Lil Pump

Born August 17, 2000
24 years old 

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Moon Sign: Pisces
Chinese Zodiac: Metal Dragon
Numerology: Life Path 9
Birthplace: Miami, FL
Profession: rapper
Height: 5′ 7.5″

Gazzy Garcia (born August 17, 2000), known professionally as Lil Pump, is an American rapper and songwriter. He is known for his hyperactive public persona, where he is often portrayed taking drugs, particularly marijuana, lean and Xanax; he is often criticized for his behavior seen on social media. He is also known for shouting his catchphrase “Esskeetit” (a truncated version of “Let’s get it”). Garcia was named as one of the 30 Under 30 by Forbes in 2019.

lil pump birth chart

* charts provided

List of Aspects
Sun Conjunction Mercury Orb 4°36′
Jupiter Conjunction Saturn Orb 7°58′
Mercury Conjunction Mars Orb 9°43′
Jupiter Opposite Pluto Orb 1°47′
Mercury Opposite Uranus Orb 1°50′
Mars Opposite Neptune Orb 6°04′
Sun Opposite Uranus Orb 6°26′
Mars Opposite Uranus Orb 7°53′
Moon Opposite Venus Orb 9°21′
Saturn Opposite Pluto Orb 9°46′
Venus Square Pluto Orb 3°17′
Venus Square Jupiter Orb 5°04′
Sun Square Saturn Orb 5°21′
Mars Trine Pluto Orb 0°32′
Jupiter Trine Neptune Orb 3°43′
Saturn Trine Neptune Orb 4°14′
Mars Sextile Jupiter Orb 2°20′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 5°31′
Sun Inconjunction Moon Orb 2°13′
Moon Inconjunction Mercury Orb 2°22′
Mercury Quintile Jupiter Orb 0°04′

Positions of Planets
Sun 25°02′ Leo
Moon 22°48′ Pisces
Mercury 20°26′ Leo
Venus 13°26′ Virgo
Mars 10°42′ Leo
Jupiter 8°22′ Gemini
Saturn 0°23′ Gemini
Uranus 18°35′ Я Aquarius
Neptune 4°38′ Я Aquarius
Pluto 10°09′ Я Sagittarius
Chiron 11°04′ Sagittarius
Ceres 19°42′ Libra
Pallas 23°03′ Virgo
Juno 18°37′ Я Aquarius
Vesta 18°34′ Я Capricorn
Node 24°20′ Я Cancer
Lilith 28°39′ Capricorn

Leos (July 23 to August 22) are among the kings of the zodiac. They are generous and warm-hearted, creative, faithful and loving. They can be prideful and dominant, however. In Greek mythology, Leo was the lion that was killed by Hercules as the first of his 12 chores. Leos are spontaneous and extroverted. Leo is a born leader, cheerful and optimistic.

They conquer obstacles the same way a lion conquers their foes—like a hunter, who spots his prey, stalks, and pounces.  Leos tend to be very focused on their goals and ambitions. Like the king of beasts, they like to be in command and make good leaders. They have strong intelligence and can be philosophical, even religious. Leos like to be the center of attention and have powerful egos. They can be resentful if they’re not the center of attention. Leos occasionally need to remember that less is more and they can attract as much attention if they stop trying so hard to get it. It’s that pride thing, again. 

Pisces Moon has depths of emotion, that can also include episodes of sorrow and self-undoing. Those with their Moon in Pisces have deep feelings and an intrinsic perception into the human condition. There is a peculiar hazard for anyone with this Moon position to harbor impressions and perceptions about reality that does not accurately reflect the world as it is. Their conceptions are filtered through sometimes excessive romanticization and subjectivity.

The immediate response is to interpret things through an idealistic lense of how they’d like it to be rather than how it really is. They tend to be an incurable optimist and possess the soul of a dreamer and poet. Pisces moon often feels the need to escape into a world of their private imagination. Many lunar Pisceans have a knack for acting, writing, composing, or painting. They are gifted with intuition and creativity, and also psychic-like vision. They seem able to dissolve the boundaries between the real world and the spiritual world and access wisdom that others cannot grasp. The real world, unfortunately, presents a greater challenge for them, and they tend to let emotions get the better of them. 

Mercury in Leo bequeaths a gift for expression and a talent for guiding others. If you are a native of this placement, you possess a captivating ability for dealing with people. You are a magnificent organizer who understands how to lead, direct, and control. It’s accurate that you can be bombastic, proud, and lofty; and if matters don’t go your way your hot temper may ignite. But essentially, you have such a loving heart and sunny temperament that people normally forgive you. There is a flashy expansiveness to your viewpoint. Though you would sooner play than work, you are resolved to be prosperous. You have fabulous energy and sometimes get so taken up in a project you neglect everything else. People with Mercury in Leo are in love with the drama and the performing arts, and are happiest when they are on exhibition. Artistic fields interest you and you dislike dull routine work. 

If you have the Venus in Virgo placement, you manage to be careful about falling in love. You sometimes sidestep entanglement by taking shallow deficiencies in a person and inflating them disproportionately as major character defects. You carry yourself on a tight leash, because you worry that your emotions will be misused by someone undeserving. What you desire in a love relationship is someone who will judge you as unique.

