Frank Sinatra

Born December 12, 1915
Died May 14, 1998 (age 82)

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Moon Sign: Pisces
Rising Sign: Libra
Chinese Zodiac: Wood Rabbit
Numerology: Life Path 22
Height: Frank Sinatra is 5′ 7″ (1m70) tall
MBTI Type:

Francis Albert Sinatra (December 12, 1915 – May 14, 1998) was an American singer, actor and producer who was one of the most popular and influential musical artists of the 20th century. He is one of the best-selling music artists of all time, having sold more than 150 million records worldwide.

Born to Italian immigrants in Hoboken, New Jersey, Sinatra began his musical career in the swing era with bandleaders Harry James and Tommy Dorsey. Sinatra found success as a solo artist after he signed with Columbia Records in 1943, becoming the idol of the “bobby soxers”. He released his debut album, The Voice of Frank Sinatra, in 1946. But by the early 1950s his professional career had stalled and he turned to Las Vegas, where he became one of its best known residency performers as part of the Rat Pack. His career was reborn in 1953 with the success of From Here to Eternity, with his performance subsequently winning an Oscar and Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor. Sinatra released several critically lauded albums, including In the Wee Small Hours (1955), Songs for Swingin’ Lovers! (1956), Come Fly with Me (1958), Only the Lonely (1958) and Nice ‘n’ Easy (1960).

Frank Sinatra natal chart

Positions of Planets
Sun 19°13′ Sagittarius
Moon 5°07′ Pisces
Mercury 17°10′ Sagittarius
Venus 11°56′ Capricorn
Mars 27°34′ Leo
Jupiter 19°53′ Pisces
Saturn 14°52′ Я Cancer
Uranus 12°48′ Aquarius
Neptune 2°19′ Я Leo
Pluto 2°32′ Я Cancer
Chiron 18°11′ Pisces
Ceres 17°05′ Я Taurus
Pallas 16°45′ Pisces
Juno 13°20′ Scorpio
Vesta 9°19′ Libra
Node 9°21′ Aquarius
Lilith 6°11′ Я Gemini
Fortune 12°28′ Leo
AS 28°22′ Libra
MC 3°35′ Leo

List of Aspects
Neptune Conjunction MC Orb 1°16′
Sun Conjunction Mercury Orb 2°03′
Venus Opposite Saturn Orb 2°56′
Moon Opposite Mars Orb 7°33′
Uranus Opposite MC Orb 9°12′
Venus Opposite Pluto Orb 9°23′
Sun Square Jupiter Orb 0°39′
Mercury Square Jupiter Orb 2°42′
Neptune Square AS Orb 3°56′
Moon Trine Pluto Orb 2°35′
Pluto Trine AS Orb 4°09′
Jupiter Trine Saturn Orb 5°01′
Moon Trine AS Orb 6°44′
Sun Trine Mars Orb 8°21′
Mars Sextile AS Orb 0°48′
Mercury Sextile Uranus Orb 4°22′
Mars Sextile Pluto Orb 4°57′
Moon Inconjunction MC Orb 1°31′
Saturn Inconjunction Uranus Orb 2°03′
Mercury Inconjunction Saturn Orb 2°18′
Moon Inconjunction Neptune Orb 2°48′
Mercury SesquiQuadrate Neptune Orb 0°08′
Sun SesquiQuadrate MC Orb 0°37′
Venus SesquiQuadrate Mars Orb 0°38′
Jupiter SesquiQuadrate MC Orb 1°17′
Mercury SesquiQuadrate MC Orb 1°25′
Sun SesquiQuadrate Neptune Orb 1°54′
Neptune SemiSextile Pluto Orb 0°13′
Venus SemiSextile Uranus Orb 0°52′
Pluto SemiSextile MC Orb 1°03′

Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of energy, versatility, adventure and eagerness to experience the new and different. They enjoy traveling and exploration; they are ambitious and optimistic, even in the face of disappointment.. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice.

They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just, and are prepared to be rebellious. They balance loyalty with independence. Sagittarians are usually modest and are often religious, with a strong sense of morality, though they tend to overemphasize the ethical codes they follow and worship beliefs about God rather than God Himself. This means that, negatively, they regard rigid, unloving, intolerant adherence to ritual and conventional codes as more important than the truths they symbolize or embody. 

Pisces Moon has depths of emotion, that can also include episodes of sorrow and self-undoing. Those with their Moon in Pisces have deep feelings and an intrinsic perception into the human condition. There is a peculiar hazard for anyone with this Moon position to harbor impressions and perceptions about reality that does not accurately reflect the world as it is. Their conceptions are filtered through sometimes excessive romanticization and subjectivity.

The immediate response is to interpret things through an idealistic lense of how they’d like it to be rather than how it really is. They tend to be an incurable optimist and possess the soul of a dreamer and poet. Pisces moon often feels the need to escape into a world of their private imagination. Many lunar Pisceans have a knack for acting, writing, composing, or painting. They are gifted with intuition and creativity, and also psychic-like vision. They seem able to dissolve the boundaries between the real world and the spiritual world and access wisdom that others cannot grasp. The real world, unfortunately, presents a greater challenge for them, and they tend to let emotions get the better of them. 

If you have this position of Mercury you are sharp and clever, jaunty, to the point. You cherish liberty of expression and cannot tolerate the notion of any power of suppression over what you have to say. Your brain is restless, curious, always scanning for stimulation. You may bounce from project to project or switch jobs constantly. Travel is often included in your business. Mercury-Sagittarians never quit learning; yours is a continuous, lifetime enlightenment.

