Kendall Jenner

Born November 3, 1995
28 years old

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Moon Sign: Aries
Chinese Zodiac: Wood Pig
Numerology: Life Path 11
Height: Kendall Jenner is 5′ 10½” (1m79) tall

Kendall Nicole Jenner (born November 3, 1995) is an American model and media personality. Jenner first appeared in the E! reality television show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and is now also a model in a movement dubbed “the Instagirl era” or “Social Media Modeling”, where models are chosen for their online presence and social media following.

After working in commercial print ad campaigns and photoshoots, Jenner had breakout seasons in 2014 and 2015, walking the runways for high fashion designers during the New York, Milan, and Paris Fashion Weeks. Jenner has done multiple editorials and cover shoots for LOVE and various international Vogue editions, walked for Victoria’s Secret, and acts as brand ambassador for Estée Lauder’s[6] multimedia ad campaigns. Jenner made her debut at No. 16 on Forbes magazine’s 2015 list of top earning models, with an estimated annual income of US$4 million.

In 2017, Jenner became the World’s Highest-Paid Model on the Forbes top-earning models list

Kendall Jenner Natal Chart

Kendall Jenner natal chart
Kendall Jenner natal chart


List of Aspects
Venus Conjunction Pluto Orb 0°57′
Uranus Conjunction Neptune Orb 3°50′
Mars Conjunction Jupiter Orb 6°25′
Venus Conjunction Mars Orb 9°30′
Mars Conjunction Pluto Orb 10°27
Jupiter Square Saturn Orb 1°39′
Mercury Square Uranus Orb 2°30′
Moon Square MC Orb 5°49′
Mercury Square Neptune Orb 6°21′
Moon Trine Venus Orb 1°38′
Moon Trine Pluto Orb 2°35′
Jupiter Trine AS Orb 3°01′
Mars Trine AS Orb 3°23′
Sun Trine Saturn Orb 7°11′
Moon Trine Mars Orb 7°52′
Uranus Sextile Pluto Orb 2°52′
Sun Sextile MC Orb 2°55′
Venus Sextile Uranus Orb 3°49′
Saturn Sextile Neptune Orb 4°44′
Moon Sextile Uranus Orb 5°27′
Sun Inconjunction AS Orb 2°31′
Moon Inconjunction Mercury Orb 2°57′
Pluto SesquiQuadrate AS Orb 1°08′
Venus SesquiQuadrate AS Orb 2°05′
Sun Quintile Neptune Orb 0°03′
Mercury SemiSextile Pluto Orb 0°21′
Sun SemiSextile Mars Orb 0°52′
Mercury SemiSextile Venus Orb 1°19′

Positions of Planets
Sun 11°05′ Scorpio
Moon 2°20′ Aries
Mercury 29°22′ Libra
Venus 0°41′ Sagittarius
Mars 10°12′ Sagittarius
Jupiter 16°37′ Sagittarius
Saturn 18°16′ Я Pisces
Uranus 26°52′ Capricorn
Neptune 23°01′ Capricorn
Pluto 29°44′ Scorpio
Chiron 7°53′ Libra
Ceres 27°25′ Libra
Pallas 5°08′ Libra
Juno 3°59′ Capricorn
Vesta 5°54′ Libra
Node 26°31′ Libra
Lilith 22°01′ Gemini
Fortune 4°51′ Virgo
AS 13°36′ Aries
MC 8°09′ Capricorn

Scorpio, the Scorpion, one of the most energetic and powerful signs in the Zodiac. This is an exciting and magnetic personality, very passionate and emotional. They are forceful personalities and can easily be destined for leadership roles. Consider some of the complex famous characters are Scorpios: Hillary Clinton, Pablo Picasso, Dylan Thomas, both Simon AND Garfunkel are Scorpios.