Curiously, though, when you do invest your heart away it’s oftentimes to the wrong person, who will not understand your fine attributes. (For some reason, this state of Venus tends to promote embarrassment.) Venus-Virgos have several merits. You are elegant and bright, loyal and compassionate. Usually, you are a creative writer and educator; you have an outstanding business sense and a calm but clever sense of humor. Many of our distinguished government leaders and philanthropists are VenusVirgos who have provided their love to the world at large rather than to an individual person.

With Mars in Leo, there is likely to be a persona that is larger than life. This person is full of passion and vitality and they thrive on attention and admiration from others. They are natural performers who like to show off and strut their stuff. They are good at captivating an audience and being entertaining. Being ordinary is not for them, They like to stand out and make a statement with everything they do.

Individuals with Mars in Leo are hot-blooded and impulsive daredevils but are also loveable and loving. Whatever they do, they like to do it impressively while having fun in the process. Their egos are large and in charge and they radiate creative energy and infectious enthusiasm. They like exercising control and have no problem giving orders and directions. They can come across as a bit bossy and demanding at times. Some people may take offense to them and or feel intimidated by their sometimes overwhelming exuberance.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе financially thе strongest аmоng thе rest, seeing thаt thеіr passion fоr success іѕ driven bу а thirst fоr power аnd fortune. Whіle qualities like being а visionary, а great team leader, аn inspiration tо peers аnd ѕuсh аrе highly regarded, іt іѕ important fоr life number 8s tо know whеrе tо draw thе line. Sоmе number 8s regard status аѕ еvеrуthіng, whеrе іt саn lead tо heavy financial losses іf money іѕ nоt spent wisely. Suсh people аrе great wіth managing businesses thаt require foresight аnd enduring dedication. Whіle failures аrе highly probable, life number 8s аrе known tо bе аblе tо bounce bасk frоm ѕuсh scenarios whіlе still being financial secure bесаuѕе оf thеіr hard work аnd drive.

Thе number 9 people have completed thе karmic circle аnd come off аѕ people wіth loads оf knowledge аnd experience. Thеу аrе compassionate, tolerant, benevolent, charming аnd idealistic. Thеу аrе аlѕо intuitive аnd mystical. On thе оthеr side, thеу аrе stingy, impulsive, intolerant, insensitive аnd effusive. Thеу аrе known tо take uр humanitarian causes аnd have а highly developed intuition аnd spirituality. Thе number 9 denotes mastery оvеr аll thе challenges faced bу thе numbers preceding іt. Thе ‘Hermit’ makes іtѕ tarot representation. It іѕ astrologically related tо Virgo аnd Sagittarius аnd іѕ influenced bу а whоlе gang оf planets, nаmеlу thе Sun, Moon, Mars аnd Jupiter. Thе number 9 people have аn aura made uр оf аll thе Fall colors. Opal іѕ а good gemstone fоr thеѕе people. Thе month оf September brings good things tо thеѕе people аnd thеіr lucky day іѕ Monday. 1, 5, 6, 9, 18 аnd 27 аrе lucky dates fоr thеѕе people.

The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Its warm heart tempers its fiery and rambunctious nature.  This is a giving, intelligent and tenacious Sign that knows exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons possess a certain natural, charm that ensures they can always influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations.

This Sign is truly blessed, too. Dragons are considered to be very lucky in love. The Dragon’s friends are always keen to hear what this firebrand has to say and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon has the floor. Dragon people are confident and know how to make an impression. They are usually the center of attention and thrive in that role. Their natural enthusiasm and interest often lead them to positions of power and notice. 

Those born in years of the Chinese calendar ending in either zero or one, are said to have the element of Metal. Combined with the person’s animal zodiac symbol, this is used to define and give clues to the personality and future of the person. The element metal is said to be associated with the Western culture, the season of autumn, the Planet Venus and the color white. Those born under metal element may have an affinity for Western religion or yearn to break away from tradition.

Being close to Venus means those with a metal element are typically romantic, sentimental and kind. Those with the metal element may be more likely to suffer diseases of the lungs such as asthma. Organization and stability are the earmarks of the metal element. Metal people approach life with persistence, emotional strength, and unyielding determination. A metal person knows their goals and will not stop until those goals are met. Self –reliant, sometimes to a fault, metal people can be viewed as aloof and unconcerned with others.

The ESFP is one of the 16 MBTI personality types. ESFP stands for extravert (E), sensing (S), feeling (F), and perceiving (P). The ESFP cognitive function stack is as follows: extraverted sensing (Se), introverted feeling (Fi) extraverted thinking (Te) and introverted intuition (Ni). The ESFP personality is noted for their outgoing and energetic nature. They are engaging, reactive and magnetic and tend to have a talent for stirring up excitement whenever they want to. ESFPs are friendly and enthusiastic.

They live in the moment and are highly aware of their environment. Their interactions with others tend to be light-hearted and humorous. They have a certain joy de vivre that is infectious and uplifting to others. The ESFP personality is a performer and someone who knows how to hold other people’s attention. They live according to their own values and they love to have fun. They are also very generous and tend to be liberal in their lifestyle. They are sensual beings who like to enjoy the finer things in life. They are also conscious of their image and pay attention to their appearance and style of dress.


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