You like to read, examine new ideas, discover other people. You are quick on your feet and can apprehend ideas immediately, but a common failing is your deficiency of attention. Some people determine you too frank and candid, but that feature springs from Sagittarius’s fundamental probity. You never intentionally set out to trick or sham; if you are rude it’s because you don’t think before you speak. Sometimes you find it challenging to finish a long, sustained piece of work.

Venus-Capricorns are as conservative and wary about love as nearly anything else. You may sometimes be perceived as being aloof and scheming because you follow the edict “it’s just as easy to fall in love with someone wealthy as with someone broke.” In truth, this was plausibly said originally by a Venus-Capricorn. However, it is far from representing the entire story. When in love, you are faithful, trustworthy, and steady.

If you don’t marry wealthy, you work to provide a spouse protection, and that includes material accommodations. You may not be affectionate and elegant, but what you say you mean. There is a dichotomy between your sentimental life and your passion: You have robust passions but keep them separate from your rational attitude. You can be sexually connected and disconnected at the same time. Venus in this zodiac position indicates a personality that is demanding, possessive, and afraid of rejection. Once shunned, Venus-Capricorn’s response is total coldness.

With Mars in Leo, there is likely to be a persona that is larger than life. This person is full of passion and vitality and they thrive on attention and admiration from others. They are natural performers who like to show off and strut their stuff. They are good at captivating an audience and being entertaining. Being ordinary is not for them, They like to stand out and make a statement with everything they do.

Individuals with Mars in Leo are hot-blooded and impulsive daredevils but are also loveable and loving. Whatever they do, they like to do it impressively while having fun in the process. Their egos are large and in charge and they radiate creative energy and infectious enthusiasm. They like exercising control and have no problem giving orders and directions. They can come across as a bit bossy and demanding at times. Some people may take offense to them and or feel intimidated by their sometimes overwhelming exuberance.

Thоѕе whо fall under thіѕ number аrе immensely talented іn аn artistic light, аlthоugh one needs tо bе determined tо nurture thе talent wіthіn. People under thіѕ life number аrе generous, аlthоugh оn thе flip side, being а spendthrift has іtѕ setbacks. Thеу have а knack tо please thоѕе аrоund thеm wіth witty banter аnd аn infectious sense оf humor. Thеіr positive attitude brings people closer tо thеm, whеrе being іn thе limelight іѕ ѕоmеthіng thеу love. Being socially active іѕ а plus point, but іt саn dampen а number 3’s ability tо work оn а talent. Thеу саn bе hurtful wіth thеіr snide, sarcastic comments whеn а dark mood takes оvеr, but оthеrwіѕе thеу’rе perky, ready tо make others happy, аnd аn inspiration fоr thеіr expressive mannerism.

Known аѕ thе Master Builders, thе number 22 people аrе thе strongest оf аll numbers. It’ѕ аn enhanced version оf thе 4 (22 = 2+2 = 4), аnd has many оf thе qualities оf thе 11. Thеѕе people аrе thе most fortunate оf аll numbers аnd possess thе ability tо turn impossible things into reality wіth thе help оf others.

Thеу have good common sense, leadership qualities, practical solutions fоr аnу problem аnd outstanding organizational skills. Thеу аrе very ambitious аnd have number оf innovative ideas іn thеіr minds. Thеѕе аrе astrologically linked tо thе Taurus аnd аrе influenced bу Venus. Thе number 22 іѕ ruled bу Earth. Red-gold, beige аnd emerald green аrе lucky colors fоr thеm. Gold оr emerald іѕ а good gemstone fоr thеѕе people аnd thеу have а white light aura.

Timid and attractive, the Rabbits of the Chinese Zodiac tend to act more like bunnies, whether they like it or not! This Sign is extremely popular and has a wide circle of family and friends. Its compassionate nature leads it to be very protective of those it holds dear, but where romance is concerned, the Rabbit’s sentimentality can lead it to idealize relationships. The sweet, sensitive Rabbit often ends up giving more of itself to a partner than is realistic or healthy. The good news is, when this Sign goes off-balance, the Rabbit’s core group of friends and its stable home life help bring it back to center.

Lacking close, supportive friends and family, the Rabbit might just break down in tears at the first sign of conflict. The Rabbit is a rather delicate Sign that needs a solid base in order to thrive. Lacking close, supportive friends and family, the Rabbit might just break down in tears at the first sign of conflict. Emotional upsets in this Sign’s life can even lead to physical illnesses. Rabbits dislike arguments and other conflict and will try anything to avoid a fight; this results in something of a pushover nature. Rabbits can also lapse into pessimism and may seem stuck in life — often to mask their insecure natures. Rabbits tend to move through life’s lessons at their own, rather contemplative pace; it’s a waste of time to become exasperated with this Sign’s seeming disinterest in facing its problems and conquering them.

The element of Wood represents the direction East. Those who are born with this element tend to yearn for stability and tradition. In China, wood is also associated with bamboo. Bamboo, of course, is a strong, flexible, and long shoot which grows in marsh areas. It follows then, that wood people are flexible, emotionally strong and dependable. A wood person will stick with you through good and bad times, unwavering of their support.

Wood people are interested in social issues and strive to leave the poor and helpless of our world with a sense of independence and change. Although, they can be idealistic and that trait can be the cause of emotional angst when plans don’t follow the perfect path. Wood people do well in social work or working with children. Working with others is easy for wood people, as they truly enjoy the process of cooperation and compromise. Generous and warm, wood people spread happiness, confidence and joy wherever they go.

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