Scorpios have a better chance of having genius-level IQs than most of the population; they are intense, critical and analytical. They tend to rebel against all conventions and can be political extremists. The best love match for a Scorpio is Capricorn; they understand each other on a profound spiritual, almost psychic level. Scorpios give their hearts completely and passionately. Being so gifted, they can find fulfillment in many employments. Their inner intensity can result in the ice-cold self-control and detachment of the surgeon, the concentration of the research scientist, and the heroism of the soldier. 

With the Moon in Aries, you’ve got a pushy disposition. Your reactions are swift and fast, and you never question them for an instant. As a consequence, you tend to be rather decisive of your opinions and dislike it when others question or contradict you. Patience isn’t your forte. You won’t spend excess time deliberating tedious details; you like to dive right in and let the chips fall where they may.

In the spirited sign of Aries, the Moon endows you with attractiveness, enthusiasm, and a special penchant for winning other’s support. You’re very keen on talking about nearly anything and may sound very informed on a broad variety of topics. Nevertheless, you’ve got a fleeting attention span. Though passion and energy overflow, the long, onerous demands involved can cause you to fall short of your goal. Despite that, you’re ever quick to pick yourself up and progress forward onto new and exciting prospects. However, if you’re chasing an aim you actually care strongly about, you may push yourself to the limit of your patience.

Mercury is the planet of communication and Libra the sign of balance. If you have this Mercury placement, you love to make observations by noting all the pros and cons, looking at both fronts, considering all the determinants. What you desire is to make the perfect selection. Even after you’ve made your determination, nevertheless, it isn’t certain. A preferred ploy is to utilize a wait-and-see approach. In honesty, you have nice hunches and often perceive things in a glance.

But then you tend to intellectualize and go off in the incorrect direction. Toward other souls, your stance is gentle, compassionate, generous. You are fond of socializing. Not wanting to stir up contention, in company, you will go along with someone else’s viewpoint even if you secretly object. Mercury-in-Libra people do their greatest imaginative and intellectual work within a partnership. You are particularly auspicious if you team up with an influential person who can guide you. Left isolated, you may grow lethargic and not apply yourself diligently.

Venus-Sagittarians commence love and courtship with a sense of adventure. You like to encounter the thrill of love in the similar way you seek for diversion in the remainder of your life. First attractions are evermore passionately romantic; as a Venus-Sagittarian you never appear to have conventional or dull love affairs. Nevertheless, you cannot maintain the excitement, and consequently never totally relinquish your sovereignty to another person.

What you desire is the unobtainable—perfect lover—and even if you could obtain it you would withdraw from being controlled by it. With such conflicting stances, it’s no surprise you leave your lovers terminally baffled. Essentially, Venus-Sagittarians are high-spirited, friendly, and profoundly inventive. You manage to entice great and influential companions and find it much simpler to deal with associates than with lovers. For one thing, friendship is less taxing. Luck in creative affairs encompasses projects undertaken in distant countries or far from home.

In Sagittarius, the facility of Mars exhibits itself in good flashes. It promotes bravery, independence, and daring. Dashing and exciting as your actions can be, you’re simply distracted. Your attention becomes riveted to alternate strategies, and your meteoric enthusiasm turns toward that direction.

This doesn’t mean you will not accomplish something, for you’ll manufacture outstanding outcomes in a brief time. impassioned and sensual, you will have various affairs owing to your open, explorative nature. You look at emotional commitments as a type of personal restriction. A sex relationship quickly begins, and equally quickly ends. You tend to be impulsive and act headlong. adroit in speech and writing, you’ve got the facility to amuse and delight. you create a wonderful initial impression.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе immensely talented іn аn artistic light, аlthоugh one needs tо bе determined tо nurture thе talent wіthіn. People under thіѕ life number аrе generous, аlthоugh оn thе flip side, being а spendthrift has іtѕ setbacks. Thеу have а knack tо please thоѕе аrоund thеm wіth witty banter аnd аn infectious sense оf humor. Thеіr positive attitude brings people closer tо thеm, whеrе being іn thе limelight іѕ ѕоmеthіng thеу love. Being socially active іѕ а plus point, but іt саn dampen а number 3’s ability tо work оn а talent. Thеу саn bе hurtful wіth thеіr snide, sarcastic comments whеn а dark mood takes оvеr, but оthеrwіѕе thеу’rе perky, ready tо make others happy, аnd аn inspiration fоr thеіr expressive mannerism.

