Jeffrey Epstein

Born January 20, 1953
Died August 10, 2019 (age 66)

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Moon Sign: Aries
Chinese Zodiac: Water Dragon
Numerology: Life Path 3
Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
Profession: financier
Height: 6′

Jeffrey Edward Epstein (January 20, 1953 – August 10, 2019) was an American financier and convicted sex offender. He began his professional life as a teacher but then switched to the banking and finance sector in various roles, working at Bear Stearns before forming his own firm. He developed an elite social circle and procured many women, including underage girls, who were then sexually abused by Epstein and some of his contacts.

jeffrey epstein birth chart

* charts provided by:

Positions of Planets
Sun 0°22′ Aquarius
Moon 10°38′ Aries
Mercury 21°44′ Capricorn
Venus 16°55′ Pisces
Mars 16°01′ Pisces
Jupiter 11°23′ Taurus
Saturn 27°05′ Libra
Uranus 15°55′ Я Cancer
Neptune 23°53′ Libra
Pluto 22°34′ Я Leo
Chiron 15°31′ Capricorn
Ceres 3°23′ Gemini
Pallas 0°56′ Aries
Juno 13°25′ Pisces
Vesta 1°23′ Capricorn
Node 12°25′ Aquarius
Lilith 7°35′ Я Leo

List of Aspects
Venus Conjunction Mars Orb 0°54′
Saturn Conjunction Neptune Orb 3°12′
Sun Conjunction Mercury Orb 8°37′
Mercury Opposite Uranus Orb 5°49′
Mercury Square Neptune Orb 2°08′
Sun Square Saturn Orb 3°16′
Moon Square Uranus Orb 5°16′
Mercury Square Saturn Orb 5°20′
Sun Square Neptune Orb 6°29′
Mars Trine Uranus Orb 0°06′
Venus Trine Uranus Orb 1°00′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 1°19′
Jupiter Sextile Uranus Orb 4°31′
Saturn Sextile Pluto Orb 4°31′
Mars Sextile Jupiter Orb 4°37′
Mercury Sextile Venus Orb 4°48′
Venus Sextile Jupiter Orb 5°32′
Mercury Sextile Mars Orb 5°43′
Mercury Inconjunction Pluto Orb 0°49′
Sun SemiSquare Mars Orb 0°38′
Sun SemiSquare Venus Orb 1°33′
Sun Quintile Moon Orb 1°43′
Venus BiQuintile Neptune Orb 0°57′
Moon SemiSextile Jupiter Orb 0°44′

Those born from January 20 to February 18 are Aquarius. You are a humanitarian and more intelligent than most and given to thoughts of how to make the world a better place. You can be inventive and original, and you’re freedom-loving. You’re generous with your thoughts, whether people are interested or not!

You can be eccentric and idiosyncratic, and need a lot of space, but your heart is nearly always in the right place. We are now in the age of Aquarius, but only just in the dawn of it, like the song said. All the wonderful, generous characteristics of the Water Bearer are not yet symbolic of humanity as a whole yet, as evidenced by the current turmoil in the Middle East. But there are signs. Remember the Random Acts of Kindness. Perhaps those were a harbinger of the Age of Aquarius. 


With the Moon in Aries, you’ve got a pushy disposition. Your reactions are swift and fast, and you never question them for an instant. As a consequence, you tend to be rather decisive of your opinions and dislike it when others question or contradict you. Patience isn’t your forte. You won’t spend excess time deliberating tedious details; you like to dive right in and let the chips fall where they may.

In the spirited sign of Aries, the Moon endows you with attractiveness, enthusiasm, and a special penchant for winning other’s support. You’re very keen on talking about nearly anything and may sound very informed on a broad variety of topics. Nevertheless, you’ve got a fleeting attention span. Though passion and energy overflow, the long, onerous demands involved can cause you to fall short of your goal. Despite that, you’re ever quick to pick yourself up and progress forward onto new and exciting prospects. However, if you’re chasing an aim you actually care strongly about, you may push yourself to the limit of your patience.

If you have Mercury in Capricorn you manage to be driven and systematic, deliberate, calculating, and composed. You are not only excellent at handling details but you additionally never lose sight of the complete picture. When it comes to making judgments you are remarkably reasonable. Reasoning, the cool progression from point to point, is what you put your trust in. You perpetually have an aspiration; you always have a hidden purpose you are attempting.

Mercury-Capricorns often attain positions of leadership because they are so reliable and have an air of prestige. (This is evident even in very little kids who have Mercury in this position.) A difficulty you have in associating to people can be your authoritarian style. You also manage to have a disapproving air about the weaknesses and frivolities of others. Life is grave to Mercury-Capricorns and you see its dark side—though a redeeming quality is your dry sense of humor.

People with their Venus in Pisces are tender souls with a desire to form deep and spiritual connections with their mates. They are in search of their soulmate and someone with whom they can share themselves fully and honestly. Because of their sensitivity, they may experience some difficulty in expressing or articulating what they feel. Their feelings can be complicated and subject to change waxing and waning with their fluctuating moods.

