Eddie Murphy

Born April 3, 1961
63 years old 

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Moon Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Metal Ox
Numerology: Life Path 6
Birthplace: New York, NY
Profession: actor, comedian
Known For: Coming to America, The Nutty Professor (movie)
Height: Eddie Murphy is 5′ 9½” (1m77) tall

Edward Regan Murphy (born April 3, 1961) is an American actor, comedian, and singer. Murphy was a regular cast member on Saturday Night Live from 1980 to 1984. He has worked as a stand-up comedian and was ranked No. 10 on Comedy Central’s list of the 100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time.

Eddie Murphy birth chart

List of Aspects
Moon Conjunction Neptune Orb 3°36′
Jupiter Conjunction Saturn Orb 4°20′
Uranus Conjunction AS Orb 4°59′
Neptune Opposite MC Orb 2°56′
Moon Opposite MC Orb 6°33′
Sun Square Mars Orb 0°50′
Moon Square AS Orb 2°41′
Venus Square Saturn Orb 3°38′
Jupiter Square MC Orb 4°32′
Neptune Square AS Orb 6°18′
Jupiter Square Neptune Orb 7°28′
Moon Square Uranus Orb 7°40′
Moon Trine Mars Orb 0°20′
Pluto Trine MC Orb 1°43′
Sun Trine AS Orb 3°11′
Venus Trine Uranus Orb 3°14′
Mars Trine Neptune Orb 3°57′
Mercury Trine Mars Orb 5°07′
Moon Trine Mercury Orb 5°27′
Sun Trine Uranus Orb 8°10′
Venus Trine AS Orb 8°13′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 4°39′
Sun Inconjunction Moon Orb 0°29′
Mercury Inconjunction Uranus Orb 2°13′
Mercury Inconjunction AS Orb 2°46′
Sun Quintile Jupiter Orb 1°24′
Saturn BiQuintile Pluto Orb 1°09′

Positions of Planets
Sun 13°46′ Aries
Moon 14°16′ Scorpio
Mercury 19°43′ Pisces
Venus 25°11′ Я Aries
Mars 14°36′ Cancer
Jupiter 3°10′ Aquarius
Saturn 28°49′ Capricorn
Uranus 21°56′ Я Leo
Neptune 10°39′ Я Scorpio
Pluto 5°59′ Я Virgo
Chiron 4°40′ Pisces
Ceres 7°41′ Aries
Pallas 7°14′ Pisces
Juno 27°37′ Aquarius
Vesta 4°33′ Aries
Node 5°40′ Я Virgo
Lilith 7°35′ Leo
Fortune 17°27′ Pisces
AS 16°57′ Leo
MC 7°42′ Taurus


Aries the Ram is called the first sign of the Zodiac. If you are born under this sign, you will tend to have the same traits as a young ram. Enthusiastic, adventurous, forthright and energetic. You’re courageous and confident. But be careful because sometimes you can be a little too impulsive . The boldness you show makes you something of a daredevil. And where would the world be, without daredevils, willing to strike out and do something completely different.

People born under the Aries sign are passionate lovers and intense friends. They sometimes risk driving people away with all that intensity and so Aries people need partners that can match them without fueling the fire and creating explosive situations.Aries make excellent entrepreneurs; it’s a natural talent for someone with such a strong focus on initiative and leadership.  They thrive on challenges and love to excel and win.  They don’t react well when forced to wait, and can have trouble accepting advice. 

