Roy Horn

Born October 3, 1944
Died May 8, 2020 (age 75)

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Moon Sign: Taurus
Rising Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac: Wood Monkey
Numerology: Life Path 22
Birthplace: Rosenheim, Bavaria, Germany
Profession: Magician, entertainer
Best Known For: Siegfried and Roy
Height: ?

Roy Horn was born Uwe Ludwig Horn on October 3, 1944 in Nordenham, in the midst of bomb attacks, to Johanna Horn. His biological father died in World War II and his mother remarried a construction worker after the war ended. She later began work in a factory. Horn had three brothers: Manfred, Alfred, and Werner. Horn became interested in animals at a very young age, and cared for his childhood dog named Hexe.

His mother’s friend’s husband Emil was the founder of the Bremen Zoo, which gave Horn access to exotic animals from the age of 10. Horn visited the United States briefly when his ship wrecked[clarification needed] and was towed to New York City. He returned home to Bremen before returning to the sea as a waiter, where he met Fischbacher and launched his performance career.

He died as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic on May 8, 2020.


roy horn birth chart

* charts provided

List of Aspects
Mercury Conjunction Neptune Orb 6°16′
Sun Conjunction Neptune Orb 6°21′
Pluto Conjunction AS Orb 7°59′
Moon Opposite Venus Orb 1°16′
Neptune Opposite MC Orb 1°28′
Sun Opposite MC Orb 4°53′
Mercury Opposite MC Orb 7°44′
Sun Square Saturn Orb 0°09′
Jupiter Square Uranus Orb 1°51′
Venus Square Pluto Orb 2°56′
Moon Square AS Orb 3°46′
Moon Square Pluto Orb 4°12′
Saturn Square MC Orb 4°44′
Venus Square AS Orb 5°02′
Saturn Square Neptune Orb 6°12′
Sun Trine Uranus Orb 2°26′
Venus Trine Saturn Orb 3°26′
Pluto Trine MC Orb 4°14′
Sun Sextile Pluto Orb 0°39′
Neptune Sextile AS Orb 2°17′
Uranus Sextile Pluto Orb 3°05′
Mercury Sextile AS Orb 3°59′
Jupiter Sextile Saturn Orb 4°27′
Moon Sextile Saturn Orb 4°42′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 5°42′
Venus Inconjunction MC Orb 1°17′
Moon Inconjunction Neptune Orb 1°29′
Venus BiQuintile Uranus Orb 0°02′
Moon SemiSextile MC Orb 0°01′
Saturn SemiSextile Pluto Orb 0°30′

Positions of Planets
Sun 10°36′ Libra
Moon 5°44′ Taurus
Mercury 27°57′ Virgo
Venus 7°00′ Scorpio
Mars 23°34′ Libra
Jupiter 14°54′ Virgo
Saturn 10°27′ Cancer
Uranus 13°02′ Я Gemini
Neptune 4°14′ Libra
Pluto 9°56′ Leo
Chiron 24°17′ Virgo
Ceres 19°56′ Virgo
Pallas 29°50′ Leo
Juno 0°22′ Cancer
Vesta 7°10′ Virgo
Node 24°20′ Я Cancer
Lilith 27°04′ Я Virgo
Fortune 6°49′ Capricorn
AS 1°57′ Leo
MC 5°42′ Aries

Those born under the sign of Libra, the Scales, have a wonderful balance of traits. They’re considered to be diplomatic and urbane, romantic and charming, idealistic and peaceable. Even their darker characteristics aren’t so terrible. They can be flirtatious, easily influenced and indecisive. Curiously, Libra is the only sign of the Zodiac represented by an inanimate object, the Scales.

Every other sign is represented by an animal or sea creature or person. As a partner, Libras are willing to bend over backwards to resolve an issue amicably. The best match for a Libra is a Gemini; they’re least compatible with Capricorns because Capricorns like a little more excitement in life, while Libras prefer a more laid-back existence. You won’t find Libra sitting out all the dances that’s for sure! Very easy going and likeable, you will find Libra’s company a pleasure to enjoy. Even though they are outgoing, they are also surprisingly peaceful and calm of spirit. 


The moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus. The steadiness of Taurus stabilizes the Moon’s otherwise fluctuating, and capricious nature. In this placement, the moon is granted with exceptional powers of focus. You approach your life the way you do your work — systematically. While others overcomplicate issues, you seek for the most effective method to handle it, and get it done even if it’s personally uncomfortable for you.

The sign of Taurus also draws out the more reserved, reflective characteristics of the Moon. You thoughtfully consider your options before reaching a determination. With a Moon in Taurus, you do not form conclusions immediately and are resistant to outside influences. It takes a while for you to reach a verdict but once you do, there is no way to make you alter your mind. With a Taurus Moon, you take your time digesting information. You are also a person who is resourceful, thrifty and a collector of tangible things. Taurus moon also exhibits the least emotional problems of any Moon sign. 

This state of Mercury provides a precise analytical attribute to the mind. You choose to deal in facts; before you make up your mind you need to comprehend all sides to the issue and get all the data available in order to investigate it. Once you develop a theory, you’re pretty convinced it is the truth. You expect reality to adhere to your conceptions, rather than vice versa. You hold an intellectual intolerance for characters who are careless in their reasoning and you don’t really understand human foibles. Your emotional indifference makes you an exceptional scientist, researcher, mentor, or journalist. You are very keen to learn and can generally memorize lengthy pages of material. A flaw is your eagerness to take on too much activity or too many plans. You wear yourself down, and at times grow neurotic and hypercritical. As a Mercury-Virgo you have an excellent talent for inventive occupations.