They are remarkably kind and devoted in their relationships and breakups can emotionally debilitate them for extended periods. Being in love makes them feel complete but they have a penchant for falling for the wrong type of person. They may fall in love with the idea of a person and subsequently project ideals onto them that will never be lived up to. Logic does not play much of a factor in the Venus in Pisces person’s mind. They operate on intuition and are very empathetic and self-sacrificing for their loved ones. They tend to be undisciplined with their spending and do not resist indulging in anything that makes them feel good. They are likely to have addictive personalities and go overboard especially when they are feeling sad or empty inside.

Pisces is a sensitive sign, and your power with Mars in Pisces is your ability to move  hearts and seize the emotions. If you have this Mars placement, you may be noted for your compelling creativity. Many artists, authors, and performers have Mars in Pisces. Enormously amenable to your surroundings, you collect patterns in your subconscious and then present them at a suitable time.

You shoulder the duties of others without grievance. Depth of feeling is apparent in your passion. You are sensual, have intense feelings, and demonstrate a high level of zeal. You seek to include yourself completely in a sex relationship, for this is a way in which you can draw nearer to another human being. You may sustain disappointment in love. Throughout your lifetime you draw prominent friends and grow monetarily from these relations.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе sensitive, caring, аnd intuitive. Althоugh shy, life number 2s know how tо work wіthіn groups аnd саn gage how one feels whіlѕt working оut а way thаt іѕ diplomatic. Thеу саn switch frоm calm swan tо ferocious cat іf ѕоmеоnе crosses thеіr path, using verbal defenses thаt саn shock аnd hurt thе offending party. Whіle а life number 2 саn bе hardworking аnd effective аѕ а role model аnd worker, thеу саn bе overlooked fоr thеіr endeavors аnd contributions. Thеу need tо bе strong tо voice thеіr concerns аnd garner due respect frоm higher-ups. Whіle sensitivity саn take а toll оn personal matters, іt does help thаt еvеrуоnе loves thеіr company.

Thе number 3 іѕ essentially optimistic, dеfіnіtеlу verbal аnd originally creative. Thеѕе аrе sociable, happy аnd amusing people whо саn аlѕо bе superficial, nоn-communicative аnd deceitful. Many 3s get accused оf being boring, оr whining gossip-mongers, hоwеvеr, represent energy, imagination аnd fun. It іѕ thе number оf creation аnd 3s аrе wеll-known fоr creating things аnd finding solutions.

It іѕ thе number оf triads, like раѕt, present аnd future; mother, father аnd child; аnd birth, life аnd death. Thе number 3 people аrе represented bу thе ‘Empress’ іn thе tarot cards. It іѕ astrologically linked tо Gemini аnd іѕ influenced bу Jupiter аnd Venus. 3 іѕ ruled bу fire аnd earth. Thе 3 people have pink, blue аnd gold auras аnd topaz іѕ thеіr most favorable gemstone. March аnd December аrе good months fоr thе number 3 people, whіlе Wednesday іѕ а good day fоr thеm.

The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Its warm heart tempers its fiery and rambunctious nature.  This is a giving, intelligent and tenacious Sign that knows exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons possess a certain natural, charm that ensures they can always influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations.

This Sign is truly blessed, too. Dragons are considered to be very lucky in love. The Dragon’s friends are always keen to hear what this firebrand has to say and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon has the floor. Dragon people are confident and know how to make an impression. They are usually the center of attention and thrive in that role. Their natural enthusiasm and interest often lead them to positions of power and notice. 

Nurturing yet dangerous, vital and deadly, water is a ripe with contradiction. In moderate amounts it is a blessing, in over abundance, a curse. Water is the only element with the ability to put out fire and make things grow and thrive. Water is vital to our very survival. Without water crops wither and die and there is no food. The human body, and in fact, all life on Earth is dependent upon water. Yet, even for life, water has the potential to be deadly. Too much water in the body leads to water intoxication and even death. It is, however, a delicate balance.

Too little water and all life withers and dies with the effects of the hot sun. Too much water chokes out needed oxygen and drowns. It is for this very reason the element water is represented by the color black. Water rules intelligence and wisdom. People born under the element water are uncommonly intelligent and capable. For all their wisdom and reasoning ability, water people tend to have difficulty making and sticking to decisions. Diplomatic, and intuitive, water people are flexible. They have a special ability to ‘go with the flow’ and are usually easygoing.

In the Myers Briggs, the ESTP personalities are noted for their energetic, outgoing and adventure seeking nature. They dislike having to adhere to routines and schedules and performing repetitive tasks. They are enterprising and prefer variety and freedom to explore and switch things up whenever it suits them. ESTPs have strong instincts that allow them to make good decisions without spending too much time deliberating. They prefer to live in the moment and to enjoy the here and now.

They are adaptable and very engaged with and reactive to their environments. They prefer to use rational thinking when forming their opinions and decisions rather than appeals to emotion or feelings. They are also competitive and action-oriented. ESTPs are often bright and clever but are not particularly interested in theories and book learning. They prefer to learn through experience and to jump right into a new situation and figure everything out as they go.

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