March 21 Zodiac Personality
March 22 Zodiac Personality
March 23 Zodiac Personality
March 24 Zodiac Personality
March 25 Zodiac Personality
March 26 Zodiac Personality
March 27 Zodiac Personality
March 28 Zodiac Personality
March 29 Zodiac Personality
March 30 Zodiac Personality
March 31 Zodiac Personality
April 1 Zodiac Personality
April 2 Zodiac Personality
April 3 Zodiac Personality
April 4 Zodiac Personality
April 5 Zodiac Personality
April 6 Zodiac Personality
April 7 Zodiac Personality
April 8 Zodiac Personality
April 9 Zodiac Personality
April 10 Zodiac Personality
April 11 Zodiac Personality
April 12 Zodiac Personality
April 13 Zodiac Personality
April 14 Zodiac Personality
April 15 Zodiac Personality
April 16 Zodiac Personality
April 17 Zodiac Personality
April 18 Zodiac Personality
April 19 Zodiac Personality
April 20 Zodiac Personality


Scorpio moon exhibits extremes of emotion. The impact of Scorpio is to emphasize the Moon’s sensual potency and forcefulness. If you have your Moon in Scorpio you have a spiritual nature and strong feelings that drive your behavior. You are in many ways a closed book and are very adroit at concealing your real feelings. Moon in Scorpio is one of the more challenging lunar placements.

Although you are driven by powerful desires, you often deny them to others. You oftentimes reject your feelings of anger or jealousy, and hence keep your reactions hidden under a cool, agreeable surface. You can display great self-control but can become cold and distant if an experience becomes painful. You especially dread any sort of rejection. Your talent for deadening your sensitivity allows you to feel in control, but it is also the pathway to the gradual destruction of the spirit. You need to learn to let go emotionally and feel your pain, and through that process can expand your extraordinary ability to love. 

Mercury in the sign of Pisces denotes a subtle and intuitive intelligence. There is an interesting and enigmatic quality about the way their mind works. They do not simply arrive at conclusion through logic alone but through flashes of insight, premonitions and mysterious intuits that are not based on previous facts or precedents. Their pronouncements can often wax prophetic.

They have accurate hunches plus, with their imaginative and creative talents, are able to conceptualize new ideas that are difficult to grasp by those who lack imagination. Mercury in Pisces people can occassionally lack self-confidence and appear timid or perplexed. They display empathy and understanding for the faults and failings of other people. In their mind, each person has his or her own truth and this extends even to those who lie. Mercury in Pisces people can be like absentminded professors but because of their sensitivity to their surroundings, they are easily distracted by and unable to concentrate when there is anything or anyone upsetting them.

Venus in the feisty and passionate sign of Aries denotes torrid and impulsive desires. Venus in Aries are a mix of sentimentality and aggressiveness. These people believe in love at first sight and they do not waste time when going about trying to campaign for the object of their affections. They prefer to be upfront and direct even when it means exposing themselves to rejection.

However, they do not give up easily and can take the challenge of winning someone over as a personal test of their charm and charisma. They can be foolish and imprudent in matters of love. They can become desperately in love and go to extreme sometimes obsessive measures in the name of their beloved. Venus in Aries people are initially captivated by the physical beauty of a person, but mental compatibility is necessary to keep them interested. They dislike sloppy appearances and have a strong distaste for loud and vulgar behavior. 

Mars’s strength becomes subtle in Cancer. You possess excellent energy of determination, but it is never pushed into the open. Similar to the tides, you wear down resistance by repeated attack. Each surge may achieve little, but the aggregated outcome is overwhelming. In sex, Mars-in-Cancer’s strategy is passionate. You are sensual but elegant, and your lovemaking is a deeply instinctive art.

Your lust, however, is reliant on what is forthcoming from a sweetheart. If a beloved is indifferent or unresponsive, he or she may determine that your get-up-and-go just got up and went. Still, as a native of this Mars position, you will stick to a relationship that does not make you content. You respond only in eruptions of passion and high-strung impatience. What you often expect is an outlet for your pent-up forces. You are regarded for your breadth of vision and highly spirited work.