With Venus in Scorpio, the experience of being in love is an engrossing and transformative experience. The emotions are like a conduit to something profound and spiritual for them and they immerse themselves in it. The power of love energizes them in deep and poetic ways. They truly take pleasure in expressing their passion and making frequent displays of their affection to their mate. The sexual side of their relationships is highlighted with Scorpio in Venus and it is treated like a spiritual experience where they can feel intensely close to their partners.

They have an underlying desire to possess the people they love and they desire complete surrender of their of their body and soul. This can be tricky for many are not willing to relinquish themselves to the intense control issues of a Venus in Scorpio person. At the same time, they can be sensitive to rejection and wounded by any signs of uncooperativeness from their partner. Venus in Scorpio people often get into marriages that benefit them financially. Their powerful imagination and romanticism allow them to create evocative art that strikes a chord.

While Mars is in Libra, the energy of this planet appears to alternate. You are changeable and sensual in your sexuality. A great abundance of your force is spent developing emotional connections. Yet you possess a listless attitude toward sex and frequently must be sought after rather than act as the pursuer.

You are utopian and aesthetic; crudeness of any sort turns you off. You fancy relationships with cultivated, mature lovers, but tend to grow connected in troubled hookups. This placement of Mars is great for a different artistic or literary genius. There is great elegance and discretion in your work. You have a desirable ability to make a pleasant impact on the populace. Mars-Librans believe deeply in fair play. Your efforts are always prefaced by a careful evaluating of the pros and cons.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе financially thе strongest аmоng thе rest, seeing thаt thеіr passion fоr success іѕ driven bу а thirst fоr power аnd fortune. Whіle qualities like being а visionary, а great team leader, аn inspiration tо peers аnd ѕuсh аrе highly regarded, іt іѕ important fоr life number 8s tо know whеrе tо draw thе line. Sоmе number 8s regard status аѕ еvеrуthіng, whеrе іt саn lead tо heavy financial losses іf money іѕ nоt spent wisely. Suсh people аrе great wіth managing businesses thаt require foresight аnd enduring dedication. Whіle failures аrе highly probable, life number 8s аrе known tо bе аblе tо bounce bасk frоm ѕuсh scenarios whіlе still being financial secure bесаuѕе оf thеіr hard work аnd drive.

Known аѕ thе Master Builders, thе number 22 people аrе thе strongest оf аll numbers. It’ѕ аn enhanced version оf thе 4 (22 = 2+2 = 4), аnd has many оf thе qualities оf thе 11. Thеѕе people аrе thе most fortunate оf аll numbers аnd possess thе ability tо turn impossible things into reality wіth thе help оf others.

Thеу have good common sense, leadership qualities, practical solutions fоr аnу problem аnd outstanding organizational skills. Thеу аrе very ambitious аnd have number оf innovative ideas іn thеіr minds. Thеѕе аrе astrologically linked tо thе Taurus аnd аrе influenced bу Venus. Thе number 22 іѕ ruled bу Earth. Red-gold, beige аnd emerald green аrе lucky colors fоr thеm. Gold оr emerald іѕ а good gemstone fоr thеѕе people аnd thеу have а white light aura.

If you were born in 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980 or 1992, then you are a Monkey in Chinese astrology. They are described as intelligent and able to influence people. An enthusiastic achiever, you are easily discouraged and confused. Your best matches are with a Dragon or a Rat and beware the Tiger.

Monkeys are good listeners and tackle complicated situations with ease. This Sign’s natural curiosity gives it a broad-based intellectual curiosity. Monkeys have a show-off side that loves nothing more than to impress their friends with all they know. Monkeys often feel the need to try everything at least once, which can make for a merry-go-round of relationships. 

The element of Wood represents the direction East. Those who are born with this element tend to yearn for stability and tradition. In China, wood is also associated with bamboo. Bamboo, of course, is a strong, flexible, and long shoot which grows in marsh areas. It follows then, that wood people are flexible, emotionally strong and dependable. A wood person will stick with you through good and bad times, unwavering of their support.

Wood people are interested in social issues and strive to leave the poor and helpless of our world with a sense of independence and change. Although, they can be idealistic and that trait can be the cause of emotional angst when plans don’t follow the perfect path. Wood people do well in social work or working with children. Working with others is easy for wood people, as they truly enjoy the process of cooperation and compromise. Generous and warm, wood people spread happiness, confidence and joy wherever they go.

In the Myers Briggs, the ISTP personality type is described as an introvert who is quiet and reflective but also enjoys having stimulating experiences. They are flexible and adaptable and tend to possess good mechanical and technical ability. ISTPs are known for being good with their hands and are good at figuring out and mastering machine work and physical skills including those involved in sports. Furthermore, ISTPs, while smart, may not find academic school work interesting or well suited to their learning style.

They prefer hands-on learning styles and learning about things they can use or apply in concrete ways rather than theories that exist only as concepts. They are logical and observant of their surroundings. ISTPs are interested in understanding how things work and tend to be good at deconstructing things and troubleshooting problems in the most efficient way possible. As perceivers, they prefer spontaneity and freedom over security and structure and they like to immerse themselves in their hobbies or craft in which they are likely to develop a deep knowledge and or mastery over.

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