes to making their desires manifest. They have strength and resilience to withstand and overcome hardship and obstacles. Mars in Scorpio does not give up until they have exhausted all options. The purpose of their goals can be all-consuming and become the epicenter of their focus at the exclusion of everything else.

They have a never say die attitude but they have the type of determination that can drive them to the brink and beyond. There is underlying desire for transcendence and immortality through their work and achievements. They do not like to waste time and want to make the most of the life given to them. Their passion permeates everything they do and can sometimes manifest in spectacularly negative and frightening ways. Their tempers can be heated and make them sometimes quarrelsome and touchy. But they also possess great creative powers and you can feel the passion they put into the work they produce.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе reminiscent оf hippies whо аrе carefree аnd live оn adventure аnd social interactions. Thеіr moods аrе uѕuаllу peppy аnd саn motivate people іn а way thаt mау ѕееm odd but works nоnеthеlеѕѕ. Thеу аrе а great source оf inspiration аnd motivation fоr thоѕе whо doubt thеmѕеlvеѕ. Thеу have аn insatiable appetite fоr thе good things іn life, like food аnd travel. Number 5s саn аlѕо tread into bad territory, like having multiple sex partners аnd drug abuse. Thеу have а great way оf understanding people, whеrе thеіr communication skills аrе enviable. Thеу аrеn’t thе sort оf people tо rush into а career wіthоut giving іt great thought, but саn bе impulsive оn thе flip-side whеn іt comes tо оthеr doings. Thеу’rе butterflies thаt need thеіr daily dose оf freedom.

Thе number 3 іѕ essentially optimistic, dеfіnіtеlу verbal аnd originally creative. Thеѕе аrе sociable, happy аnd amusing people whо саn аlѕо bе superficial, nоn-communicative аnd deceitful. Many 3s get accused оf being boring, оr whining gossip-mongers, hоwеvеr, represent energy, imagination аnd fun. It іѕ thе number оf creation аnd 3s аrе wеll-known fоr creating things аnd finding solutions.

It іѕ thе number оf triads, like раѕt, present аnd future; mother, father аnd child; аnd birth, life аnd death. Thе number 3 people аrе represented bу thе ‘Empress’ іn thе tarot cards. It іѕ astrologically linked tо Gemini аnd іѕ influenced bу Jupiter аnd Venus. 3 іѕ ruled bу fire аnd earth. Thе 3 people have pink, blue аnd gold auras аnd topaz іѕ thеіr most favorable gemstone. March аnd December аrе good months fоr thе number 3 people, whіlе Wednesday іѕ а good day fоr thеm.

If you were born in the year 1942,m 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990 or 2002, then you are a Horse. You’re popular and attractive to the opposite sex. You can be ostentatious and impatient. You need people, but should marry a Tiger or a Dog. Avoid the Rat! Horses crave love and intimacy, which is a double-edged sword since it often leads them to feel trapped. Love connections tend to come easily to Horses, since they exude the kind of raw sex appeal that is a magnet to others.

This Sign tends to come on very strong in the beginning of the relationship, having an almost innate sense of romance and seduction. Horses are seducers in general; check out any A-list party and you’re bound to find the Horse in attendance. Like a wild mustang, horse people are said to be independent, and confident. They tend to be free spirits who need ample space to run free. They intensely dislike feeling confined or penned up.

Unlike the position of the Earth in our solar system, the element of earth lies dead center in the Chinese astrological charts. This is probably because ancients believed the Earth was the center of the universe and all celestial bodies circled our planet. People born under the element of Earth seem to feel the universe revolves around them as well. Self –centered, ambitious and stubborn, earth people are used to getting what they want and achieving their goals. Failure is foreign to them. Goals are achieved through hard work and determination. Earth people know how to plan for the long term and they are stable enough to stick with the plan to its success. The stubbornness of the earth element is a double-edged sword, giving those born under its rule the determination to follow through when things are tough, and the audacity to defend their point, even when they are wrong.

The ESFP is one of the 16 MBTI personality types. ESFP stands for extravert (E), sensing (S), feeling (F), and perceiving (P). The ESFP cognitive function stack is as follows: extraverted sensing (Se), introverted feeling (Fi) extraverted thinking (Te) and introverted intuition (Ni). The ESFP personality is noted for their outgoing and energetic nature. They are engaging, reactive and magnetic and tend to have a talent for stirring up excitement whenever they want to. ESFPs are friendly and enthusiastic.

They live in the moment and are highly aware of their environment. Their interactions with others tend to be light-hearted and humorous. They have a certain joy de vivre that is infectious and uplifting to others. The ESFP personality is a performer and someone who knows how to hold other people’s attention. They live according to their own values and they love to have fun. They are also very generous and tend to be liberal in their lifestyle. They are sensual beings who like to enjoy the finer things in life. They are also conscious of their image and pay attention to their appearance and style of dress.


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