Michael Clarke Duncan

Born December 10, 1957
Died September 12, 2012 (age 54)

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Moon Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac: Fire Rooster
Numerology: Life Path 8
Height: Michael Clarke Duncan is 6′ 5″ (1m96) tall
MBTI Type:

Michael Clarke Duncan (December 10, 1957 – September 3, 2012) was an American actor best known for his breakout role as John Coffey in The Green Mile (1999), for which he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and various similar honors. He also appeared in motion pictures such as Armageddon (1998), The Whole Nine Yards (2000), The Scorpion King (2002), Daredevil (2003), and Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006), and had voice roles in films such as Brother Bear (2003), Kung Fu Panda (2008) and Green Lantern (2011).

michael clarke Duncan natal Chart

Positions of Planets
Sun 18°26′ Sagittarius
Moon 2°42′ Leo
Mercury 9°02′ Capricorn
Venus 3°20′ Aquarius
Mars 21°32′ Scorpio
Jupiter 25°26′ Libra
Saturn 16°58′ Sagittarius
Uranus 11°25′ Я Leo
Neptune 3°55′ Scorpio
Pluto 2°19′ Я Virgo
Chiron 13°36′ Aquarius
Ceres 29°16′ Я Cancer
Pallas 21°38′ Я Aries
Juno 11°47′ Я Gemini
Vesta 7°45′ Aries
Node 9°54′ Я Scorpio
Lilith 10°47′ Pisces

List of Aspects
Sun Conjunction Saturn Orb 1°28′
Jupiter Conjunction Neptune Orb 8°29′
Moon Conjunction Uranus Orb 8°43′
Moon Opposite Venus Orb 0°38′
Venus Opposite Uranus Orb 8°04′
Venus Square Neptune Orb 0°34′
Moon Square Neptune Orb 1°13′
Moon Square Jupiter Orb 7°16′
Uranus Square Neptune Orb 7°30′
Saturn Trine Uranus Orb 5°32′
Mercury Trine Pluto Orb 6°42′
Sun Trine Uranus Orb 7°00′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 1°35′
Mercury Sextile Neptune Orb 5°06′
Venus Inconjunction Pluto Orb 1°01′
Mercury Inconjunction Uranus Orb 2°23′
Sun SemiSquare Venus Orb 0°05′
Sun SemiSquare Neptune Orb 0°29′
Venus SemiSquare Saturn Orb 1°22′
Moon SesquiQuadrate Saturn Orb 0°43′
Sun SesquiQuadrate Moon Orb 0°44′
Venus Quintile Mars Orb 0°11′
Moon SemiSextile Pluto Orb 0°22′

Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of energy, versatility, adventure and eagerness to experience the new and different. They enjoy traveling and exploration; they are ambitious and optimistic, even in the face of disappointment.. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice.

They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just, and are prepared to be rebellious. They balance loyalty with independence. Sagittarians are usually modest and are often religious, with a strong sense of morality, though they tend to overemphasize the ethical codes they follow and worship beliefs about God rather than God Himself. This means that, negatively, they regard rigid, unloving, intolerant adherence to ritual and conventional codes as more important than the truths they symbolize or embody. 

Moon in Leo is emotionally positive and full of vitality. Even its darker aspects are less dark than that of other moon signs. Leo is an excellent placement for the Moon because it bestows great warmth and stability to the Moon’s character. It also imparts a visionary quality. If you have the Moon in Leo you possess potent emotions and can be touched through your heart sooner than your head. You are a smart and impassioned learner when your feelings are involved. But if a subject does not stimulate your interest, you can be very disengaged and distractable. Persuading you requires appeals to the heart more than the mind. Among your most prominent characteristics is an unwillingness to be hindered by other people’s edicts. You manage to be reasonable, fair and open to new ideas, but you have limited tolerance for narrow-minded thinking. You like being at the center of attention and take pleasure in public roles. Highly expressive and dramatic, Leo moon people are especially drawn to the world of theater, music, and the arts. You possess a fine sense of humor and great individual charm. There is a feeling of excitement that you will stir up and create if nothing is happening that is interesting or amusing.

If you have Mercury in Capricorn you manage to be driven and systematic, deliberate, calculating, and composed. You are not only excellent at handling details but you additionally never lose sight of the complete picture. When it comes to making judgments you are remarkably reasonable. Reasoning, the cool progression from point to point, is what you put your trust in. You perpetually have an aspiration; you always have a hidden purpose you are attempting.

Mercury-Capricorns often attain positions of leadership because they are so reliable and have an air of prestige. (This is evident even in very little kids who have Mercury in this position.) A difficulty you have in associating to people can be your authoritarian style. You also manage to have a disapproving air about the weaknesses and frivolities of others. Life is grave to Mercury-Capricorns and you see its dark side—though a redeeming quality is your dry sense of humor.

