Jodi Arias

Born July 9, 1980
44 years old 

Sun Sign: Cancer
Moon Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Metal Monkey
Numerology: Life Path 7
Height: Jodi Arias is 5′ 6″ (1m68) tall

Jodi Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California to William and Sandra (née Allen) Arias. She and Alexander met in September 2006 at a PPL conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. Arias converted to Alexander’s Mormon faith and, on November 26, 2006, was baptized into the LDS Church in a ceremony in southern California. Alexander and Arias began dating in February 2007. Arias moved to Mesa to live closer to Alexander. In March 2007, she moved to Yreka, California, and lived there with her grandparents.

Travis Victor Alexander (July 28, 1977 – June 4, 2008) was an American salesman who was murdered by his ex-girlfriend, Jodi Ann Arias (born July 9, 1980), in his house in Mesa, Arizona. Arias was convicted of first-degree murder on May 8, 2013, and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole on April 13, 2015. At the time of the killing, Alexander sustained multiple knife wounds and a gunshot to the head. Arias testified that she killed him in self-defense, but she did not convince a jury. The murder and trial received widespread media attention in the United States.


Jodi Arias Astrology Chart

Jodi Arias natal chart


Positions of Planets

Sun 17°17′ Cancer
Moon 10°38′ Gemini
Mercury 21°08′ Я Cancer
Venus 16°10′ Gemini
Mars 29°14′ Virgo
Jupiter 7°26′ Virgo
Saturn 22°04′ Virgo
Uranus 21°41′ Я Scorpio
Neptune 20°36′ Я Sagittarius
Pluto 19°00′ Libra
Chiron 17°22′ Taurus
Ceres 18°45′ Gemini
Pallas 28°16′ Aries
Juno 26°15′ Leo
Vesta 10°19′ Cancer
Node 20°36′ Я Leo
Lilith 18°43′ Libra
Fortune 20°09′ Gemini
AS 13°30′ Taurus
MC 26°46′ Capricorn

List of Aspects

Sun Conjunction Mercury Orb 3°50′
Moon Conjunction Venus Orb 5°32′
Mars Conjunction Saturn Orb 7°09′
Venus Opposite Neptune Orb 4°25′
Mercury Opposite MC Orb 5°38′
Uranus Opposite AS Orb 8°10′
Sun Opposite MC Orb 9°28′
Moon Opposite Neptune Orb 9°58′
Saturn Square Neptune Orb 1°28′
Sun Square Pluto Orb 1°42′
Mercury Square Pluto Orb 2°07′
Moon Square Jupiter Orb 3°11′
Venus Square Saturn Orb 5°53′
Pluto Square MC Orb 7°46′
Mercury Trine Uranus Orb 0°33′
Mars Trine MC Orb 2°28′
Venus Trine Pluto Orb 2°49′
Sun Trine Uranus Orb 4°24′
Saturn Trine MC Orb 4°41′
Jupiter Trine AS Orb 6°04′
Moon Trine Pluto Orb 8°22′
Saturn Sextile Uranus Orb 0°22′
Mercury Sextile Saturn Orb 0°56′
Neptune Sextile Pluto Orb 1°35′
Sun Sextile AS Orb 3°46′
Sun Sextile Saturn Orb 4°47′
Uranus Sextile MC Orb 5°04′
Mercury Inconjunction Neptune Orb 0°31′
Mercury SemiSquare Jupiter Orb 1°18′
Mars SesquiQuadrate AS Orb 0°43′
Moon SesquiQuadrate MC Orb 1°08′
Sun Quintile Mars Orb 0°02′
Neptune BiQuintile AS Orb 1°05′
Uranus SemiSextile Neptune Orb 1°05′
Sun SemiSextile Venus Orb 1°06

The sign of Cancer (June 22 – July 22) has very little to do with that prickly crustacean, believe it or not. In fact, it’s hard to pin down exactly what constitutes the Cancer personality.  The ancient Egyptians perceived Cancer as the sacred scarab. It was a symbol of resurrection and immortality and they often placed a carving of a scarab in the body where the heart had been, as part of the mummification process.