Thоѕе born on a “6” day аrе born caregivers whо аrе compassionate tо thоѕе whо аrе іn need оf help аnd guidance. Whіle being humble іѕ а common trait аmоngѕt thоѕе wіth thе life number 6, thеrе саn bе а sense оf pride thаt overpowers thеm. Knowing how tо nоt lеt іt get thе best оf thеm, іѕ key. Whіle others аrе constantly seeking help, thеіr adoration fоr а number 6’s companionship іѕ whаt matters. Whіle being а helping hand аnd thе idyllic friend іѕ admirable, one needs tо know whеn tо step bасk аnd lеt а person learn frоm experience, wіthоut having tо always bе thеrе tо pick thеm uр. Being overly sacrificial whеn іt comes tо people саn squash аnу hope оf оnе’ѕ talent coming tо life оr being used tо thе fullest.


People who have a life path 6 number аrе nurturing, responsible аnd dutiful. Thеу аrе kind аnd аrе devoted tо thеіr families. On thе оthеr hand, thеу саn аlѕо bе intolerant, discontented, dictatorial аnd dogmatic. Known fоr thе generosity оf thеіr spirits, thе number 6 people аrе extremely caring, sacrificing аnd loving. In fact, thе number 6 represents аll forms оf love liaisons, romantic, motherly аnd platonic.

Thіѕ number represents love, marriage аnd unions аnd ѕо іt comes аѕ no surprise thаt thе ‘lovers’ аrе іtѕ tarot representation. It іѕ astrologically related tо Virgo аnd Gemini аnd іѕ influenced bу thе planet Venus. Thе number 6 belongs tо thе earth аnd air dual elements. Thеѕе people have а rainbow-colored aura. Pearls, sapphires аnd diamonds аrе good fоr thе number 6 people. July іѕ thеіr good month аnd Fridays аrе lucky fоr thеm. 2, 3, 4, 9, 15 аnd 24 аrе thе favorable monthly dates fоr thеm.

If you were born in the years 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985 or 1997 then you were born under the sign of the Ox in Chinese astrology. Our Chinese menu that we pilfered from lunch today says that you are bright, patient and inspiring to others. You can be happy by yourself, yet make an outstanding parent. You should marry a Snake or Cock. Oxen are hardworking and logical, but they need a peaceful and quiet environment to sift through ideas and feelings in their own mind.

Avoid those Sheep. The Ox is a steadfast and solid, a born leader. It’s dependable and has what it takes to achieve great things. They are methodical, not plunging in without considering what the right steps are to get a project finished. They believe in doing it right the first time. Ox people tend to be powerful and steady. Oxen were traditional used to plow fields, and haul heavy loads. They make good work animals because of their dependable and patient attitudes. 

Those born in years of the Chinese calendar ending in either zero or one, are said to have the element of Metal. Combined with the person’s animal zodiac symbol, this is used to define and give clues to the personality and future of the person. The element metal is said to be associated with the Western culture, the season of autumn, the Planet Venus and the color white. Those born under metal element may have an affinity for Western religion or yearn to break away from tradition.

Being close to Venus means those with a metal element are typically romantic, sentimental and kind. Those with the metal element may be more likely to suffer diseases of the lungs such as asthma. Organization and stability are the earmarks of the metal element. Metal people approach life with persistence, emotional strength, and unyielding determination. A metal person knows their goals and will not stop until those goals are met. Self –reliant, sometimes to a fault, metal people can be viewed as aloof and unconcerned with others.

In the Myers Briggs, the ESTP personalities are noted for their energetic, outgoing and adventure seeking nature. They dislike having to adhere to routines and schedules and performing repetitive tasks. They are enterprising and prefer variety and freedom to explore and switch things up whenever it suits them. ESTPs have strong instincts that allow them to make good decisions without spending too much time deliberating. They prefer to live in the moment and to enjoy the here and now.

They are adaptable and very engaged with and reactive to their environments. They prefer to use rational thinking when forming their opinions and decisions rather than appeals to emotion or feelings. They are also competitive and action-oriented. ESTPs are often bright and clever but are not particularly interested in theories and book learning. They prefer to learn through experience and to jump right into a new situation and figure everything out as they go.

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