Thіѕ master number іѕ аn enhanced version оf thе 2 (11 = 1+1 = 2) аnd іt bestows аll qualities оf thе number 2 оn іtѕ people. It belongs tо idealistic, intuitive аnd visionary people. Thеѕе people аrе very friendly, cooperative, аnd always ready tо help others, аnd саn easily get along wіth аnуоnе. Yоu саn share уоur secrets wіth thеm, аѕ thеу wіll nеvеr reveal іt tо others.

Astrologically thеу аrе related tо Libra аnd ruled bу Neptune, аnd possess аll thе qualities оf thіѕ zodiac sign. Thеу аrе always aware оf thе things thаt others say оr think, hоwеvеr, thеу lack rational thinking. Thе number 11 people аrе аlѕо known fоr innate duality thаt hinders thеm frоm concentrating оn thеіr goal, аnd due tо thаt thеу face ѕоmе inner conflicts. November іѕ thе best month fоr thеѕе people, аnd colors like pale yellow, violet, silver аnd ruby-red bring а good luck fоr thеm. Thеу have аn aura made uр оf colors like white, yellow, pink аnd blue. Platinum оr Topaz іѕ thе lucky gemstone fоr thеm.

The Pig may be the most generous and honorable Sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Pigs are nice to a fault and possess impeccable manners and taste. Pigs are simply possessed of a truly luxurious nature, one that delights in finery and nice things (in surroundings, food, lovemaking and otherwise). This Sign believes in the best qualities of mankind and certainly doesn’t consider itself to be superior.

Pigs also care a great deal about friends and family and work hard to keep everyone in their life happy. Helping others is a true pleasure for the Pig, who feels best when everyone else is smiling. A Pig with no one around to appreciate its giving nature is a sad thing indeed. Pigs are so magnanimous they can appear almost saintly; this can lead some less-than-well-intentioned souls to stomp all over this Sign, and the bad news is, the Pig will take the blows. 

The element of Wood represents the direction East. Those who are born with this element tend to yearn for stability and tradition. In China, wood is also associated with bamboo. Bamboo, of course, is a strong, flexible, and long shoot which grows in marsh areas. It follows then, that wood people are flexible, emotionally strong and dependable. A wood person will stick with you through good and bad times, unwavering of their support.

Wood people are interested in social issues and strive to leave the poor and helpless of our world with a sense of independence and change. Although, they can be idealistic and that trait can be the cause of emotional angst when plans don’t follow the perfect path. Wood people do well in social work or working with children. Working with others is easy for wood people, as they truly enjoy the process of cooperation and compromise. Generous and warm, wood people spread happiness, confidence and joy wherever they go.

The ISTJ is one of the 16 MBTI personality types. ISTJ stands for introvert (I), sensing (S), thinking (T) and judging (J). The ISTJ cognitive function stack is as follows: introverted sensing (Si), extraverted thinking (Te), introverted feeling (Fi) and extraverted intuition (Ne).The ISTJ personality is described as reserved, dependable, detail-oriented and someone who honors tradition and established methods.

ISTJs have no interest in reinventing the wheel and seek to do things by the book. They learn the rules and implement them faithfully. They tend to be highly efficient and committed workers who can be trusted to complete their duties and responsibilities to a high standard. ISTJs have a respect for law and order and seek to comply with authority. ISTJs are the salt of the earth and the cornerstones of society. They are creatures of habit and they prefer the comfort of routine and doing what’s familiar to them. ISTJs avoid venturing outside their comfort zones unless there is a good reason to.

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