Cancers are very imaginative and intuitive. They make great artists and musicians. They’re not risk takers, and will take the time to contemplate all sorts of outcomes and probabilities before taking on a new venture. They’re very sympathetic and protective of those around them. They will help out in whatever way they can, although not impulsively and will temper their generosity with calculating all the risks first. They’re emotional and loving, and great family and pet people.

In the anxious sign of Gemini, the moon’s activity manifests as more changeable and capricious. Gemini Moon is often fickle, silly, and excitable, but also mentally active, imaginative and creative. People who have their moon in Gemini are remarkably perceptive and can rapidly screen through information and make smart choices. Their snap decisions tend to be more rational than emotional.

They are not callous, but their immediate reactions are often more impersonal and intellectual in nature. They wield both analytical and verbal skills. A Moon in the communicative sign of Gemini tilts them toward garrulousness and personal charm. They have an enchanting liveliness that attracts others to them. Discussions with them often deviate on unexpected tangents. Gemini moon is quite restless and needs continuous mental activity. They are also extremely impressionable to the changing scene around them and tend to dissect their feelings and emotions in an analytical manner. 

Those with this Mercury position, are sensitive to what others think about them. They possess an almost sixth-sense for detecting signals from all around them. They believe that if we had to depend only on our eyes we would perceive very little. People with Mercury in Cancer are chameleon-like in the way they are able to adapt to various kinds of people. This is not to say that they don’t cling possessively to their own ideas.

They can be a bit closed-minded, but others would need to be as psychic as they are to discern this. They maintain a pleasant social face. Your viewpoint is always intensely personal—you’re fond of examining large issues in terms of your own feelings. Gifted with a potent imagination, a poetic mind, and an excellent memory, Mercury in-Cancer people flourish as scholars, historians, educators, and authors. They are expected to make a profit in real estate and may inherit wealth from the maternal side of their family. They are sometimes plagued with irrational phobias, such as a fear of flying.

If you have Venus in Gemini you must have an mental affinity with someone before your hearts start to blossom. Essentially, you have a cheerful disposition toward love. Deep, complex emotional engagements are like an anchor around your throat. You have such a broad range of interests—travel, literature, music, recognizing new areas (and meeting new people)—that a partner just can’t be the only center of your life.

This confers a definite coolness to your sentiments. Your inconstancy seldom produces challenges in love or marriage, but you spring back promptly. Not even a frustrated lover can be annoyed at you very long—you are too charming, amusing, and entertaining. You relish being with people and possess lots of friends, and often more than one sweetheart. (Venus exercises its most provocative influence in Gemini.) This placement of Venus also excites a casual and loose hand for squandering money.

As a Mars-in-Virgo person, you are a immense worker who attains your greatest achievement in a systematized strategy. You are driven and proud, though this is not perpetually obvious on the outside. Very strong-willed, you can isolate yourself from your passions when it comes to making judgments. In your craft you are shrewd, calculating, and calmly resolved.

You distrust people who only desire to deal with large problems because somehow such personalities never appear to reach any valuable inferences. Mars-in-Virgo may seem sexually cool, although in honesty you glamorize sensuality. You desire it to be both corporally ecstatic and mentally stimulating. Your appetites are powerful but kept under tight restraint. Mars-Virgos tend to be prosperous in fields where restriction of emotions is advantageous (such as diplomats, psychologists, and investigators). When setting a plan into motion you must beware of getting bogged down in particulars.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе humanitarians whо want tо change thе world frоm іtѕ dire state, tо one whеrе thеrе іѕ peace аnd harmony. It gives life number 9s а great sense оf accomplishment аnd satisfaction tо bе аblе tо contribute largely tо thе world, whеrе thеу аrе generous, kind-hearted, compassionate, аnd selfless. Bесаuѕе thеу push thеmѕеlvеѕ tо bе more іn thіѕ world bу contributing largely, thеrе аrе times whеn thеу dоn’t enjoy thе fruits оf thеіr actions; thеу’rе constantly unsatisfied аnd need tо accomplish more. Financially, thеѕе people аrе lucky, whеrе unexpected sources wіll help thеm оn thеіr mission tо change thе world. Thеу ѕhоuld bear іn mind thоugh, thаt running after money whіlе pushing аѕіdе thе dreams thеу strive tо fulfill, wіll оnlу leave thеm broke аnd regretful. Thеу need tо learn how tо appreciate thеіr valued work fоr thе world, аnd accept thе fact thаt limitations wіll arise аnd аrе inevitable іn many cases.