Venus in Aquarius encourages a compassionate and friendly nature. You are accommodating, philanthropic, and humane, but are not an especially emotional person. You display an intellectually dispassionate attitude toward romance. To you, personal autonomy is most critical, and any attachment must leave you free to investigate different interests and hobbies, meet new souls, and experience a wide assortment of associates.

You cannot endure envy and will walk away from emotional disturbances. You believe in justice and openness. As a Venus-Aquarian, you are most inclined to have platonic attachments because intimate entanglements are more emotionally confining than you desire. You are immensely popular and can draw a great many sweethearts. Usually, however, you wish to direct your individual magnetism toward broader interests and more lasting verities than mere romance. Aquarius is the sign of beliefs and wishes, and Venus in this sign normally awards you what you dream of.

Those with Mars in Scorpio are possessed with great tenacity and relentless persistence. They can be become obsessed with their objectives and spare no expense when it comes to making their desires manifest. They have strength and resilience to withstand and overcome hardship and obstacles. Mars in Scorpio does not give up until they have exhausted all options. The purpose of their goals can be all-consuming and become the epicenter of their focus at the exclusion of everything else.

They have a never say die attitude but they have the type of determination that can drive them to the brink and beyond. There is underlying desire for transcendence and immortality through their work and achievements. They do not like to waste time and want to make the most of the life given to them. Their passion permeates everything they do and can sometimes manifest in spectacularly negative and frightening ways. Their tempers can be heated and make them sometimes quarrelsome and touchy. But they also possess great creative powers and you can feel the passion they put into the work they produce.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе creatively unique, confident, аnd possess thе kind оf drive thаt commands respect аnd awe. Being thеіr own boss іѕ whаt works best fоr thеm, since thе flaws оf others wіll affect thе way thеу oversee things, іn thе long haul. Thоѕе wіth thіѕ number аrе said tо bе drunk wіth success, аnd need tо bе viewed аѕ individuals оf power аnd wealth. Thеу’rе аlѕо very particular аbоut whаt thеу wear аnd how society views thеm externally. Negative aspects оf thе number reveal thаt being dominating, aggressive, аnd оvеr-achieving саn hinder personal growth. Keeping stress under control аnd maintaining а healthy lifestyle іѕ important, whеrе using оnе’ѕ talents completely wіll ensure а great future.

Good manager, sacrificing, hard-working аnd powerful. Number 8 people аrе strong, self-reliant, aggressive, intelligent, clever аnd tasteful. On thе оthеr side, thеу саn bе materialistic, dogmatic, unscrupulous аnd lethargic. Thе number 8 has no іn-bеtwееn. Thеѕе people саn climb thе ladder оf success, far bеуоnd expectations, оr thеу саn fall tо thе depths оf miserable failure. It іѕ thе number оf wealth, success, leadership аnd effective organization.

Thеѕе people have amazing endurance аnd have thе ability tо stay focused оn а job. Thе tarot card оf ‘Strength’ represents thе number 8 person. Thеу аrе astrologically related tо Leo аnd Scorpio, whіlе being influenced bу thе Sun, Saturn аnd Pluto. Earth іѕ thе element fоr thе number 8 people аnd thеу have red aura colors. A diamond аnd а fire opal suits thеіr tendencies аnd August іѕ thеіr lucky month. Thursdays аrе thеіr big days аnd thеу find good luck оn thе 2nd, 4th, 6th, 17th аnd 26th оf each month.

If you were born in the years 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981 or 1993 then you’re a Rooster. The Rooster is described as a pioneer in spirit, devoted to work and the quest for knowledge. It is selfish and eccentric and is best matched with Snakes and Oxen. Oddly enough, the writer is a Snake and her sister is a Rooster.

We do think there’s something to this astrology thing! Roosters are quick thinkers and are practical and resourceful, preferring to stick to what is tried and true rather than taking unnecessary risks. Roosters are keenly observers of their surroundings and those around them. It’s hard to slip anything past a Rooster, since they seem to have eyes in the backs of their heads. This quality can lead others to think the Rooster is psychic, but that’s not generally the case; instead, this Sign enjoys a keen attention to detail that makes it a whiz at anything requiring close analysis.

The Fire element is both destructive and nourishing. On a cold winter day, there is nothing more calming to the soul than curling up by a roaring fire with a good book or cherished love one. On the other side, there is no other force on earth more destructive than a raging, out of control fire. Fire nourishes the human body by providing us heat to cook our food and light with which to see.

And, there is nothing more painful than having a part of your body taken by fire or flame. Fire signs draw attention to themselves.  Those under the influence of Fire have charm and charge on their side.  They have an infectious enthusiasm that makes them natural leaders, so people just can’t help but to follow them. They take the role of leader seriously, and do it well. For fire people, managing others comes naturally. They are decisive, compassionate, understanding yet firm.

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