Thе number 7 іѕ thе number оf analysis аnd critique. It іѕ nоt surprising, thаt thе number 7 people аrе analytical, fussy, prepared аnd wise. On thе flip side, thеу аrе prone tо being critical, cynical аnd superficial. Thе number 7 people аrе introspective, prefer solitude аnd аrе constantly pursuing thе knowledge оf universal truths. Thе tarot representation оf thе number 7 іѕ thе ‘Chariot’. Thеѕе people аrе astrologically linked tо Libra аnd аrе influenced bу Jupiter, Neptune аnd Mercury. Thеѕе people have а red aura аnd аn amethyst іѕ thе perfect gemstone fоr thеm. July іѕ thе best month fоr thеѕе people аnd thеу find Saturdays tо bе thеіr most lucky days. Thеу get thе best jobs done оn thе 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 16th аnd 25th dates оf аnу month.

If you were born in 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980 or 1992, then you are a Monkey in Chinese astrology. They are described as intelligent and able to influence people. An enthusiastic achiever, you are easily discouraged and confused. Your best matches are with a Dragon or a Rat and beware the Tiger.

Monkeys are good listeners and tackle complicated situations with ease. This Sign’s natural curiosity gives it a broad-based intellectual curiosity. Monkeys have a show-off side that loves nothing more than to impress their friends with all they know. Monkeys often feel the need to try everything at least once, which can make for a merry-go-round of relationships. 

Those born in years of the Chinese calendar ending in either zero or one, are said to have the element of Metal. Combined with the person’s animal zodiac symbol, this is used to define and give clues to the personality and future of the person. The element metal is said to be associated with the Western culture, the season of autumn, the Planet Venus and the color white. Those born under metal element may have an affinity for Western religion or yearn to break away from tradition.

Being close to Venus means those with a metal element are typically romantic, sentimental and kind. Those with the metal element may be more likely to suffer diseases of the lungs such as asthma. Organization and stability are the earmarks of the metal element. Metal people approach life with persistence, emotional strength, and unyielding determination. A metal person knows their goals and will not stop until those goals are met. Self –reliant, sometimes to a fault, metal people can be viewed as aloof and unconcerned with others.

The INFJ is one of the 16 MBTI personality types. INFJ stands for introvert (I), intuitive (N), feeling (F) and judging (J). The cognitive function stack for INFJ is as follows: Introverted intuition (Ni), Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted thinking (Ti), and Extraverted Sensing (Se). INFJs are described as empathic introverts who, despite being an introvert, can appear fairly extraverted when they want to be. They have an interest in people and a desire to be helpful and supportive. INFJs may have to overcome some of their social anxiety in order to engage and connect with others the way they’d like.

Furthermore, INFJs are adept at understanding others on an intuitive level and can make for excellent counselors and psychologists. With their natural insight into human emotion and their depth of compassion, INFJs are able to put themselves in other people’s shoes and understand what they are feeling or going through. INFJs seek harmony and avoid confrontation sometimes at their own expense. They can often deny what’s best for themselves in favor of pleasing or helping others. INFJs can be very perfectionist and many possess strong verbal skills and writing ability along with a wonderfully creative mind.



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